EntityFramework 常见用法汇总
1、Code First 启用存储过程映射实体
- 1 protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
- 2 {
- 3 base.OnModelCreating(modelBuilder);
- 4 modelBuilder.Entity<Destination>().MapToStoredProcedures();
- 5 }
- 1 DbContext db = new DbContext();
- 2 db.Database.BeginTransaction();

- 1 DbContext db = new DbContext();
- 2 db.Table1.Include(d=>d.Table2);//预加载
- 3
- 4 public class EntityTable
- 5 {
- 6 public virtual EntityTable2 ForeignKeyTable { get; set; } //使用virtual实现延迟加载
- 7 }
- 8
- 9 dbContext.Entry(YouSelectModel).Collection(t => t.References).Load();//显式手动加载

4、Code First自定义存储过程调用

- 1 public virtual int sp_test_delete(Nullable<int> id)
- 2 {
- 3 var idParameter = id.HasValue ?
- 4 new ObjectParameter("id", id) :
- 5 new ObjectParameter("id", typeof(int));
- 6
- 7 return ((IObjectContextAdapter)this).ObjectContext.ExecuteFunction("sp_test_delete", idParameter);
- 8 }

- 1 DbContext db = new DbContext();
- 2 db.ChangeTracker.Entries(); //获取所有的实体
- 3 db.Table1.Local;//获取某张表下状态为修改或者增加的状态,注意不能追踪删除状态的实体
- 4 db.Table1.AsNoTracking().ToList();//这样查询出来的数据,DbContext将不会追踪,修改后,SaveChanges不会更新到数据库
6、Entity Framework的仓储模式提供的Find方法
- 1 DbContext db = new DbContext();
- 2 db.Table1.Find(20);//这个方法是仓储模式提供的,没有用到IQuerable提供的扩展方法,不会
7、重写ShouldValidateEntity和ValidateEntity实现Entity Framework自定义模型验证

- 1 protected override bool ShouldValidateEntity(DbEntityEntry entityEntry)//返回实体是否需要验证
- 2 {
- 3 return base.ShouldValidateEntity(entityEntry);
- 4 }
- 5 protected override DbEntityValidationResult ValidateEntity(DbEntityEntry entityEntry, IDictionary<object, object> items)//实体的自定义验证方法,此为验证学生实体姓名不能为abc
- 6 {
- 7 List<DbValidationError> error = new List<DbValidationError>();
- 8 if (entityEntry.Entity is Student)
- 9 {
- 10 if ((entityEntry.Entity as Student).Name == "abc")
- 11 {
- 12 error.Add(new DbValidationError("Name", "不能为abc"));
- 13 }
- 14 }
- 15 if (error.Count > 0)
- 16 {
- 17 return new DbEntityValidationResult(entityEntry, error);
- 18 }
- 19 else
- 20 {
- 21 return base.ValidateEntity(entityEntry, items);
- 22 }
- 23 }


- 1 /// <summary>
- 2 /// SQL命令拦截器
- 3 /// </summary>
- 4 public class NoLockInterceptor : IDbCommandInterceptor
- 5 {
- 6 public void NonQueryExecuting(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<int> interceptionContext)
- 7 {
- 8 throw new NotImplementedException();
- 9 }
- 10
- 11 public void NonQueryExecuted(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<int> interceptionContext)
- 12 {
- 13 throw new NotImplementedException();
- 14 }
- 15
- 16 public void ReaderExecuted(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<DbDataReader> interceptionContext)
- 17 {
- 18 throw new NotImplementedException();
- 19 }
- 20
- 21 public void ScalarExecuted(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<object> interceptionContext)
- 22 {
- 23 throw new NotImplementedException();
- 24 }
- 25
- 26 public void ReaderExecuting(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<DbDataReader> interceptionContext)
- 27 {
- 28
- 29 }
- 30
- 31 public void ScalarExecuting(DbCommand command, DbCommandInterceptionContext<object> interceptionContext)
- 32 {
- 33
- 34 }
- 35 }

- System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.Interception.DbInterception.Add(new NoLockInterceptor());

- 1 <entityFramework codeConfigurationType="MySql.Data.Entity.MySqlEFConfiguration, MySql.Data.Entity.EF6">
- 2 <interceptors>
- 3 <interceptor type="ConsoleApp2.abc.NoLockInterceptor,ConsoleApp2"></interceptor>//格式是全部命名空间加类名,然后逗号,命名空间的首个节点,这里我也没明白为什么这么写,C#好多配置文件都这么配置的
- 4 </interceptors>
- 5 <defaultConnectionFactory type="System.Data.Entity.Infrastructure.SqlConnectionFactory, EntityFramework" />
- 6 <providers>
- 7 <provider invariantName="MySql.Data.MySqlClient" type="MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlProviderServices, MySql.Data.Entity.EF6" />
- 8 </providers>
- 9 </entityFramework>

9、code first 的 3种对象关系,one to one 、one to multi、 multi to multi
one to one 1对1,1个学生对应1个学生地址,1个学生地址对应1个学生,可能1个学生下没有学生地址

