There are K hours left before Agent Mahone leaves Amman! Hammouri doesn't like how things are going in the mission and he doesn't want to fail again. Some places have too many students covering them, while other places have only few students.

Whenever Hammouri commands a student to change his place, it takes the student exactly one hour to reach the new place. Hammouri waits until he is sure that the student has arrived to the new place before he issues a new command. Therefore, only one student can change his place in each hour.

Hammouri wants to command the students to change their places such that after K hours, the maximum number of students covering the same place is minimized.

Given the number of students covering each place, your task is to find the maximum number of students covering the same place after K hours, assuming that Hammouri correctly minimizes this number.


The first line of input contains two integers M (2 ≤ M ≤ 105) and K (1 ≤ K ≤ 109), where M is the number of places and K is the number of hours left before Agent Mahone leaves Amman.

The second line contains M non-negative integers, each represents the number of students covering one of the places. Each place is covered by at most 109 students.


Print the maximum number of students covering a place after K hours, assuming that Hammouri minimized this number as much as possible in the last K hours.


5 4
3 4 1 4 9
2 1000000000
1000000000 4
5 3
2 2 2 2 1


#define ll long long
#define inf 0x3f3f3f3f
using namespace std;
int main()
ll n,hour,num[];
ll sum = ,aver,Max = -;
for(int i=; i<n; ++i)
sum += num[i]; //求出所有数的和
if(num[i] > Max) //求所有数的最大值
Max = num[i];
if(sum%n == ) //求平均值
aver = sum/n;
else aver = sum/n +; ll flag = ,low = aver,high = Max,mid,all; //初始化二分的左边界为平均值,右边界为最大值
while(low <= high) //二分
all = ;
mid = (high + low) / ; //求二分的中间值
for(int i=; i<n; ++i)
if(num[i] > mid) //求出所有比中间值大的数与中间值的差的和
all += num[i] - mid;
if(all == hour) //如果这个和刚好与拥有的时间相等,则不需要查找了,这就是答案
flag = ;
else if(all > hour) low = mid + ; //如果和比中间值大,则答案在比中间值大的范围内
else high = mid - ; //否则,答案在比中间值小的范围内
return ;

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