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第15组:JL17110067 隆晋威 PB16120853 赵瑞
status | stages | 预估耗时 | 实际耗时 |
Accepted | make plan | 20 min | 20 min |
Accepted | demand analysis | 40 min | 40 min |
Accepted | analysis | 45 min | 90 min |
Accepted | code | 3 hours | 5 hours |
Accepted | test | 2 hours | 3 hours |
Accepted | report | 1 hours | 2 hours |
Sum | 8 hours | 12 hours |
像《构建之法》的人物阿超那样,写一个能自动生成小学四则运算题目并给出答案的命令行 “软件”, 如果我们要把这个功能放到不同的环境中去(例如,命令行,Windows 图形界面程序,网页程序,手机App),就会碰到困难,因为目前代码的普遍问题是代码都散落在main ( )函数或者其他子函数中,我们很难把这些功能完整地剥离出来,作为一个独立的模块满足不同的需求。
function:x1void setting(
2int max_opearators, //操作数的数目最大值
3long max_range, //中间结果和结果的范围,如果是分数,只限制分母和最后结果的值
4int precision, //精度
5int has_fraction, //是否含有分数,1:含有,0:不含有分数
6int has_real) //是否含有小数,1:含有,0:不含有1
9if (max_opearators != -1) global_setting.max_opearators = max_opearators;
10if (max_range != -1) global_setting.max_range = max_range;
11if (precision != -1) global_setting.precision = precision;
12if (has_fraction != -1) global_setting.has_fraction = has_fraction;
13if (has_real != -1) global_setting.has_real = has_real;
14global_setting.max_num = max_range / 10;
11void generate(string* question, string* answer);
string* answer
我们首先定义了 fraction 类,这是分数类,用于符号计算。
xxxxxxxxxx101class fraction {2public:3long numerator, denominator;4void reduction() ;5fraction operator + (const fraction x) const;6fraction operator - (const fraction& x) const;7fraction operator * (const fraction& x) const;8fraction operator / (const fraction& x) const;9fraction operator ^ (fraction x) const;10};
fraction 类里面重载了各个运算函数,并在每次计算结束之后通过类中的reduction()
然后定义了一些工具函数,如输出函数,判断是否是无效值的函数 is_bad_value
xxxxxxxxxx21bool is_bad_value(const fraction& x);2bool is_bad_value(const double& x);
是一个判断值是否是坏值的函数。坏值在除零异常时可能会出现,在值超出范围的时候也会出现。坏值具有传递性,坏值和任何值运算的结果都是坏值。这种设计方式的灵感来自函数式语言中的 Maybe Monad
,下面放一下fraction operator / (const fraction x) const;
xxxxxxxxxx171fraction operator / (const fraction& x) const {2if (is_bad_value(*this))return *this;3if (is_bad_value(x))return x;4fraction stan_bad_value(1, 0);5if (x.numerator == 0) {6return stan_bad_value;7}8fraction result;9result.numerator = this->numerator * x.denominator;10result.denominator = this->denominator * x.numerator;11result.reduction();12if (is_bad_value(result)) {13result.numerator = 1;14result.denominator = 0;15}16return result;17}
xxxxxxxxxx301enum ASTNodeType { TYPE_ADD = 0, TYPE_MINUS = 1, TYPE_MUL = 2, TYPE_DIV = 3, TYPE_POWER = 4, TYPE_FRACTION = 5, TYPE_DOUBLE = 6 };23struct ASTNode;45union NodeData {6fraction frac;7double real;8pair<ASTNode*, ASTNode*> node;910NodeData() {11real = 0;12}13};1415struct ASTNode {16ASTNodeType type;17NodeData data;1819ASTNode() {20type = TYPE_DOUBLE;21}2223~ASTNode() {24if (type != TYPE_FRACTION && type != TYPE_DOUBLE) {25delete data.node.first;26delete data.node.second;27}28}29};30
每一个抽象语法树的节点都包含两个字段,一个是 type,一个是 data。type 的类型是一个枚举值,data 是一个 union 联合体。这种做法的灵感也来自函数式语言。在表示抽象语法树时,tagged union
是一种很好的方式。但因为不确定能不能使用 c++17,所以我们并没有用类型安全的 std::variant
,而是使用了自己定义的tagged union
xxxxxxxxxx21ASTNode* random_value(cal_mode mode);2ASTNode* random_ast(cal_mode mode);
这两个函数产生随机值和随机抽象语法树,根据 setting 的规则产生合适的表达式树。
xxxxxxxxxx641inline ASTNode* random_value(cal_mode mode) {2ASTNode* node = new ASTNode();3int m, n;4switch (mode) {5case MODE_FRACTION:6node->type = TYPE_FRACTION;7m = rand() % (global_setting.max_num - 1) + 1;8n = rand() % (m * 5);9if (global_setting.has_fraction) {10node->data.frac = fraction(n, m);11}12else {13node->data.frac = fraction(m);14}15break;1617case MODE_REAL:18node->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;19double base = pow(10, global_setting.precision);20node->data.real = floor((rand() / (double)RAND_MAX)*global_setting.max_num*base) / base;21break;22}23return node;24}2526ASTNode* random_ast(cal_mode mode) {27int n = global_setting.max_opearators <= 1 ? 