


点击 文件 > 改变工作目录


点击 文件 > 运行R脚本文件




packages <- c('tuneR', 'seewave', 'fftw', 'caTools', 'warbleR', 'mice', 'e1071', 'rpart', 'e1071')
if (length(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages()))) > ) {
install.packages(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages())))
library(rpart) library(warbleR)
library(e1071) specan3 <- function(X, bp = c(,), wl = , threshold = , parallel = ){
# To use parallel processing: library(devtools), install_github('nathanvan/parallelsugar')
if(class(X) == "data.frame") {if(all(c("sound.files", "selec",
"start", "end") %in% colnames(X)))
start <- as.numeric(unlist(X$start))
end <- as.numeric(unlist(X$end))
sound.files <- as.character(unlist(X$sound.files))
selec <- as.character(unlist(X$selec))
} else stop(paste(paste(c("sound.files", "selec", "start", "end")[!(c("sound.files", "selec",
"start", "end") %in% colnames(X))], collapse=", "), "column(s) not found in data frame"))
} else stop("X is not a data frame") #if there are NAs in start or end stop
if(any(is.na(c(end, start)))) stop("NAs found in start and/or end") #if end or start are not numeric stop
if(all(class(end) != "numeric" & class(start) != "numeric")) stop("'end' and 'selec' must be numeric") #if any start higher than end stop
if(any(end - start<)) stop(paste("The start is higher than the end in", length(which(end - start<)), "case(s)")) #if any selections longer than 20 secs stop
if(any(end - start>)) stop(paste(length(which(end - start>)), "selection(s) longer than 20 sec"))
options( show.error.messages = TRUE) #if bp is not vector or length!=2 stop
if(!is.vector(bp)) stop("'bp' must be a numeric vector of length 2") else{
if(!length(bp) == ) stop("'bp' must be a numeric vector of length 2")} #return warning if not all sound files were found
fs <- list.files(path = getwd(), pattern = ".wav$", ignore.case = TRUE)
if(length(unique(sound.files[(sound.files %in% fs)])) != length(unique(sound.files)))
cat(paste(length(unique(sound.files))-length(unique(sound.files[(sound.files %in% fs)])),
".wav file(s) not found")) #count number of sound files in working directory and if stop
d <- which(sound.files %in% fs)
if(length(d) == ){
stop("The .wav files are not in the working directory")
} else {
start <- start[d]
end <- end[d]
selec <- selec[d]
sound.files <- sound.files[d]
} # If parallel is not numeric
if(!is.numeric(parallel)) stop("'parallel' must be a numeric vector of length 1")
if(any(!(parallel %% == ),parallel < )) stop("'parallel' should be a positive integer") # If parallel was called
if(parallel > )
{ options(warn = -)
if(all(Sys.info()[] == "Windows",requireNamespace("parallelsugar", quietly = TRUE) == TRUE))
lapp <- function(X, FUN) parallelsugar::mclapply(X, FUN, mc.cores = parallel) else
if(Sys.info()[] == "Windows"){
cat("Windows users need to install the 'parallelsugar' package for parallel computing (you are not doing it now!)")
