June 12. 2018 Week 24th. Tuesday
Just be yourself because you are unique and you will shine.
From What a Gril Wants.
Why are we trying so hard to fit in when we were born to stand out?
We just want to be perfect, we just want to get enough affirmation from the external world, both
As a human being, as a common individual, as a technical staff, I always pay more attention to psychological feelings, and need to be sure that I am recognized, acknowledged and validated, that will make me feel valued and motivate me to work even harder and more efficiently.
I want to master all the knowledge in my field, but I know that is not feasible, that is unrealistic, because my energy and my life are both very limited, I must figure out one or two things that I can focus on them.
Once I can do that thing well, I can become unique, and I can become irreplaceable, and I will shine.
Books, like friends, should be few and well chosen.
Just like making new friends with people, we must interact with each other and keep communication with them, otherwise time will kill all the enthusiasm, and we finally lose contact with these people.
We must carefully choose books, and we must return to them again and again, and like true friends, if we understand them deeply, they will never fail us, never cease to instruct, never cloy.
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