tar zxf Python-2.7.13xxxx# 这里,必须用–enable-shared,生成动态库,否则会遇到wsgi不能编译的问题。
Bonus: multiple Python versions for the same uWSGI binary
As we have seen, uWSGI is composed of a small core and various plugins. Plugins can be embedded in the binary or loaded dynamically. When you build uWSGI for Python, a series of plugins plus the Python one are embedded in the final binary.
This could be a problem if you want to support multiple Python versions without building a binary for each one.
The best approach would be having a little binary with the language-independent features built in, and one plugin for each Python version that will be loaded on-demand.
In the uWSGI source directory:
make PROFILE=nolang
This will build a uwsgi binary with all the default plugins built-in except the Python one.
Now, from the same directory, we start building Python plugins:
PYTHON=python3.4 ./uwsgi --build-plugin "plugins/python python34" PYTHON=python2.7 ./uwsgi --build-plugin "plugins/python python27" PYTHON=python2.6 ./uwsgi --build-plugin "plugins/python python26"
You will end up with three files:
. Copy these into your desired directory. (By default, uWSGI searches for plugins in the current working directory.)
Now in your configurations files you can simply add (at the very top) the plugins-dir and plugin directives.
[uwsgi] plugins-dir = <path_to_your_plugin_directory> plugin = python26
This will load the
plugin library from the directory into which you copied the plugins.
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