1 : rand() % (global_setting.max_opearators - 1) + 1;28ASTNode* num1 = random_value(mode);29for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) {30ASTNode* num2 = random_value(mode);31if (rand() % 2) swap(num1, num2);32int r = rand() % 17;33ASTNode* new_node = new ASTNode();343536if (r-- == 16 && (num2->type == TYPE_FRACTION || num2->type == TYPE_FRACTION) && (num1->type != TYPE_POWER) && global_setting.has_power) {37if (mode == MODE_FRACTION) num2->data.frac = fraction(rand() % 4 + 1);38else num2->data.real = rand() % 2 + 2;3940new_node->type = TYPE_POWER;41new_node->data.node.first = num1;42new_node->data.node.second = num2;43}44else {45if (global_setting.has_mul_div) {46new_node->type = (ASTNodeType)(r / 4);47if (mode == MODE_FRACTION && !global_setting.has_fraction) {48r = rand() % 10;49if (r-- == 9) new_node->type = TYPE_DIV;50else new_node->type = (ASTNodeType)(r / 3);51}52}53else {54new_node->type = (ASTNodeType)(r / 8);55}56new_node->data.node.first = num1;57new_node->data.node.second = num2;58}5960num1 = new_node;61}62return num1;63}64
xxxxxxxxxx21ASTNode* calc_asttree(ASTNode* root);2ASTNode* ast_eval(ASTNode* root);
xxxxxxxxxx1661long long hash_value;2ASTNode* calc_asttree(ASTNode* root) {3ASTNode* result = new ASTNode();4result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;5result->data.frac;6ASTNode* temp_a = new ASTNode();7ASTNode* temp_b = new ASTNode();8switch (root->type) {9case TYPE_FRACTION:10result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;11result->data.frac = root->data.frac;12break;13case TYPE_DOUBLE:14result->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;15result->data.real = root->data.real;16break;17case TYPE_ADD:18temp_a = calc_asttree(root->data.node.first);19temp_b = calc_asttree(root->data.node.second);20if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION && temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {21result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;22result->data.frac = temp_a->data.frac + temp_b->data.frac;23}24else {25result->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;26double a, b;27if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {28a = (double)temp_a->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_a->data.frac.denominator;29}30else if (temp_a->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {31a = temp_a->data.real;32}33if (temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {34b = (double)temp_b->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_b->data.frac.denominator;35}36else if (temp_b->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {37b = temp_b->data.real;38}39result->data.real = is_bad_value(a) || is_bad_value(b) ? INFINITY : (a + b);40}41break;42case TYPE_MINUS:43temp_a = calc_asttree(root->data.node.first);44temp_b = calc_asttree(root->data.node.second);45if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION && temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {46result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;47result->data.frac = temp_a->data.frac - temp_b->data.frac;4849}50else {51result->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;52double a, b;53if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {54a = (double)temp_a->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_a->data.frac.denominator;55}56else if (temp_a->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {57a = temp_a->data.real;58}59if (temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {60b = (double)temp_b->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_b->data.frac.denominator;61}62else if (temp_b->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {63b = temp_b->data.real;64}65result->data.real = is_bad_value(a) || is_bad_value(b) ? INFINITY : (a - b);66}67break;68case TYPE_MUL:69temp_a = calc_asttree(root->data.node.first);70temp_b = calc_asttree(root->data.node.second);71if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION && temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {72result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;73result->data.frac = temp_a->data.frac * temp_b->data.frac;7475}76else {77result->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;78double a, b;79if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {80a = (double)temp_a->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_a->data.frac.denominator;81}82else if (temp_a->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {83a = temp_a->data.real;84}85if (temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {86b = (double)temp_b->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_b->data.frac.denominator;87}88else if (temp_b->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {89b = temp_b->data.real;90}91result->data.real = is_bad_value(a) || is_bad_value(b) ? INFINITY : (a*b);92}93break;94case TYPE_DIV:95temp_a = calc_asttree(root->data.node.first);96temp_b = calc_asttree(root->data.node.second);97if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION && temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {98result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;99result->data.frac = temp_a->data.frac / temp_b->data.frac;100101}102else {103result->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;104double a, b;105if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {106a = (double)temp_a->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_a->data.frac.denominator;107}108else if (temp_a->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {109a = temp_a->data.real;110}111if (temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {112b = (double)temp_b->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_b->data.frac.denominator;113}114else if (temp_b->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {115b = temp_b->data.real;116}117result->data.real = is_bad_value(a) || is_bad_value(b) || fabs(b) <= 1e-3 ? INFINITY : (a / b);118}119break;120case TYPE_POWER:121temp_a = calc_asttree(root->data.node.first);122temp_b = calc_asttree(root->data.node.second);123if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION && temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {124result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;125result->data.frac = temp_a->data.frac ^ temp_b->data.frac;126127}128else {129result->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;130double a, b;131if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {132a = (double)temp_a->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_a->data.frac.denominator;133}134else if (temp_a->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {135a = temp_a->data.real;136}137if (temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {138b = (double)temp_b->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_b->data.frac.denominator;139}140else if (temp_b->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {141b = temp_b->data.real;142}143result->data.real = is_bad_value(a) || is_bad_value(b) ? INFINITY : powl(a, b);144}145break;146}147long long value = (long long)(root->type == TYPE_FRACTION ? (root->data.frac.numerator / (double)root->data.frac.denominator) : root->data.real);148hash_value = (hash_value * 19260817 + value) % (long long)(1e9 + 7);149delete temp_a;150delete temp_b;151if (result->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {152if ( (result->data.frac.denominator > global_setting.max_range*100 || result->data.frac.numerator < 0) ||153(result->data.frac.denominator != 1 && !global_setting.has_fraction)) {154result->data.frac.numerator = 1;155result->data.frac.denominator = 0;156}157} else if (result->type == TYPE_DOUBLE && (result->data.real <0|| result->data.real>global_setting.max_range*10)) {158result->data.real = INFINITY;159}160return result;161}162163ASTNode* ast_eval(ASTNode* root) {164hash_value = 0;165return calc_asttree(root);166}
是调用 calc_asttree
的函数,它先把 hash_code
设为0,然后调用 calc_asttree
递归计算的过程中会产生一个操作序列,这个序列可以刻画当前表达式的特征,例如 1+2+3,在计算过程中产生的序列是 1+2=3, 3+3 =6,3+(2+1) 在计算过程中产生的序列为 2+1=3,3+3=6。若定义两个序列等价当前仅当序列中每个算式在交换律意义下等价。可以发现,题目要求的 “重复” 条件与计算序列的等价条件是等价的。因此,我们可以用计算序列来去重。
xxxxxxxxxx131/*2* Expr := AddExpr | Expr + AddExpr3* AddExpr := MulExpr | AddExpr * MulExpr4* MulExpr := PowExpr | MulExpr ^ PowExpr5* PowExpr := Number | (Expr)6*/7enum ExprType { EXPR_EXPR, EXPR_ADDEXPR, EXPR_MULEXPR, EXPR_POWEXPR };89void ast_output_expr(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss);10void ast_output_addexpr(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss);11void ast_output_mulexpr(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss);12void ast_output_powexpr(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss);13void ast_output_number(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss);
