The #pragma is complier specified. for example, the code below does not work in gcc.

#pragma startup and #pragma exit:

#pragma startup func1
#pragma exit func2 void func1()
printf("Inside func1()\n");
} void func2()
printf("Inside func2()\n");
} int main()
printf("Inside main()\n"); return ;

in GCC, you can use

void __attribute__((constructor)) func1(); 
void __attribute__((destructor)) func2();  
#pragma warn Directive
in case there are some warning and you are sure it works as your expection and there is no any risk, you can use #pragma warn to disable it, but the code shall have a well document. 
#pragma warn +xxx (To show the warning)
#pragma warn -xxx (To hide the warning)
#pragma warn .xxx (To toggle between hide and show)
  • #pragma warn -rvl: This directive hides those warning which are raised when a function which is supposed to return a value does not return a value.
  • #pragma warn -par: This directive hides those warning which are raised when a function does not uses the parameters passed to it.
  • #pragma warn -rch: This directive hides those warning which are raised when a code is unreachable. For example: any code written after the return statement in a function is unreachable.

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