11.1. Prerequisites
You need a Linux distribution with the required programs available:
cpio, tar, gzip, advdef, and mkisofs. This need not be Tiny Core
itself, but remastering inside Tiny Core is the most tested option.
For remastering on Core, install the extensions advcomp.tcz and
optionally mkisofs-tools.tcz if creating an ISO image.
11.2. Unpacking
First, we’ll extract the kernel and initrd image from the latest Core

sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp
sudo mount TinyCore-current.iso /mnt/tmp -o loop,ro
cd /mnt/tmp
cp boot/vmlinuz boot/tinycore.gz /tmp
sudo umount /mnt/tmp


If you are going to create an ISO image, instead of copying only
these two files, copy everything:

sudo mkdir /mnt/tmp
sudo mount TinyCore-current.iso /mnt/tmp -o loop,ro
cp -a /mnt/tmp/boot /tmp
mv /tmp/boot/tinycore.gz /tmp
sudo umount /mnt/tmp


With the files copied into /tmp, we’ll be unpacking the initrd image

$ sudo mkdir /tmp/extract
$ cd /tmp/extract
$ zcat /tmp/tinycore.gz | sudo cpio -i -H newc -d


Please note the use of sudo where needed; root rights are required
to preserve permissions correctly. If your host distribution sets non-
default flags for /tmp, you may also need to change the permissions
of the /tmp/extract directory - it needs to be root:root 755 in order
to produce a bootable image.
Now, with the initrd image laid bare before our eyes, feel free to do
any edits, additions, or removals needed.

11.3. Packing
With the modifications done, these steps create the initrd image
from the extracted directory tree:

$ cd /tmp/extract
$ sudo find | sudo cpio -o -H newc | \
gzip -2 > ../tinycore.gz
$ cd /tmp
$ advdef -z4 tinycore.gz


The image is compressed using gzip’s level 2 to save time.
Advdef is used to re-compress the image with a slightly better
implementation, producing a smaller image that is faster to boot.

11.4. Creating an ISO image

The following commands create a bootable ISO image, ready to be
burned or booted in a virtual machine:

cd /tmp
mv tinycore.gz boot
mkdir newiso
mv boot newiso
mkisofs -l -J -r -V TC-custom -no-emul-boot \
-boot-load-size 4 \
-boot-info-table -b boot/isolinux/isolinux.bin \
-c boot/isolinux/boot.cat -o TC-remastered.iso newiso
# Optionally clean-up the temp dir
rm -rf newiso


注: v6.4版本亲测有效,只是需要换一下文件名

转自: 《corebook——into the Core—A look at  Tiny Core linux》

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