
What does an Area Description File (ADF) looks like?

I'm starting to work with the Google Tango Tablet, hopefully to create (basic) 2D / 3D maps from scanned areas. But first I would like to read as much about the Tango (sensors / API) as I can, in order to create a plan to be as time efficient as possible.

I instantly noticed the ability to learn areas, which is a very interesting concept, nevertheless I couldn't find anything about these so called Area Description Files (ADF).

I know the ADF files can be geographically referenced, that they contain metadata and an unique UUID. Furthermore I know their basic functionalities, but that's about it.

In some parts of the modules ADF files are referred to as 'maps', in other parts they are just called 'descriptions'.

So what do these files look like? Are they already basic (GRID) (2D) maps, or are they just descriptions? I know there are people who already extracted the ADF files, so any help would be greatly appreciated!


Important: Saved area descriptions do not directly record images or video of the location, but rather contain descriptions of images of the environment in a very compressed form. While those descriptions can’t be directly viewed as images, it is in principle possible to write an algorithm that can reconstruct a viewable image. Therefore, you must ask the user for permission before saving any of their learned areas to the cloud or sharing areas between users to protect the user's privacy, just as you would treat images and video.

Other than that there doesn't seem to be much info about the file internals - I use a lot of them, but I've never been compelled to look inside - curious yes, but not compelled

Thanks for your answer! I've seen that part on the Tango Docs, and it made me more curious. Is it possible for you to send me one of your ADF files? – Timmsh Mar 12 '15 at 14:58 
Soon - right now my ADFs are in my house or places I've gotten specific permission for - I now have people who have granted me public access for the next set of milestones and those ADFs will be available - that said, unless you're where they were recorded they won't do you much good, save in the attempt to reverse engineer the file format. And that might make Google frown, but it's your call. And if this answer helped, could you mark it answered ? Thanks – Mark Mullin Mar 12 '15 at 15:06

I got the ADF file, basically coded binaries and seems difficult to decode.我得到了ADF文件,基本上是编码二进制文件,似乎难以解码。

I will be happy to share the file if anyone is still interested. ——Raymond Kwan   如果有人感兴趣,我会很乐意分享这个文件。

Google released an official ADF file inspector, so check this link, it may be helpful if you are still looking for ADF file information. – Raymond Kwan Dec 22 '16 at 0:03

谷歌发布了一个正式的ADF文件检查程序,所以检查这个链接,如果你仍然在寻找ADF文件信息可能会有帮助。–Raymond Kwan Dec 22 '16 0:03

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Tango ADF Inspector has stopped

Recently I have updated the Tango Core to the latest version 'zaniah', but now I get a problem after exploring an area.

When I try to load the Area Description File with the 'Project Tango ADF Inspector' it crashes and I get the following error. "Unfortunately, Project Tango ADF Inspector has stopped".

最近我更新了Tango Core到最新版'zaniah',但是现在我探索一个区域之后遇到一个问题。

当我尝试使用'Project Tango ADF Inspector'加载区域描述文件ADF时崩溃了。说“很不幸地,Project Tango ADF Inspector已经停止了”


I have tried reinstalling both, the Tango service and the ADF inspector itself without any success. In older vesions it worked fine. – Jordi Tormo Nov 21 '16 at 13:11
I have tried uninstalling the new Tango Core App and leaving the (deprecated-legacy) Tango Core without no results. So I suspect that it involves the Tango explorer way of saving an ADF file, that now the ADF Inspector is unable to read. – Jordi Tormo Nov 25 '16 at 14:58


Inspector检查器的简介:当您在创建ADF的区域走动时这个应用程序可使您能够检查与ADF相关的重要数据。它揭示了什么地方可以成功的定位,而哪些地方没有发生,从而暗示了ADF应该改进的地方。它也可以帮助你更好地了解你的Project Tango设备是如何传感和识别环境的,如果你使用ADF文件开发应用程序的话,将具有宝贵的启示。


>>Tango ADF Inspector:据说已停止更新。打开新的ADF文件失败!http://www.freeapkdownloader.com/apps/com.projecttango.adfinspector,1921497/

>>Tango Explorer:区域??链接

能不能通过Motion Tracking姿态数据和Depth深度数据自己生成ADF文件呢?


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