windows accounts
Some built-in groups are used for management purposes. You control which
> users belong to these groups, and they exist to allow you to easily
> control what privileges the users on your computer are assigned (e.g. the
> users and administrators groups).
> > 1.) SYSTEM
> This account is used by system programs and has the full privileges of the
> computer.
> This account is used by system programs that run on your computer that
> need access to the network.
> > 3.) Authenticated Users
> This group is used to identify users that have logged in with a username
> and password.
> This account is used by system programs that run on your computer but do
> not need access to the network.
> > 5.) Users
> This group is used to identify the users of the computer. As an
> administrator, you control who is in this group.
>> Is it possible to login as them?
常见用户分类及权限 SYSTEM :本地机器上拥有最高权限的用户,使用普通的用户管理工具通常是查看不到他们的,可理解为WINDWOS本身帐户,一些大型系统软件也拥有此帐号权限,比 如MSSQL,安全软件也使用此帐号权限,比如360。 Administrator:系统管理员,基本上是本地机器上拥有最高权限的用户;你可以对它重命名,但是不能删除。 Administrators:管理员组,该组成员拥有对计算机/域有不受限制的完全访问权;这个用户组在本地机器上拥有最高权限(SID:S- 1-5-32-544) Backup Operators:备份操作员,可以备份或还原系统文件,可以远程登录管 理,虽然不如administrators大,但也差不多; Guests:Guests跟用户组users的成员有同等访问权,但Guests帐户的安全限制更多,默认是禁用的; Network Configuration Operators:此组中的成员拥有足够的管理权限来管理网络功能的配置; Power User 拥有大部分管理权限,但也有限制。可以运行经过验证的应用程序,也可以运行旧版应用程序,低于ADMINISTRAOTRS,但远高于USERs,不能添加管理员; Remote Desktop Users:此组中的成员被授予远程登录的 权限; Replicator:支持域中的文件复制Users:用户无法进行有意或无意的改动。因此,用户可以运行经过证明的文件,但不能运行大多数旧版应用程 序; HelpServicesGroup:帮助和支持中心组,该组的成员可以实现远程帮助。 Debugger Users:拥有调式服务器的权限,一般是安装IIS后配置的,用于调式web站点服务器。需要本地安全站点授信。 Users:本地机器上所有的用户帐户:这是一个低权限的用户组
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