有时候, 比如在CentOS 6上. sudo 会报如下错误:

  1. sudo: must be setuid root

这是因为, sudo 命令, 没有SUID,

  1. [root@T209 ~]# ll /usr/bin/sudo
  2. -rwxr-xr-x. root root Jun /usr/bin/sudo

使用如下命令, 增加SUID:

  1. [root@localhost ~]# chmod u+s /usr/bin/sudo
  2. [root@localhost ~]# ll /usr/bin/sudo
  3. -rwsr-xr-x. root root Jun /usr/bin/sudo


  1. Q) Sudo compiles and installs OK but when I try to run it I get:
  2. effective uid is not , is /usr/local/bin/sudo on a file system with the
  3. 'nosuid' option set or an NFS file system without root privileges?
  4. A) The owner and permissions on the sudo binary appear to be OK but when
  5. sudo ran, the setuid bit did not have an effect. There are two common
  6. causes for this. The first is that the file system the sudo binary
  7. is located on is mounted with the 'nosuid' mount option, which disables
  8. setuid binaries. The output of the "mount" command should tell you if
  9. the file system is mounted with the 'nosuid' option. The other possible
  10. cause is that sudo is installed on an NFS-mounted file system that is
  11. exported without root privileges. By default, NFS file systems are
  12. exported with uid mapped to a non-privileged uid (usually -). You
  13. should be able to determine whether sudo is located on an NFS-mounted
  14. filesystem by running "df `which sudo'".

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