lapp <- pbapply::pblapply} else lapp <- function(X, FUN) parallel::mclapply(X, FUN, mc.cores = parallel)} else lapp <- pbapply::pblapply options(warn = ) if(parallel == ) cat("Measuring acoustic parameters:")
x <- as.data.frame(lapp(:length(start), function(i) {
r <- tuneR::readWave(file.path(getwd(), sound.files[i]), from = start[i], to = end[i], units = "seconds") b<- bp #in case bp its higher than can be due to sampling rate
if(b[] > ceiling(r@samp.rate/) - ) b[] <- ceiling(r@samp.rate/) - #frequency spectrum analysis
songspec <- seewave::spec(r, f = r@samp.rate, plot = FALSE)
analysis <- seewave::specprop(songspec, f = r@samp.rate, flim = c(, /), plot = FALSE) #save parameters
meanfreq <- analysis$mean/
sd <- analysis$sd/
median <- analysis$median/
Q25 <- analysis$Q25/
Q75 <- analysis$Q75/
IQR <- analysis$IQR/
skew <- analysis$skewness
kurt <- analysis$kurtosis
sp.ent <- analysis$sh
sfm <- analysis$sfm
mode <- analysis$mode/
centroid <- analysis$cent/ #Frequency with amplitude peaks
peakf <- #seewave::fpeaks(songspec, f = r@samp.rate, wl = wl, nmax = , plot = FALSE)[, ] #Fundamental frequency parameters
ff <- seewave::fund(r, f = r@samp.rate, ovlp = , threshold = threshold,
fmax = , ylim=c(, /), plot = FALSE, wl = wl)[, ]
meanfun<-mean(ff, na.rm = T)
minfun<-min(ff, na.rm = T)
maxfun<-max(ff, na.rm = T) #Dominant frecuency parameters
y <- seewave::dfreq(r, f = r@samp.rate, wl = wl, ylim=c(, /), ovlp = , plot = F, threshold = threshold, bandpass = b * , fftw = TRUE)[, ]
meandom <- mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)
mindom <- min(y, na.rm = TRUE)
maxdom <- max(y, na.rm = TRUE)
dfrange <- (maxdom - mindom)
duration <- (end[i] - start[i]) #modulation index calculation
changes <- vector()
for(j in which(!is.na(y))){
change <- abs(y[j] - y[j + ])
changes <- append(changes, change)
if(mindom==maxdom) modindx<- else modindx <- mean(changes, na.rm = T)/dfrange #save results
return(c(duration, meanfreq, sd, median, Q25, Q75, IQR, skew, kurt, sp.ent, sfm, mode,
centroid, peakf, meanfun, minfun, maxfun, meandom, mindom, maxdom, dfrange, modindx))
})) #change result names rownames(x) <- c("duration", "meanfreq", "sd", "median", "Q25", "Q75", "IQR", "skew", "kurt", "sp.ent",
"sfm","mode", "centroid", "peakf", "meanfun", "minfun", "maxfun", "meandom", "mindom", "maxdom", "dfrange", "modindx")
x <- data.frame(sound.files, selec, as.data.frame(t(x)))
colnames(x)[:] <- c("sound.files", "selec")
rownames(x) <- c(:nrow(x)) return(x)
} processFolder <- function(folderName) {
# Start with empty data.frame.
data <- data.frame() # Get list of files in the folder.
list <- list.files(folderName, '\\.wav') # Add file list to data.frame for processing.
for (fileName in list) {
row <- data.frame(fileName, , , )
data <- rbind(data, row)
} # Set column names.
names(data) <- c('sound.files', 'selec', 'start', 'end') # Move into folder for processing.
setwd(folderName) # Process files.
acoustics <- specan3(data, parallel=) # Move back into parent folder.
setwd('..') acoustics
} gender <- function(filePath) {
if (!exists('genderBoosted')) {
} # Setup paths.
currentPath <- getwd()
fileName <- basename(filePath)
path <- dirname(filePath) # Set directory to read file.
setwd(path) # Start with empty data.frame.
data <- data.frame(fileName, , , ) # Set column names.
names(data) <- c('sound.files', 'selec', 'start', 'end') # Process files.
acoustics <- specan3(data, parallel=) # Restore path.
setwd(currentPath) predict(genderCombo, newdata=acoustics)
} # Load data
males <- processFolder('male')
females <- processFolder('female') # Set labels.
males$label <-
females$label <-
data <- rbind(males, females)
data$label <- factor(data$label, labels=c('male', 'female')) # Remove unused columns.
data$duration <- NULL
data$sound.files <- NULL
data$selec <- NULL
data$peakf <- NULL # Remove rows containing NA's.
data <- data[complete.cases(data),] # Write out csv dataset.
