1: controlling the way you think is a manageable process

The good news is that you have control over the way you think and the capacity to control your emotional responses as well.Even if you have 80000 thoughts a day. Controlling the way you think is a manageable process.Of course,it
does not happen overnight;it takes time,effort ,practice ,and patience .This is something that is so worth investing in to live a successful life.

there is nothing wrong with doing there things in moderation.You need to realize the amount of time you put into the things that you feed your mind with.If you want to live a successful and meaningful life,continually working
on the way you think is key

2:controlling the way you think is a decision that only you can make

It is a okay to think about the past and the future.However ,dwelling or obsessing with thoughts about the past and the future is a signal that you are definitely not living in the present .You may be struggling with loneliness,resentment,decision
,disappointment ,and negativity overall,which is all preventing you from improving the way you think and robbing you of you joy, too.

Controlling the way you think is a decision that only you can make.Please take note that an illness ---such as stress or depression --or an emotional or physical loss can highly affect making progress with way you think,and it
is totally understandable -be kind to yourself .In the case,you need time to heal and grieve.Time ,faith and the support of loved ones will help you get through it .

Changing the way you think to improve the quality of your life is achievable.Dare to say yes to invest in the way you think and reap the reward of it.You have extensive resources to help you,and most of them are at no cost to
you like researching online.

3:the key to controlling the way you think

Based on numerous studies ,70% to 80% of what you think is nonsense and negative. Therefore ,30% to 20% of what you think is meaningful and positive ;increasing there percentages is possible and of so much gain to you.there percentages
help you become aware of where you stand with you thoughts

Self-awareness is key in changing the way you think.Self-awareness from the ancient means "know thyself " Do you want to see yourself living more successful and meaningfully? A healthy and positive way of thinking is a powerful
way to achieve it .Success starts with your thoughts.You can change your life by changing the quality of you thoughts.

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