February 25th, 2018 Week 9th Sunday
LIfe is about making an impact, not making an income.
From Kevin Kruse.
You probably argue that one must make an income first, then if he has some extra power while earning a not bad life, he can try to pursue some impacts on the world around him.
However, making an income and making an impact are not exclusive, they are mutually complementatry.
Successfully making an impact means making an income more easily, and making an income means being able to make some impacts.
So, how to make an impact that can help us earn more money?
The answer might be very simple, do our own businesses well enough and become someone irreplaceable.
Actually, whether conscious of it or not, we are always making some impacts at work or in our daily life.
But if we want to improve the impression we make to achieve recognition, gain promotion, we should always try to make our presence come to life beyond our qualifications on paper.
Let's try to be better everyday, even if not perfect, but we are close to it.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future.
Being an average people, our capabilities and our influence are quite limited, but that doesn't mean there is little chance for us to change the course of the future.
We can narrow our focus until we can use our poor gifts to make things change at a microscopic level.
There are always some ways that we can change everything, by just focusing on less and less.
We all would like to make some influence on the world, in some way or another.
We all would like to make some contribution, change things for the better, improve lives, leave behind something useful and positive.
And yet, with the vastness of this world, with the number of people out there who will resist change, it seems impossible at times.
When we think in such way, that is, when we think of the world as such a vast place, it would be overwhelming.
But if we think of those some drops of efforts dripping onto one tiny spot, perhaps not in the ocean but on a rock.
The drops of water, concentrated on one spot, can eventually break through the rock.
So, please concentrate our efforts in the right place, then we can certainly make some impacts.
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