1、jp@gc - Actiive Threads Over Time:不同时间活动用户数量展示(图表)
2、jp@gc - AutoStop Listener :自动停止监听器
average Response Time is greater than 10000ms for 10 seconds :连续10s平均响应时间大于10000ms就停止测试。
average Latency is greater than 5000ms for 10 seconds :连接10s平均等待时间大于5000ms就停止测试。
Error Rate is greater than 50% for 10 seconds :10s内错误率一直高于50%就停止测试。
3、jp@gc - Bytes Throughput Over Time:不同时间吞吐量展示(图表)(聚合报告里,Throughput是按请求个数来展示的,比如说1.9/sec,就是每s发送1.9个请求; 而这里的展示是按字节Bytes来展示的图表)
4、jp@gc - Composite Graph: 混合图表
5、jp@gc - Console Status Logger:一些log的设置。
This is a simple listener that prints short summary log to console while JMeter is running in non-GUI mode. It also writes the same info into jmeter.log in GUI mode.
Note that response time and latency values printed are averages.
6、jp@gc - Flexible File Writer:这个插件允许你灵活记录测试结果
Overwirte existing file:是否覆盖这个文件
Write File Header:文件的头(即文件的第一行)
Record each sample:如何记录不同的sample(记录哪些内容,用什么顺序,如何隔开不同的值)
Write File Footer:文件的结尾(即文件的最后一行)
startTime | epoch time when request was started |
endTime | epoch time when reading response ended |
responseTime | response time, time to full response loaded |
latency | latency, time to first response byte received (if available) |
responseCode | response code (200, 404 etc.) |
responseMessage | response message (OK, Not Found etc.) |
responseHeaders | response headers (if present in sample) |
responseData | response data |
requestData | request data from sample |
sentBytes | number of request bytes sent, if available |
receivedBytes | number of request bytes sent (if available) |
threadName | name of thread in Thread Group that processed request |
sampleLabel | name of the sampler that made request |
isSuccsessful | is response was marked as successful |
isFailed | is response was marked as failed (surrogate field) |
startTimeMillis | same as startTime, but divided by 1000 (surrogate field, example: 1311121131.362) |
endTimeMillis | same as endTime, but divided by 1000 (surrogate field) |
responseTimeMicros | same as responseTime, but multiplied by 1000 (surrogate field) |
latencyMicros | same as latency, but multiplied by 1000 (surrogate field) |
variable#<N> | Sample variable with index N, see below for details |
7、jp@gc - Hits per Second:每秒点击量
8、jp@gc - Uploader:This is special plugin in for uploading results to immediately after test end.
9、jp@gc - Page Data Extractor:以图表的形式展示页面上你想得到的一些结果,它以正则表达式的形式获取key和vale。(下面的key和value的正则表达式以括号标志)
10、jp@gc - PerfMon Metrics Collector:服务器性能监测控件,包括cpu,memory,network I/O等等。(JMeter cannot retrieve by default server metrics except Tomcat ones.:就是jmeter只能监控tomcat的主机)(前提是要先在服务器上startAgent,即把插件解压到服务器上,运行startAgent)
11、jp@gc - Reponse Codes per Second:This graph will display the response code per second returned during the test.
12、jp@gc - Reponse Latencies Over Time:This graph will display the response latencies during the load test. A latency is the duration between the end of the request and the beginning of the server response.(就是记录客户端发送请求完成后,服务器端返回请求之前这段时间)
13、jp@gc - Reponse Times Distribution:This graph will display the response time distribution of the test. The X axis shows the response times grouped by interval, and the Y axis the number of samples which are contained in each interval.
14:jp@gc - Respose Times Over Time:This graph will display for each sampler the average response time in milliseconds.
15、jp@gc - Response Times Percentiles:This graph will display the percentiles for the response time values. X Axis represents percentage, Y Axis Response time values. One point (P, Value) means for the whole scenario, P percent of the values are bellow Value ms.(没太明白)
16:jp@gc - Response Times vs Threads:This graph shows how Response Time changes with amount of parallel threads. Naturally, server takes longer to respond when a lot of users requests it simultaneously. This graph visualizes such dependencies.
17:jp@gc - Transaction Throughput vs Threads:This listenter is very similar to Response Times vs Threads, exept it shows total server's transaction throughput for active test threads.
18、jp@gc - Transactions per Second:This graph shows the number of transactions per second for each sampler. It counts for each seconds the number of finished transactions.
本文转自: 清明-心若淡定
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