



The core ideas are the same:

        currentMax = max(nums[i], some_operation(currentMax, nums[i])).

For each element, we have 2 options: put it inside a consecutive subarray, or start a new subarray with it.

#include <vector>

int maxSubArray(std::vector<int>& nums)
if (nums.empty())
return ;
} int currMax = nums[];
int maxResult = nums[]; int size = (int)nums.size();
for (int i = ; i < size; ++i)
currMax = std::max(nums[i], currMax + nums[i]);
maxResult = std::max(maxResult, currMax);
} return maxResult;







#include <vector>

int maxProduct(std::vector<int>& nums)
if (nums.empty())
return ;
} int size = (int)nums.size(); int currMax = nums[];
int currMin = nums[];
int maxResult = nums[]; for (int i = ; i < size; ++i)
int t_currMax = currMax * nums[i];
int t_currMin = currMin * nums[i]; currMax = max(nums[i], max(t_currMax, t_currMin));
currMin = min(nums[i], min(t_currMax, t_currMin));
maxResult = max(maxResult, currMax);
} return maxResult;

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