write.csv(data, file='voice.csv', sep=',', row.names=F)




packages <- c('tuneR', 'seewave', 'fftw', 'caTools', 'warbleR', 'mice', 'e1071', 'rpart', 'e1071')
if (length(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages()))) > ) {
install.packages(setdiff(packages, rownames(installed.packages())))
library(rpart) library(warbleR)
library(e1071) specan3 <- function(X, bp = c(,), wl = , threshold = , parallel = ){
# To use parallel processing: library(devtools), install_github('nathanvan/parallelsugar')
if(class(X) == "data.frame") {if(all(c("sound.files", "selec",
"start", "end") %in% colnames(X)))
start <- as.numeric(unlist(X$start))
end <- as.numeric(unlist(X$end))
sound.files <- as.character(unlist(X$sound.files))
selec <- as.character(unlist(X$selec))
} else stop(paste(paste(c("sound.files", "selec", "start", "end")[!(c("sound.files", "selec",
"start", "end") %in% colnames(X))], collapse=", "), "column(s) not found in data frame"))
} else stop("X is not a data frame") #if there are NAs in start or end stop
if(any(is.na(c(end, start)))) stop("NAs found in start and/or end") #if end or start are not numeric stop
if(all(class(end) != "numeric" & class(start) != "numeric")) stop("'end' and 'selec' must be numeric") #if any start higher than end stop
if(any(end - start<)) stop(paste("The start is higher than the end in", length(which(end - start<)), "case(s)")) #if any selections longer than 20 secs stop
if(any(end - start>)) stop(paste(length(which(end - start>)), "selection(s) longer than 20 sec"))
options( show.error.messages = TRUE) #if bp is not vector or length!=2 stop
if(!is.vector(bp)) stop("'bp' must be a numeric vector of length 2") else{
if(!length(bp) == ) stop("'bp' must be a numeric vector of length 2")} #return warning if not all sound files were found
fs <- list.files(path = getwd(), pattern = ".wav$", ignore.case = TRUE)
if(length(unique(sound.files[(sound.files %in% fs)])) != length(unique(sound.files)))
cat(paste(length(unique(sound.files))-length(unique(sound.files[(sound.files %in% fs)])),
".wav file(s) not found")) #count number of sound files in working directory and if stop
d <- which(sound.files %in% fs)
if(length(d) == ){
stop("The .wav files are not in the working directory")
} else {
start <- start[d]
end <- end[d]
selec <- selec[d]
sound.files <- sound.files[d]
} # If parallel is not numeric
if(!is.numeric(parallel)) stop("'parallel' must be a numeric vector of length 1")
if(any(!(parallel %% == ),parallel < )) stop("'parallel' should be a positive integer") # If parallel was called
if(parallel > )
{ options(warn = -)
if(all(Sys.info()[] == "Windows",requireNamespace("parallelsugar", quietly = TRUE) == TRUE))
lapp <- function(X, FUN) parallelsugar::mclapply(X, FUN, mc.cores = parallel) else
if(Sys.info()[] == "Windows"){
cat("Windows users need to install the 'parallelsugar' package for parallel computing (you are not doing it now!)")
