NSUBSTR - Substrings
You are given a string S which consists of 250000 lowercase latin letters at most. We define F(x) as the maximal number of times that some string with length x appears in S. For example for string 'ababa' F(3) will be 2 because there is a string 'aba' that occurs twice. Your task is to output F(i) for every i so that 1<=i<=|S|.
String S consists of at most 250000 lowercase latin letters.
Output |S| lines. On the i-th line output F(i).
- Input:
ababa- Output:
- #include <bits/stdc++.h>
- using namespace std;
- char ss[];
- int ans,f[<<];
- struct SAM
- {
- static const int MAXN = <<;//大小为字符串长度两倍
- static const int LetterSize = ;
- int tot, last, ch[MAXN][LetterSize], fa[MAXN], len[MAXN];
- int sum[MAXN], tp[MAXN], cnt[MAXN]; //sum,tp用于拓扑排序,tp为排序后的数组
- void init( void)
- {
- last = tot = ;
- len[] = ;
- memset(ch,,sizeof ch);
- memset(fa,,sizeof fa);
- memset(cnt,,sizeof cnt);
- }
- void add( int x)
- {
- int p = last, np = last = ++tot;
- len[np] = len[p] + , cnt[last] = ;
- while( p && !ch[p][x]) ch[p][x] = np, p = fa[p];
- if( p == )
- fa[np] = ;
- else
- {
- int q = ch[p][x];
- if( len[q] == len[p] + )
- fa[np] = q;
- else
- {
- int nq = ++tot;
- memcpy( ch[nq], ch[q], sizeof ch[q]);
- len[nq] = len[p] + , fa[nq] = fa[q], fa[q] = fa[np] = nq;
- while( p && ch[p][x] == q) ch[p][x] = nq, p = fa[p];
- }
- }
- }
- void toposort( void)
- {
- for(int i = ; i <= len[last]; i++) sum[i] = ;
- for(int i = ; i <= tot; i++) sum[len[i]]++;
- for(int i = ; i <= len[last]; i++) sum[i] += sum[i-];
- for(int i = ; i <= tot; i++) tp[sum[len[i]]--] = i;
- for(int i = tot; i; i--) cnt[fa[tp[i]]] += cnt[tp[i]];
- }
- } sam;
- int main(void)
- {
- //freopen("in.acm","r",stdin);
- sam.init();
- scanf("%s",ss);
- for(int i=,len=strlen(ss);i<len;i++) sam.add(ss[i]-'a');
- sam.toposort();
- for(int i=;i<=sam.tot;i++) f[sam.len[i]]=max(f[sam.len[i]],sam.cnt[i]);
- for(int i=sam.len[sam.last];i;i--) f[i]=max(f[i],f[i+]);
- for(int i=;i<=sam.len[sam.last];i++) printf("%d\n",f[i]);
- return ;
- }
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