System Operations - Lab 1: Creating Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) Instances (Linux) - 2.5
================================================================================================================== Using this command reference. ================================================================================================================== 1. Locate the section you need. Each section in this file matches a section in the lab instructions. 2. Replace items in angle brackets - < > - with appropriate values. For example, in this command you would replace the value - <JobFlowID> - (including the brackets) with the parameter indicated in the lab instructions: elastic-mapreduce --list <JobFlowID>. You can also use find and replace to change bracketed parameters in bulk. 3. Do NOT enable the Word Wrap feature in Windows Notepad or the text editor you use to view this file. ++++1. Creating Instances++++ ==================================================================================================================
1.2 Create Command Host
================================================================================================================== 1.2.8 Paste text into user data textbox #!/bin/bash
yum update -y ==================================================================================================================
1.6 Create Web Server
================================================================================================================== 1.6.1 Save user data wget 1.6.2 Run command to create Web server instance aws ec2 run-instances --image-id <ami-id> --user-data file:///home/ec2-user/UserData.txt --key-name <key-name> --security-group-ids <sg-id> --instance-type t2.micro --subnet-id <subnet-id> --associate-public-ip-address --query 'Instances[*].InstanceId' 1.6.3 Assign Name tag to instance aws ec2 create-tags --resources <instance_id> --tags 'Key=Name,Value=WebServer' 1.6.4 Verify instance created successfully aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids <instance_id> 1.6.5 See the value of just the State field aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids <instance_id> --query 'Reservations[0].Instances[0].State.Name' ==================================================================================================================
1.7 Verify Your Web Server
================================================================================================================== 1.7.1 Query the value of the PublicDnsName of your instance aws ec2 describe-instances --instance-ids <instance_id> --query 'Reservations[0].Instances[0].PublicDnsName' ++++2. Challenge Solutions - Fixing the Web Server Installation++++ ==================================================================================================================
2.2 Fixing the Web Server Installation
================================================================================================================== 2.2.1 Check the status of your HTTP server service httpd status 2.2.2 Examine the user data supplied to this instance curl 2.2.4 Start your Web server manually sudo service httpd start © 2016 Amazon Web Services, Inc. or its affiliates. All rights reserved.



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