lapp <- pbapply::pblapply} else lapp <- function(X, FUN) parallel::mclapply(X, FUN, mc.cores = parallel)} else lapp <- pbapply::pblapply options(warn = ) if(parallel == ) cat("Measuring acoustic parameters:")
x <- as.data.frame(lapp(:length(start), function(i) {
r <- tuneR::readWave(file.path(getwd(), sound.files[i]), from = start[i], to = end[i], units = "seconds") b<- bp #in case bp its higher than can be due to sampling rate
if(b[] > ceiling(r@samp.rate/) - ) b[] <- ceiling(r@samp.rate/) - #frequency spectrum analysis
songspec <- seewave::spec(r, f = r@samp.rate, plot = FALSE)
analysis <- seewave::specprop(songspec, f = r@samp.rate, flim = c(, /), plot = FALSE) #save parameters
meanfreq <- analysis$mean/
sd <- analysis$sd/
median <- analysis$median/
Q25 <- analysis$Q25/
Q75 <- analysis$Q75/
IQR <- analysis$IQR/
skew <- analysis$skewness
kurt <- analysis$kurtosis
sp.ent <- analysis$sh
sfm <- analysis$sfm
mode <- analysis$mode/
centroid <- analysis$cent/ #Frequency with amplitude peaks
peakf <- #seewave::fpeaks(songspec, f = r@samp.rate, wl = wl, nmax = , plot = FALSE)[, ] #Fundamental frequency parameters
ff <- seewave::fund(r, f = r@samp.rate, ovlp = , threshold = threshold,
fmax = , ylim=c(, /), plot = FALSE, wl = wl)[, ]
meanfun<-mean(ff, na.rm = T)
minfun<-min(ff, na.rm = T)
maxfun<-max(ff, na.rm = T) #Dominant frecuency parameters
y <- seewave::dfreq(r, f = r@samp.rate, wl = wl, ylim=c(, /), ovlp = , plot = F, threshold = threshold, bandpass = b * , fftw = TRUE)[, ]
meandom <- mean(y, na.rm = TRUE)
mindom <- min(y, na.rm = TRUE)
maxdom <- max(y, na.rm = TRUE)
dfrange <- (maxdom - mindom)
duration <- (end[i] - start[i]) #modulation index calculation
changes <- vector()
for(j in which(!is.na(y))){
change <- abs(y[j] - y[j + ])
changes <- append(changes, change)
if(mindom==maxdom) modindx<- else modindx <- mean(changes, na.rm = T)/dfrange #save results
return(c(duration, meanfreq, sd, median, Q25, Q75, IQR, skew, kurt, sp.ent, sfm, mode,
centroid, peakf, meanfun, minfun, maxfun, meandom, mindom, maxdom, dfrange, modindx))
})) #change result names rownames(x) <- c("duration", "meanfreq", "sd", "median", "Q25", "Q75", "IQR", "skew", "kurt", "sp.ent",
"sfm","mode", "centroid", "peakf", "meanfun", "minfun", "maxfun", "meandom", "mindom", "maxdom", "dfrange", "modindx")
x <- data.frame(sound.files, selec, as.data.frame(t(x)))
colnames(x)[:] <- c("sound.files", "selec")
rownames(x) <- c(:nrow(x)) return(x)
} processFolder <- function(folderName) {
# Start with empty data.frame.
data <- data.frame() # Get list of files in the folder.
list <- list.files(folderName, '\\.wav') # Add file list to data.frame for processing.
for (fileName in list) {
row <- data.frame(fileName, , , )
data <- rbind(data, row)
} # Set column names.
names(data) <- c('sound.files', 'selec', 'start', 'end') # Move into folder for processing.
setwd(folderName) # Process files.
acoustics <- specan3(data, parallel=) # Move back into parent folder.
setwd('..') acoustics
} gender <- function(filePath) {
if (!exists('genderBoosted')) {
} # Setup paths.
currentPath <- getwd()
fileName <- basename(filePath)
path <- dirname(filePath) # Set directory to read file.
setwd(path) # Start with empty data.frame.
data <- data.frame(fileName, , , ) # Set column names.
names(data) <- c('sound.files', 'selec', 'start', 'end') # Process files.
acoustics <- specan3(data, parallel=) # Restore path.
setwd(currentPath) predict(genderCombo, newdata=acoustics)
} # Load data
data <- processFolder('test') # Remove unused columns.
data$duration <- NULL
data$sound.files <- NULL
data$selec <- NULL
data$peakf <- NULL # Remove rows containing NA's.
data <- data[complete.cases(data),] # Write out csv dataset.
write.csv(data, file='test.csv', sep=',', row.names=F)


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