Ford VCM II Ford VCM2 Diagnostic Tool with Ford IDS v108 Installed On Laptop Ready to Use
HOW to VCM2 Ford VCM II with Ford IDS v108 Work Well?
VCM2 Ford VCM2 Ford diagnostic tool hot sale in the market, Ford IDS software high recommend for Ford VCM2, few customer use VCM2 with Ford IDS hardly. Some customer feedback Ford ids software was too difficult to installed for working. Some customer feedback VCM2 can not work for Ford IDS V108 latest software. offer VCM2 Ford VCM2 with Ford IDS v108 installed on ThinkPad X200T laptop ready to use.
Why choose VCM2 Ford vcm2 with Ford IDS Software V108 Installed on IBM X200T
1.VCM2 Ford diagnostic tool Ford VCM II from is high-quality VCM2 hardware, support firmware update.
2.Ford IDS Software v108 is Original latest version Ford diagnostic Software, support Ford vehicles till 2017
3. VCM2 with Ford IDS V108 installed well on IBM X200T full set, it’s full set ready to use, no need install or activate by yourself.
4.VCM2 Ford vcm2 with Ford IDS Software V108 Installed on IBM X200T will configuration and test with ECU to make sure full set working no problem, software with hardware and laptop all no compatible problem, customer can got it work directly.
5. VCM2 Ford VCM2 with Ford IDS software V108 installed IBM X200T laptop support Ford online programming, achieve the original Ford vcm2 Ford diagnostic tool functions completely.
VCM2 Ford VCM2 Ford Diagnostic Tool with Ford IDS V108 Full Set Configurations:
Hardware: VCM2 Ford Diagnostic Tool
Software Version: V108 Ford IDS Software
Support Multi-language: English, Italian, Spanish,
Spanish(Mexico), French, French(Canada), German, Dutch, Finish, Danish,
Greek, Slovenian, Amer English, Vietnamese language, Turkish, Thai,
Swedish, Russian, Portuguese, Portuguese(Brazil), Polish, Norwegian,
Korean, Japanese, Indian, Czechic, Chinese(Taiwan), Chinese(China)
Hardware Update Online
Software update Via HDD
Operating System: Windows XP
Vehicle Coverage: Capabilities for most 16 pin Ford cars till 2017
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