Class containerClass = loader.loadClass("org.jivesoftware.openfire.XMPPServer");
- 初始化配置参数
- 检查是否需要安装
- 初始化Module
- 启动统计模块
- 启动plugin
if (!setupMode) {
// First load all the modules so that modules may access other modules while
// being initialized
// Initize all the modules
// Start all the modules
public interface Module { /**
* Returns the name of the module for display in administration interfaces.
* @return The name of the module.
String getName(); /**
* Initialize the module with the container.
* Modules may be initialized and never started, so modules
* should be prepared for a call to destroy() to follow initialize().
* @param server the server hosting this module.
void initialize(XMPPServer server); /**
* Start the module (must return quickly). Any long running
* operations should spawn a thread and allow the method to return
* immediately.
void start(); /**
* Stop the module. The module should attempt to free up threads
* and prepare for either another call to initialize (reconfigure the module)
* or for destruction.
void stop(); /**
* Module should free all resources and prepare for deallocation.
void destroy();
// Load this module always last since we don't want to start listening for clients
// before the rest of the modules have been started
private final ConnectionListener clientListener;
private final ConnectionListener clientSslListener;
private final ConnectionListener boshListener;
private final ConnectionListener boshSslListener;
private final ConnectionListener serverListener;
private final ConnectionListener componentListener;
private final ConnectionListener componentSslListener;
private final ConnectionListener connectionManagerListener; // Also known as 'multiplexer'
private final ConnectionListener connectionManagerSslListener; // Also known as 'multiplexer'
private final ConnectionListener webAdminListener;
private final ConnectionListener webAdminSslListener;
- client:表示客户端连接
- bosh:就是HTTP绑定的连接
- server:服务器到服务器的socket连接
- component:组件到服务器的连接
- connectionManager:是指通过connectionManager连接器过来的连接
- webAdmin:是指web控制台的连接
if ( getType() == ConnectionType.SOCKET_S2S )
connectionAcceptor = new LegacyConnectionAcceptor( generateConnectionConfiguration() );
connectionAcceptor = new MINAConnectionAcceptor( generateConnectionConfiguration() );
StanzaHandler createStanzaHandler(NIOConnection connection) {
return new ClientStanzaHandler(XMPPServer.getInstance().getPacketRouter(), connection);
public void sessionOpened(IoSession session) throws Exception {
// Create a new XML parser for the new connection. The parser will be used by the XMPPDecoder filter.
final XMLLightweightParser parser = new XMLLightweightParser(StandardCharsets.UTF_8);
session.setAttribute(XML_PARSER, parser);
// Create a new NIOConnection for the new session
final NIOConnection connection = createNIOConnection(session);
session.setAttribute(CONNECTION, connection);
session.setAttribute(HANDLER, createStanzaHandler(connection));
// Set the max time a connection can be idle before closing it. This amount of seconds
// is divided in two, as Openfire will ping idle clients first (at 50% of the max idle time)
// before disconnecting them (at 100% of the max idle time). This prevents Openfire from
// removing connections without warning.
final int idleTime = getMaxIdleTime() / 2;
if (idleTime > 0) {
session.getConfig().setIdleTime(IdleStatus.READER_IDLE, idleTime);
public void messageReceived(IoSession session, Object message) throws Exception {
// Get the stanza handler for this session
StanzaHandler handler = (StanzaHandler) session.getAttribute(HANDLER);
// Get the parser to use to process stanza. For optimization there is going
// to be a parser for each running thread. Each Filter will be executed
// by the Executor placed as the first Filter. So we can have a parser associated
// to each Thread
final XMPPPacketReader parser = PARSER_CACHE.get();
// Update counter of read btyes
//System.out.println("RCVD: " + message);
// Let the stanza handler process the received stanza
try {
handler.process((String) message, parser);
} catch (Exception e) {
Log.error("Closing connection due to error while processing message: " + message, e);
final Connection connection = (Connection) session.getAttribute(CONNECTION);
if ( connection != null ) {
} }
public void process(String stanza, XMPPPacketReader reader) throws Exception { boolean initialStream = stanza.startsWith("<stream:stream") || stanza.startsWith("<flash:stream");
if (!sessionCreated || initialStream) {
if (!initialStream) {
// Found an stream:stream tag...
if (!sessionCreated) {
sessionCreated = true;
MXParser parser = reader.getXPPParser();
parser.setInput(new StringReader(stanza));
boolean createSession(String namespace, String serverName, XmlPullParser xpp, Connection connection)
throws XmlPullParserException {
if ("jabber:client".equals(namespace)) {
// The connected client is a regular client so create a ClientSession
session = LocalClientSession.createSession(serverName, xpp, connection);
return true;
return false;
public ClientSession getSession(JID from) {
// Return null if the JID is null or belongs to a foreign server. If the server is
// shutting down then serverName will be null so answer null too in this case.
if (from == null || serverName == null || !serverName.equals(from.getDomain())) {
return null;
} // Initially Check preAuthenticated Sessions
if (from.getResource() != null) {
ClientSession session = localSessionManager.getPreAuthenticatedSessions().get(from.getResource());
if (session != null) {
return session;
} if (from.getResource() == null || from.getNode() == null) {
return null;
} return routingTable.getClientRoute(from);
public ClientSession getClientRoute(JID jid) {
// Check if this session is hosted by this cluster node
ClientSession session = (ClientSession) localRoutingTable.getRoute(jid.toString());
if (session == null) {
// The session is not in this JVM so assume remote
RemoteSessionLocator locator = server.getRemoteSessionLocator();
if (locator != null) {
// Check if the session is hosted by other cluster node
ClientRoute route = usersCache.get(jid.toString());
if (route == null) {
route = anonymousUsersCache.get(jid.toString());
if (route != null) {
session = locator.getClientSession(route.getNodeID().toByteArray(), jid);
return session;
public Collection<ClientSession> getSessions() {
return routingTable.getClientsRoutes(false);
public Collection<ClientSession> getClientsRoutes(boolean onlyLocal) {
// Add sessions hosted by this cluster node
Collection<ClientSession> sessions = new ArrayList<ClientSession>(localRoutingTable.getClientRoutes());
if (!onlyLocal) {
// Add sessions not hosted by this JVM
RemoteSessionLocator locator = server.getRemoteSessionLocator();
if (locator != null) {
// Add sessions of non-anonymous users hosted by other cluster nodes
for (Map.Entry<String, ClientRoute> entry : usersCache.entrySet()) {
ClientRoute route = entry.getValue();
if (!server.getNodeID().equals(route.getNodeID())) {
sessions.add(locator.getClientSession(route.getNodeID().toByteArray(), new JID(entry.getKey())));
// Add sessions of anonymous users hosted by other cluster nodes
for (Map.Entry<String, ClientRoute> entry : anonymousUsersCache.entrySet()) {
ClientRoute route = entry.getValue();
if (!server.getNodeID().equals(route.getNodeID())) {
sessions.add(locator.getClientSession(route.getNodeID().toByteArray(), new JID(entry.getKey())));
return sessions;
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