Azure is the most comprehensive, innovative and flexible cloud platform today and Microsoft is hiring professionals that will drive customer cloud adoption within the most important companies in the market.
Microsoft aspires to help our customers achieve their own digital transformation, leveraging the power of Microsoft Cloud solutions and services. To this end, Microsoft is investing in a dedicated Customer Success team member that will help the largest and most important companies in the world across all industries successfully adopt Microsoft Cloud solution and services.

We are looking for a highly motivated and passionate Cloud Solution Architect for Cloud Applications and Infrastructure solutions to drive high priority customer initiatives on the Microsoft Azure Platform in collaboration with customers and the Microsoft field in the enterprise accounts segment of our business. This is a customer facing role, owning the overall technical relationship between the customer and Microsoft Azure Infrastructure and Applications Development Platform.

You will own the Cloud Infrastructure and Azure Applications Development technical customer engagements including architectural design sessions, specific implementation projects and/or pilots. The ideal candidate will have experience in customer-facing roles and success leading deep technical architecture discussions with senior customer executives, Enterprise Architects, IT Management and Developers.
Key responsibilities include:
o Understand customers' overall applications portfolio, IT and business priorities and success measures to design implementation architectures and solutions (Microsoft and 3rd party solutions) using PaaS, DevOps & Advanced Application coding
o Apply technical knowledge and customer insights to create a modernization roadmap. Architect solutions to meet business and IT needs, ensuring technical viability of new projects and successful deployments, while orchestrating key resources and infusing key Infrastructure technologies (e.g. Windows and Linux IaaS, Security, Networking, etc.), and Application Development and DevOps technologies (e.g. App Service, containers, serverless, cloud native, etc.) as appropriate
o Ensure all solutions exhibit high levels of performance, security, scalability, maintainability, and appropriate reusability and reliability upon deployment
o Develop deep relationships with key customer IT decision makers, who drive long-term cloud adoption within their company to enable them to be cloud advocates
o Be the Voice of the Customer; Share insights and best practices, and connect with Engineering teams to remove key blockers
o Assess the Customers' knowledge of Azure platform and overall cloud readiness to support customers through a structured learning plan and ensure its delivery through partners
o Collaborate with other Cloud Solution Architects in developing complex end-to-end Enterprise solutions on the Microsoft Azure platform
o Maintain technical skills and knowledge of market trends and competitive insights; collaborate and share with the technical community
o Be an Azure Platform evangelist with customers, partners and external communities
Experiences and Skills Required:
o Strong presentation skill to excite your audience with the Microsoft technology innovation
o Problem Solving. Ability to solve customer problems through cloud technologies required
o Collaboration and Communication. Acknowledged for driving decisions collaboratively, resolving conflicts and ensuring follow through with exceptional verbal and written communication skills. Ability to orchestrate, lead, and influence virtual teams, ensuring successful implementation of customer projects. Presentation skills with a high degree of comfort with both large and small audiences (Senior Executives, IT management, Database administrators and Data Scientist) required
o Enterprise-scale technical experience with cloud and hybrid infrastructures, architecture designs, migrations, and technology management required
o Experience and understanding of large-scale application portfolios in enterprise-wide environments (including migration of on-premise workloads to the cloud) required
o Deep domain expertise of
o Cloud infrastructure solutions (i.e. Windows and Linux IaaS, SAP, BCDR, Security, Management, Storage, Networking, OSS, containers and Infra as a code technologies) required
o Cloud application development solutions (e.g. PaaS, Serverless, API Management);
o Container orchestration (e.g. Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry);
o Continuous integration technologies (e.g. Jenkins, Spinnaker, Azure for DevOps, Chef, Puppet);
o Web application server technologies, cloud application design, software architecture and practices; (design/development/deployment, Agile, SCRUM, ALM)
o One or more of the following programming languages: C++, C#, Java, Node.js, JSON, PHP, Perl, Python, Ruby on Rails, Pig/Hive
o Experience using integrated development environments (e.g. Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code, Eclipse, XCode, WebSphere) targeting Android, iOS, Linux, Windows, public clouds (i.e. Azure, AWS) required
o Experience with scalable architectures using Azure App Service, API management, serverless technologies, container orchestration (e.g. Kubernetes, Cloud Foundry etc.), API management, microservice frameworks etc.
o Software development practices like DevOps and CI/CD tool chains (i.e. Jenkins, Spinnaker, Azure DevOps, GitHub). preferred
o Competitive Landscape. Knowledge of cloud development platforms preferred

1、Azure Global Asia Engineering team-Azure Security-后端开发(1年以上经验)
2、Azure Big Data-Cosmos -(big data)-前后端开发(1年以上)
3、MMX-Edge/Launcher for Mobile-(IOS/Android)- 后端开发(5年以上)
5、MSRA-Business Analyst(北京OR苏州)
5、MSRA-Service Engineer-IT Infra(Azure, Kubernetes, docker)
6、Cortana-(ios/Android/BI)-Dev/Data Scientist(3年以上)
7、Bing广告团队-AI Infrastructure-研发工程师(5年以上)
4、Bing Retail search/recommendation-算法工程师(3年以上经验)
5、Bing platform/Big data-研发工程师(北京OR 苏州)
6、Bing News-news search and recommendation product-Cloud/AI-研发工程师
7、Azure Global Asia Engineering team-研发工程师(5年以上)

