1,can we come off as weak if we show imperfections?

2,The first thing I look for in you and the last thing I am willing to show you

3, it is tough to do that when we are terrified about what people might see or think

4, when we are fueled by the fear that...

5,that gremlin that's constantly whispering "you are not good enough" in our ear monster

6,we end up hustling for our worthness rather than standing in it : have to work for

7,when we've attatched ourself-worth to what we produce or earn,being real gets dicey: how we value ourselves,dangerous

8,we are hungry for people who have the courage to say:

9,people are tired of this hustle

10,people connect more with those who has weakness(superman has kryptonite) one thing that makes him weak

11,what makes these people more relatable? if they were perfect,would we care as much about them?

12,perfectionisum is a twenty ton shield that we lug around,thinking it will protect us,while in fact it is .... slang carry sth really heavy or drag

13,being praised for achievement or performance(grade people pleasing)

14,somewhere along the way, they adopted this dangerous and debilitating belief system:..... something maks us ill or sick

15,heathy striving is self-focused:how can I improve? Perfectionism is other-focused:what will they think? perfectionism is a hustle

16,Perfectionism,at its core,about trying to earn approval.

17,perfectionism hampers achievements may cause

18,corelated with depression,life paralysis or missed opportunities

19,the fear of ....keeps us out of the arena where healthy comptetion and striving unfolds like stadium from ancient Rome,stops us from trying/happens,starts

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