hardware guy found that the R1004 lead to this error, but this error should not be checked, because the secondary hall spindle is not used.

2019/4/15-13:00 b_HallcomShortGnd = lb_SetError

use debugger for the board without R1004, it ran into


        lps_ErrorResultField->b_HallcomShortGnd             = lb_SetError;

2019/4/15-13:20   //lps_ErrorResultField->b_HallcomShortGnd

comment  //lps_ErrorResultField->b_HallcomShortGnd             = lb_SetError;

and then found invalid position from diagnosis-last interrupt reason read

14:20 u16_MagicNumber is 0

in SensorPosition_Init

lb_IsStoredPositionValid = Spo_IsStoredTailgatePositionValid(aps_Inst);

and in Spo_IsStoredTailgatePositionValid:

if (C_SPO_POSITION_MAGIC_NUMBER == aps_Inst->ps_StoredPositionValues->u16_MagicNumber)

was not meeted.

i watch value of aps_Inst->ps_StoredPositionValues->u16_MagicNumber is 0.

18:18 b_MinUBatInputOK and b_Hall... different in new/old board

in SensorHall.c

in SenserHall_Diagnostic()

this if condition was not meeted in the board with R1004, but meeted in the old board

if( (FALSE != aps_ReqPorts->b_MinUBatInputOK   ) &&
        (FALSE != aps_ReqPorts->b_HallSupplyStable ) &&
        (FALSE != aps_ReqPorts->b_HallSignalStable ) )

watched the 3 variable are all TRUE for Primary and Secondary for old board

but when R1004 is removed, only b_MinUBatInputOK is TRUE, the other 2 are FALSE

2019/4/16-9:30   b_MinUBatInputOK

b_MinUBatInputOK direct assigner is SensorHall_ReadRequiredPorts


sequence of SensorHall_ReadRequiredPorts being called:


13:58   b_MinUBatInputOK

b_MinUBatInputOK  track should be checked before b_HallSupplyStable

in SensorHall_ReadRequiredPorts():

aps_RequiredPorts->b_MinUBatInputOK   = ( (FALSE == l_Env_ErrorFlags.s_Bits.b_MinUBatUndershot      ) ||
                                            (FALSE == l_Env_ErrorFlags.s_Bits.b_MinUBatBackupUndershot) )
                                          ? TRUE : FALSE;

15:36   b_MinUBatInputOK are both TRUE

watch from SensorHall_ReadRequiredPorts()

b_MinUBatInputOK are both TRUE for primary and secondary Hall Sensor

( b_MinUBatUndershot and b_MinUBatBackupUndershot are assigned

in Environment.c

in Env_DetermineUBatUnderVoltageErrorFlags()  )


11:29   b_UHallStable,  b_UHallRangeValid and b_HallSupplyStable

b_HallSupplyStable is determined by b_UHallRangeValid

aps_RequiredPorts->b_HallSupplyStable = ( (FALSE != ms_SensorHallConfigVar.b_UHallRangeValid) &&
                                            (FALSE == ms_SensorHallConfigVar.b_UHallSwitchedOffByShortToGnd [ae_Instance]) )
                                          ? TRUE : FALSE;

b_UHallRangeValid is determined by b_UHallStable

in SensorHall_ReadRequiredPorts:

if (FALSE != l_Pmg_StableFlags.s_Bits.b_UHallStable)
      ms_SensorHallConfigVar.b_UHallRangeValid = TRUE;

13:10   b_UHallStable be assigned in Pmg_UpdateHCOMStableFlag

b_UHallRangeValid is assigned from b_UHallStable

in PowerManager_cfg.c


/* Hall Supply A and B shall behavior in the same way, not working independantly*/

aps_ProvidedPorts->u_StableFlags.s_Bits.b_UHallStable       = FALSE;

this comment seems this code was wrote only for the old board.

13:40   b_UHallStable be assigned in Pmg_UpdateHCOMStableFlag

a little more deduction without experience today :)

found how b_UHallStable becomes FALSE:


...s_Bits.b_UHallStable = FALSE.

16:16  b_HallSupplyB is 0



is 0 when R1004 is removed.

in Pmg_UpdateHCOMStableFlag():

if( (FALSE != aps_ProvidedPorts->u_StateOfControlledOutputs.s_Bits.b_HallSupplyA)
         && (FALSE != aps_ProvidedPorts->u_StateOfControlledOutputs.s_Bits.b_HallSupplyB) )
            SCI_Call_Bsw_SetDigitalOutput(E_BSW_DO_SUP_HCOM_A, TRUE);
            SCI_Call_Bsw_SetDigitalOutput(E_BSW_DO_SUP_HCOM_B, TRUE);
            SCI_Timer_Load(C_S_PMG_TIMER.e_HallStable, as_Par.u16_UHallStableDelayTime);
            SCI_Call_Bsw_SetDigitalOutput(E_BSW_DO_SUP_HCOM_A, FALSE);
            SCI_Call_Bsw_SetDigitalOutput(E_BSW_DO_SUP_HCOM_B, FALSE);
            aps_ProvidedPorts->u_StableFlags.s_Bits.b_UHallStable       = FALSE;


try code:


aps_RequiredPorts->b_HallSupplyStable =


aps_ProvidedPorts->u_StableFlags.s_Bits.b_UHallStable =

result: left spindle hall supply short to gnd

b_MinUBatInputOK, b_HallSupplyStable and b_HallSignalStable are all TRUE for both Primary and Secondary.


watch in SensorHall_Diagnostic

aps_ReqPorts->u16_HallSupplyVoltage is 0 for both Primary and Secondary


make it run OK when comment

//SensorHall_Diagnostic         (aps_Inst, aps_ReqPorts);

so that it will diagnostic none.


why diagnosis cannot get the right hall voltage?


in Sci_loHwAbMapping.cfg:


in Bswif.c

{BSWIF_DO_SBC_SUP_HCOM_GROUP_A,        SBC_DO_OUT1             },

One Day Later


reality, only //SensorHall_Diagnostic control the error


why there is error?

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