1.Microsoft 365/IDEAs Team,744876/744877, 研发工程师all level,Data processing/mining/ETL
2.Microsoft 365/Data Insights Team,749919,研发工程师all level,Data processing/mining/ETL
3.Microsoft 365/Security Team,752936,安全研发工程师,Security background or interest in security domain
4.Microsoft 365/WPI/Work Place intelligence Team,765526/735890,研发工程师,Full stack or frontend
5.Microsoft 365/WPI/Work Place intelligence Team,758452/735891,数据科学家,ML/NLP/DATA analysis
6.Microsoft 365/Migration Team,737537,研发工程师,Backend
7.Microsoft 365/High availiblity/Store Team,752786/749923/738265,研发工程师/研发经理,Backend
8.Microsoft 365/Protocols Team,742501/742499,研发工程师 all level,Backend
9.Microsoft 365/Engineering system, 721625,研发工程师,Backend
10.Microsoft 365/Performance Team, 749924,研发工程师,Backend
11.Microsoft 365/EverGreen, 689115,研发工程师,Backend
12.Microsoft 365/APP Fabric, 749933,研发工程师,Backend
13.Microsoft 365/Exchange team, 760656,研发工程师,Backend
14.Microsoft 365/Management platform, 724253/724277,研发工程师,Backend
15.Microsoft365/Service Auth, 740048,研发工程师,Backend
16.Microsoft365/AD Team, 752937,研发工程师,Backend
17.Microsoft365/Mobile,730644/757458, iOS/Android开发工程师
18.Microsoft365/information protection,760724/724261/744927,研发工程师,Backend
19.Sharepoint,733642,Senior program manager,7+ years working experience.
20.Sharepoint/Enterprise Search,745376,研发工程师,Backend
23.Microsoft Mobile,728540,iOS开发工程师
24.MSAI-Microsoft Search assistant Intellegence, 752974,研发工程师,AI/Backend
25.Cortana,725113/752971/752973,研发工程师,Backend/Big data

*Senior Factory Management Manufacturing Engineer-Mechanical
*Senior Factory Management Engineering-Polymer
*Senior Operations Program Manager----Manufacturing Test program experiences
*Senior enclosure development engineer
*Senior Software Development Engineer----develop Automation platform
*Senior Software Development Engineer-Display----Debug or develop for Display software related.
*Senior Software Development Engineer-RF---- Software/Firmware Radio Frequency (RF) team
*Senior Software Engineer Design Verification----Android OR Windows related experiences

1、Azure Stack-storage/distributed system/cloud- 后端开发工程师
2、Azure Storage-Azure Media Service-后端开发工程师
3、Azure Data Group-Big data-后端开发工程师
4、Dynamics 365-Retail/SCM-后端开发工程师
5、Dev div-Azure Management Experience-研发

微软技术支持岗位(上海无锡) 所有职位要求英文口语
HR talk 推荐职位+1轮电话技术面试+3-4轮现场技术面试+英文口语面试

1、Azure Mooncake-技术支持工程师 (虚拟化/网络/存储/系统/数据库)
2、Azure Security-技术支持工程师(安全/网络…安全领域,安全产品和service的支持)
3、Azure Kubernetes/Linux/VM-技术支持工程师(Docker/VM/KBS/Linux)
4、Azure Active Directory-技术支持工程师(网络/系统/虚拟化)
5、Azure Platform as a Service(PaaS)-技术支持工程师(dev-java/.net)
6、ARR(Azure Rapid Response)-技术支持工程师(dev,network,VM)-ONLY 上海(5年以上)
7、Azure Stack(混合云)-技术支持工程师-(infra-network,linux,windows,vm,storage)-WX
8、Azure Monitoring-技术支持工程师-(infra-network,linux,windows,vm,storage)
9、Azure intergration--技术支持工程师(dev-java/.net)
10、Azure ABRS-技术支持工程师-(infra-network,linux,windows,vm,storage

1、Power BI-技术支持工程师(数据库/SQL)(prefer 1-5年)
2、Big data-技术支持工程师(dev-java/.net)
3、Azure Open Source Database-技术支持工程师(My SQL/PostgreSQL相关运维开发经验)
4、SQL Server Database-技术支持工程师(关系型数据库运维开发经验)

1、Dynamics CRM
2、Dynamics ERP(Finance)-技术支持工程师-dev/ERP backgroud
3、Dynamics AX-技术支持工程师

Modern Workplace
1、Developer Community-技术支持工程师-C#/C++开发背景(3年以上)
2、Windows OS,Windows Server-技术支持工程师-dev (Wuxi)
3、O365--技术支持工程师-infra backgroud
4、Skype-技术支持工程师-telecom backgroud
5、Exchange--技术支持工程师-C# backgroud(5年以上)
6、SharePoint-技术支持工程师-infra backgroud


微软待遇包括:几十万年薪(基本工资),奖金,微软美国的股票,15天带薪年假,15天带薪病假,各种免费培训,各种节日礼品,各种公司派对,家庭日活动等等。研发园区和工作环境绝对北京和苏州一流! 3月底前入职,可以参加8月的工资普调和微软美国的股票奖励,4月入职的就错过当年的调薪和股票了。



社会招聘简历投递及联系人:chliu at Microsoft dot com;校招/实习请关注“微软招聘”公众号,请勿发给该邮箱。

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