注释中的内容是我们的计算表达式的 BNF 范式。由语法产生式,我们可以很容易地写出以上递归函数,并通过函数间的互相调用完成对表达式的输出,这种输出方式不会产生多余的括号。
xxxxxxxxxx11void generate(string* question, string* answer);
generate 函数生成题目和答案。它先调用 random_ast
特别值得一提的是我们的 main
xxxxxxxxxx181int main() {2FILE* file = NULL;3const long long test_num = 100000;4const long long test_groups = 100;5for (long long i = 0; i<test_num; i++) {6if (i % (test_num / test_groups) == 0) {7stringstream ss;8ss << "test" << i / (test_num / test_groups) << ".py";9if (file) fclose(file);10file = fopen(ss.str().c_str(), "w");11}12string que, ans;13generate(&que, &ans);14fprintf(file, "assert(%lld>=0 and abs((%s)-(%s))<5e-2)\n", i, que.c_str(), ans.c_str());15}16fclose(file);17return 0;18}
它为每一组数据生成了一行 python 代码,是一句断言。只要断言成立,这组数据就是正确的。只需要简单改改更改参数,我们就可以获得很多组数据,并能通过脚本进行自动测试。
xxxxxxxxxx111import os2import time3os.system("g++ core.cpp -O2 -g")4print("compile done.")5time.sleep(1);6os.system("./a.out")7time.sleep(1);8print("generate done.")9for i in range(0,100):10os.system("pypy test%d.py" % i)11print("test%d done." % i)
发布前,我们组一共测试了 500万 组数据,均没有出错。
- bug原因:我们俩搞错了乘方和乘法的运算优先级,
- 这个不太容易避免,出错了时候我们还疑问到底该先算乘方还是从左到右乘
- 大概四十分钟,找到错误样例,研究错误样例就可以了,发现了是逻辑错误,那么改代码就可以了。
- bug原因:分数运算的中间结果分子溢出了long long的范围
- 这个bug是在写函数时候错误的估计了可能用到的范围,没有加强函数的鲁棒性。
- 调试方法:用错误样例逐步测试,观察中间结果。
- 这种鲁棒性的东西,该加还是加上,尽量不要假设前提。
结对编程过程中学习的速度时迅速的,这一次结对编程我向隆晋威同学学到了很多,比如代码规范,GitHub的使用和visual studio code的使用,还有用脚本来测试程序。
1/*2* core.cpp3* author:4* PB16120853 赵瑞5* JL17110067 隆晋威6* date:7* 2018/4/58*/9#define CORE15_API10#define TEST1112#include <iostream>13#include <string>14#include <cstdio>15#include <tuple>16#include <cmath>17#include <sstream>18#include <set>1920using namespace std;2122/*23* global setting24*/25struct settings {26int max_opearators = 5;27long max_num = 100; // max_range / 1028long max_range = 1000;29int precision = 2;30bool has_fraction = true;31bool has_real = true;32bool has_mul_div = true;33bool has_power = true;34};35settings global_setting;363738/*39* fraction40*/41class fraction;42bool is_bad_value(const fraction& x);43bool is_bad_value(const double& x);44454647class fraction {48private:49long gcd(long u, long v) {50if (!(u&&v)) {51return 1;52}53while (v != 0) {54long r = u % v;55u = v;56v = r;57}58return u;59}60public:61long numerator, denominator;626364fraction(long m = 1, long n = 1) {65this->numerator = m;66this->denominator = n;67this->reduction();68}6970void reduction() {71long x = gcd(this->numerator, this->denominator);72if ((llabs(this->denominator) > global_setting.max_range) || (llabs(this->numerator) > global_setting.max_range)) {73this->numerator = 1;74this->denominator = 0;75x = 1;76}77this->numerator /= x;78this->denominator /= x;79if (this->denominator < 0) {80this->numerator *= -1;81this->denominator *= -1;82}83if (!this->numerator) {84this->denominator = 1;85}86if (!this->denominator) {87this->numerator = 1;88}89if ((abs(this->denominator)>global_setting.max_range) || (abs(this->numerator) > global_setting.max_range)) {90this->numerator = 1;91this->denominator = 0;92}93return;94}9596fraction operator + (const fraction x) const {97if (is_bad_value(*this))return *this;98if (is_bad_value(x))return x;99fraction result;100result.numerator = this->numerator * x.denominator + this->denominator * x.numerator;101result.denominator = this->denominator * x.denominator;102result.reduction();103return result;104}105106107fraction operator - (const fraction& x) const {108if (is_bad_value(*this))return *this;109if (is_bad_value(x))return x;110fraction result;111result.numerator = this->numerator * x.denominator - this->denominator * x.numerator;112result.denominator = this->denominator * x.denominator;113result.reduction();114return result;115}116117fraction operator * (const fraction& x) const {118if (is_bad_value(*this))return *this;119if (is_bad_value(x))return x;120fraction result;121result.numerator = this->numerator * x.numerator;122result.denominator = this->denominator * x.denominator;123result.reduction();124return