- 1 public class Student
- 2 {
- 3 [Key, DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)]
- 4 public int ID { get; set; } 7 public virtual StudentAddress StudentAddress{ get; set; } //关键
- 8 }
- 9 public class StudentAddress
- 10 {
- 11 [Key,ForeignKey("Student")] //关键
- 12 public int ID { get; set; }14 public virtual Student Student{ get; set; }
- 15 }

one to multi 一对多,一个学生地址下可能有多个学生,1个学生只能有一个学生地址

- 1 public class Student
- 2 {
- 3 [Key, DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)]
- 4 public int ID { get; set; }
- 5 public virtual StudentAddress StudentAddress { get; set; } //关键
- 6
- 7 }
- 8
- 9 public class StudentAddress
- 10 {
- 11 [Key] //注意这里
- 12 public int ID { get; set; }
- 13
- 14 public virtual ICollection<Student> Destination { get; set; } //关键
- 15 }

multi to multi 多对多,1个学生下可能有多个地址,1个地址也可能有多个学生

- 1 public class Student
- 2 {
- 3 [Key, DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)]
- 4 public int ID { get; set; }
- 5 public virtual ICollection<StudentAddress> StudentAddress { get; set; } //关键
- 6
- 7 }
- 8
- 9 public class StudentAddress
- 10 {
- 11 [Key, DatabaseGenerated(DatabaseGeneratedOption.Identity)] //注意这里有不一样的地方
- 12 public int ID { get; set; }
- 13
- 14 public virtual ICollection<Student> Destination { get; set; } //关键
- 15 }

Key 主键
Timestamp 设置并发时间戳
ConcurrencyCheck 设置当前字段参与开放式并发校验
Required 设置字段非空
MaxLength 设置字符串的最大长度
MinLength 设置字符串的最小长度
Table 设置实体对应数据库表的名称
Column 设置字段对应数据库表字段的名称
ForeignKey 设置外检
NotMapped 这个字段不生成在数据库表中,不用于生成sql
11、Fluent api配置

- 1 protected override void OnModelCreating(DbModelBuilder modelBuilder)
- 2 {
- 3 var studentConfig = modelBuilder.Entity<Student>();
- 4 studentConfig.ToTable("StudentDetail");//修改当前实体对应的表名
- 5 studentConfig.Map<Student>(d=> //Map自定义表的schame,常用于将一个实体生成两个表
- 6 {
- 7 d.Properties(p=>new { p.StudentId,p.StudentName });//设置当前实体需要映射表字段的列
- 8 d.ToTable("StudentDetail"); //设置当前表对应数据库的名称
- 9 }).Map(Student>(d=>
- 10 {
- 11 d.Properties(p=>new { p.StudentId,p.Address });//设置当前实体需要映射表字段的列
- 12 d.ToTable("StudentDetail2"); //设置当前表对应数据库的名称
- 13 });
- 14 studentConfig.Property(d=>d.StudentName).HasColumnName("NewTable").HasMaxLength(100).IsRequired();//给字段设置名字和最大长度和必填
- 15 }

这样,一个表的Fluent Api可能有很多,一个数据库如果几百张表那么可能会有很多这个设置的代码,全部在DbContext忠会很多

- 1 public class StudentConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<Student>
- 2 {
- 3 public StudentConfiguration()
- 4 {
- 5 this.ToTable("NewTable");
- 6 }
- 7 }
- 8 //这样可以把Fluent Api分离到多个文件中
- 9 //然后在DbContext中的OnModelCreating中增加
- 10 modelBuilder.Configurations.Add(new StudentConfiguration());

12、Code First的初始化策略 IfNotExists,IfModelChanges,Always,Custom
- 1 Database.SetInitializer<SchoolDBEntity>(new CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<SchoolDBEntity>()); //创建数据库,如果数据库未存在
- 2 Database.SetInitializer<SchoolDBEntity>(new DropCreateDatabaseIfModelChanges<SchoolDBEntity>()); //删除数据库后重新创建
- 3 Database.SetInitializer<SchoolDBEntity>(new DropCreateDatabaseAlways<SchoolDBEntity>());//每次运行程序都会删除数据库重新创建
- 4 Database.SetInitializer<SchoolDBEntity>(new NullDatabaseInitializer<SchoolDBEntity>()); //禁用数据库初始化策略

- 1 public class MyCreateDatabaseIfNotExists: CreateDatabaseIfNotExists<BreakAwayContext>
- 2 {
- 3 public override void InitializeDatabase(BreakAwayContext context)
- 4 {
- 5 base.InitializeDatabase(context);
- 6 }
- 7 protected override void Seed(BreakAwayContext context)
- 8 {
- 9 Console.WriteLine("数据库创建完毕,可以创建初始化数据");
- 10 base.Seed(context);
- 11 }
- 12 }

- 1 Database.SetInitializer(new MigrateDatabaseToLatestVersion<BreakAwayContext, Migrations.Configuration>());
3、如果不使用自动迁移则使用 update-database来修改数据库
14、使用Entity Framework Profiler监控EF生成的语句
3、打开EfProf 来检测生成执行的语句
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