result;125}126127fraction operator / (const fraction& x) const {128if (is_bad_value(*this))return *this;129if (is_bad_value(x))return x;130fraction stan_bad_value(1, 0);131if (x.numerator == 0) {132return stan_bad_value;133}134fraction result;135result.numerator = this->numerator * x.denominator;136result.denominator = this->denominator * x.numerator;137result.reduction();138if (is_bad_value(result)) {139result.numerator = 1;140result.denominator = 0;141}142return result;143}144145fraction operator ^ (fraction x) const {146if (is_bad_value(*this))return *this;147if (is_bad_value(x))return x;148149x.reduction();150if (x.denominator != 1) {151fraction bad_value;152bad_value.numerator = 1;153bad_value.denominator = 0;154return bad_value;155}156long index = x.numerator;157158fraction result;159result.numerator = (long)powl(this->numerator, abs(index));160result.denominator = (long)powl(this->denominator, abs(index));161if (index < 0) {162long temp;163temp = result.numerator;164result.numerator = result.denominator;165result.denominator = temp;166}167result.reduction();168return result;169}170};171172ostream& operator << (ostream& out, const fraction& frac) {173#ifdef DEBUG174out << '(' << frac.numerator << ".0/" << frac.denominator << ".0)";175return out;176#else177long long n = frac.numerator;178long long d = frac.denominator;179long long integer = n / d;180long long f = n % d;181182if (f == 0) {183out << integer;184}185else {186if (integer) {187out << integer << '\'' << f << '/' << d;188}189else {190out << f << '/' << d;191}192}193return out;194195#endif196}197198/*199* unit test for fraction200*/201void fraction_test() {202fraction a(1, 0), b(0, 1), c(2, 3), d(5, 6), e(8, 4), g(18, 9);203fraction x;204x = a + b;205x = a * b;206x = a - b;207x = a / b;208x = a / c;209x = a + c;210x = a * c;211x = a - c;212x = b + c;213x = b - c;214x = b * c;215x = b / c;216x = c * d;217x = c / d;218x = c + d;219x = c - d;220x = a ^ b;221x = a ^ c;222x = a ^ d;223x = a ^ e;224x = a ^ g;225x = b ^ c;226x = b ^ a;227x = b ^ d;228x = b ^ e;229x = b ^ g;230x = e * g;231x = e - g;232x = e + g;233x = e / g;234}235236/*237* is_bad_value238*/239bool is_bad_value(const fraction& x) {240if (!x.denominator) {241return true;242}243else {244return false;245}246}247248bool is_bad_value(const double& x) {249// todo: error250if (isnan(x) || isinf(x)) {251return true;252}253else {254return false;255}256}257258/*259* AST260*/261enum ASTNodeType { TYPE_ADD = 0, TYPE_MINUS = 1, TYPE_MUL = 2, TYPE_DIV = 3, TYPE_POWER = 4, TYPE_FRACTION = 5, TYPE_DOUBLE = 6 };262263struct ASTNode;264265union NodeData {266fraction frac;267double real;268pair<ASTNode*, ASTNode*> node;269270NodeData() {271real = 0;272}273};274275struct ASTNode {276ASTNodeType type;277NodeData data;278279ASTNode() {280type = TYPE_DOUBLE;281}282283~ASTNode() {284if (type != TYPE_FRACTION && type != TYPE_DOUBLE) {285delete data.node.first;286delete data.node.second;287}288}289};290291292293/*294* random ast295*/296enum cal_mode { MODE_FRACTION, MODE_REAL };297298inline ASTNode* random_value(cal_mode mode) {299ASTNode* node = new ASTNode();300int m, n;301switch (mode) {302case MODE_FRACTION:303node->type = TYPE_FRACTION;304m = rand() % (global_setting.max_num - 1) + 1;305n = rand() % (m * 5);306if (global_setting.has_fraction) {307node->data.frac = fraction(n, m);308}309else {310node->data.frac = fraction(m);311}312break;313314case MODE_REAL:315node->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;316double base = pow(10, global_setting.precision);317node->data.real = floor((rand() / (double)RAND_MAX)*global_setting.max_num*base) / base;318break;319}320return node;321}322323ASTNode* random_ast(cal_mode mode) {324int n = global_setting.max_opearators <= 1 ? 1 : rand() % (global_setting.max_opearators - 1) + 1;325ASTNode* num1 = random_value(mode);326for (int i = 0; i<n; i++) {327ASTNode* num2 = random_value(mode);328if (rand() % 2) swap(num1, num2);329int r = rand() % 17;330ASTNode* new_node = new ASTNode();331332333if (r-- == 16 && (num2->type == TYPE_FRACTION || num2->type == TYPE_FRACTION) && (num1->type != TYPE_POWER) && global_setting.has_power) {334if (mode == MODE_FRACTION) num2->data.frac = fraction(rand() % 4 + 1);335else num2->data.real = rand() % 2 + 2;336337new_node->type = TYPE_POWER;338new_node->data.node.first = num1;339new_node->data.node.second = num2;340}341else {342if (global_setting.has_mul_div) {343new_node->type = (ASTNodeType)(r / 4);344if (mode == MODE_FRACTION && !global_setting.has_fraction) {345r = rand() % 10;346if (r-- == 9) new_node->type = TYPE_DIV;347else new_node->type = (ASTNodeType)(r / 3);348}349}350else {351new_node->type = (ASTNodeType)(r / 8);352}353new_node->data.node.first = num1;354new_node->data.node.second = num2;355}356357num1 = new_node;358}359return num1;360}361362363long long hash_value;364ASTNode* calc_asttree(ASTNode* root) {365ASTNode* result = new ASTNode();366result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;367result->data.frac;368ASTNode* temp_a = new ASTNode();369ASTNode* temp_b = new ASTNode();370switch (root->type) {371case TYPE_FRACTION:372result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;373result->data.frac = root->data.frac;374break;375case TYPE_DOUBLE:376result->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;377result->data.real = root->data.real;378break;379case TYPE_ADD:380temp_a = calc_asttree(root->data.node.first);381temp_b = calc_asttree(root->data.node.second);382if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION && temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {383result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;384result->data.frac = temp_a->data.frac + temp_b->data.frac;385}386else {387result->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;388double a, b;389if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {390a = (double)temp_a->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_a->data.frac.denominator;391}392else if (temp_a->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {393a = temp_a->data.real;394}395if (temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {396b = (double)temp_b->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_b->data.frac.denominator;397}398else if (temp_b->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {399b = temp_b->data.real;400}401result->data.real = is_bad_value(a) || is_bad_value(b) ? INFINITY : (a + b);402}403break;404case TYPE_MINUS:405temp_a = calc_asttree(root->data.node.first);406temp_b = calc_asttree(root->data.node.second);407if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION && temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {408result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;409result->data.frac = temp_a->data.frac - temp_b->data.frac;410411}412else {413result->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;414double a, b;415if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {416a = (double)temp_a->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_a->data.frac.denominator;417}418else if (temp_a->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {419a = temp_a->data.real;420}421if (temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {422b = (double)temp_b->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_b->data.frac.denominator;423}424else if (temp_b->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {425b = temp_b->data.real;426}427result->data.real = is_bad_value(a) || is_bad_value(b) ? INFINITY : (a - b);428}429break;430case TYPE_MUL:431temp_a = calc_asttree(root->data.node.first);432temp_b = calc_asttree(root->data.node.second);433if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION && temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {434result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;435result->data.frac = temp_a->data.frac * temp_b->data.frac;436437}438else {439result->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;440double a, b;441if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {442a = (double)temp_a->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_a->data.frac.denominator;443}444else if (temp_a->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {445a = temp_a->data.real;446}447if (temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {448b = (double)temp_b->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_b->data.frac.denominator;449}450else if (temp_b->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {451b = temp_b->data.real;452}453result->data.real = is_bad_value(a) || is_bad_value(b) ? INFINITY : (a*b);454}455break;456case TYPE_DIV:457temp_a = calc_asttree(root->data.node.first);458temp_b = calc_asttree(root->data.node.second);459if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION && temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {460result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;461result->data.frac = temp_a->data.frac / temp_b->data.frac;462463}464else {465result->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;466double a, b;467if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {468a = (double)temp_a->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_a->data.frac.denominator;469}470else if (temp_a->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {471a = temp_a->data.real;472}473if (temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {474b = (double)temp_b->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_b->data.frac.denominator;475}476else if (temp_b->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {477b = temp_b->data.real;478}479result->data.real = is_bad_value(a) || is_bad_value(b) || fabs(b) <= 1e-3 ? INFINITY : (a / b);480}481break;482case TYPE_POWER:483temp_a = calc_asttree(root->data.node.first);484temp_b = calc_asttree(root->data.node.second);485if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION && temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {486result->type = TYPE_FRACTION;487result->data.frac = temp_a->data.frac ^ temp_b->data.frac;488489}490else {491result->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;492double a, b;493if (temp_a->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {494a = (double)temp_a->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_a->data.frac.denominator;495}496else if (temp_a->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {497a = temp_a->data.real;498}499if (temp_b->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {500b = (double)temp_b->data.frac.numerator / (double)temp_b->data.frac.denominator;501}502else if (temp_b->type == TYPE_DOUBLE) {503b = temp_b->data.real;504}505result->data.real = is_bad_value(a) || is_bad_value(b) ? INFINITY : powl(a, b);506}507break;508}509long long value = (long long)(root->type == TYPE_FRACTION ? (root->data.frac.numerator / (double)root->data.frac.denominator) : root->data.real);510hash_value = (hash_value * 19260817 + value) % (long long)(1e9 + 7);511delete temp_a;512delete temp_b;513if (result->type == TYPE_FRACTION) {514if ( (result->data.frac.denominator > global_setting.max_range*100 || result->data.frac.numerator < 0) ||515(result->data.frac.denominator != 1 && !global_setting.has_fraction)) {516result->data.frac.numerator = 1;517result->data.frac.denominator = 0;518}519} else if (result->type == TYPE_DOUBLE && (result->data.real <0|| result->data.real>global_setting.max_range*10)) {520result->data.real = INFINITY;521}522return result;523}524525ASTNode* ast_eval(ASTNode* root) {526hash_value = 0;527return calc_asttree(root);528}529530/*531* Expr := AddExpr | Expr + AddExpr532* AddExpr := MulExpr | AddExpr * MulExpr533* MulExpr := PowExpr | MulExpr ^ PowExpr534* PowExpr := Number | (Expr)535*/536enum ExprType { EXPR_EXPR, EXPR_ADDEXPR, EXPR_MULEXPR, EXPR_POWEXPR };537538void ast_output_expr(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss);539void ast_output_addexpr(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss);540void ast_output_mulexpr(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss);541void ast_output_powexpr(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss);542void ast_output_number(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss);543544void ast_output_expr(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss) {545switch (root->type) {546case TYPE_ADD:case TYPE_MINUS:547ast_output_expr(root->data.node.first, ss);548ss << (root->type == TYPE_ADD ? " + " : " - ");549ast_output_addexpr(root->data.node.second, ss);550break;551552default:553ast_output_addexpr(root, ss);554break;555}556}557558void ast_output_addexpr(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss) {559switch (root->type) {560case TYPE_MUL:case TYPE_DIV:561ast_output_addexpr(root->data.node.first, ss);562ss << (root->type == TYPE_MUL ? " * " : " / ");563ast_output_mulexpr(root->data.node.second, ss);564break;565566default:567ast_output_mulexpr(root, ss);568break;569}570}571572void ast_output_mulexpr(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss) {573switch (root->type) {574case TYPE_POWER:575ast_output_mulexpr(root->data.node.first, ss);576#ifdef DEBUG577ss << " ** ";578#elif defined(TEST)579ss << " ** ";580#else581ss << "^";582#endif583ast_output_powexpr(root->data.node.second, ss);584break;585default:586ast_output_powexpr(root, ss);587break;588}589}590591void ast_output_powexpr(ASTNode* root, stringstream& ss) {592switch (root->type) {593case TYPE_FRACTION:594ss << root->data.frac;595break;596case TYPE_DOUBLE:597ss << root->data.real;598break;599default:600ss << '(';601ast_output_expr(root, ss);602ss << ')';603break;604}605}606607set<long long> ans_set;608609CORE15_API void set_setting(610int max_opearators,611long max_range,612int precision,613int has_fraction,614int has_real,615int has_mul_div,616int has_power) {617618if (max_opearators != -1) global_setting.max_opearators = max_opearators;619if (max_range != -1) global_setting.max_range = max_range;620if (precision != -1) global_setting.precision = precision;621if (has_fraction != -1) global_setting.has_fraction = has_fraction != 0;622if (has_real != -1) global_setting.has_real = has_real != 0;623if (has_mul_div != -1) global_setting.has_mul_div = has_mul_div != 0;624if (has_power != -1) global_setting.has_power = has_power != 0;625global_setting.max_num = max_range>=20 ? max_range / 10 : max_range;626}627628#ifdef TEST629int c1=0,c2=0;630#endif631CORE15_API void generate(string* question, string* answer) {632cal_mode mode;633int magic = global_setting.has_fraction ? 32 : 3;634if (global_setting.has_real && rand() % magic == 0) {635mode = MODE_REAL;636} else{637mode = MODE_FRACTION;638}639question->clear();640answer->clear();641642ASTNode* node = random_ast(mode);643ASTNode* ret = ast_eval(node);644bool bad_value = false;645646stringstream s1, s2;647s1.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);648s2.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);649650s2.precision(global_setting.precision);651if (ret->type == TYPE_DOUBLE && !is_bad_value(ret->data.real)) {652s2 << ret->data.real;653}654else if (ret->type == TYPE_FRACTION && !is_bad_value(ret->data.frac)) {655#ifdef DEBUG656s2 << (ret->data.frac.numerator / (double)ret->data.frac.denominator);657#else658s2 << ret->data.frac;659#endif660}661else {662bad_value = true;663}664*answer = s2.str();665666if (bad_value || ans_set.find(hash_value) != ans_set.end()) {667generate(question, answer);668delete node;669delete ret;670return;671}672else {673ans_set.insert(hash_value);674}675676s1.precision(global_setting.precision);677ast_output_expr(node, s1);678*question = s1.str();679680delete node;681delete ret;682683#ifdef TEST684if(mode==MODE_FRACTION) c1++;685else c2++;686#endif687688return;689}690691692#ifdef DEBUG693// for unit test694int main() {695// todo: random696FILE* file = NULL;697const long long test_num = 100000;698const long long test_groups = 100;699for (long long i = 0; i<test_num; i++) {700if (i % (test_num / test_groups) == 0) {701stringstream ss;702ss << "test" << i / (test_num / test_groups) << ".py";703if (file) fclose(file);704file = fopen(ss.str().c_str(), "w");705}706string que, ans;707generate(&que, &ans);708fprintf(file, "assert(%lld>=0 and abs((%s)-(%s))<5e-2)\n", i, que.c_str(), ans.c_str());709}710fclose(file);711return 0;712}713#elif defined(TEST)714int main() {715srand(time(NULL));716for (long long i = 0; i<200; i++) {717string que, ans;718generate(&que, &ans);719cout << que << " = " << ans << endl;720}721cout<<c1<<" "<<c2<<endl;722return 0;723}724#endif
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