Never was anything great achieved without danger.


After the rain, if there's the sunshine, then we may see the beautiful rainbow, one natural phenomenon, formed by the water vapour in the air reflects the sunshine.

Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, very beautiful.

Yes, the one thing I'd like to highlight is that we may see the rainbow, not we always see the rainbow.

All things in the world run in this way, you can't make sure it will be certain to happen even if all the requirements are met.

So, I just want to comfort myself if the outcomes are not as good as we had expected.

That just shows one thing, the time is yet to come and we'd better to do more to assure all the requirements are met, sometimes we must make sure they are excessive, with enough margin.

Instead of worrying about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create.


Recently I am very anxious, because I haven't abtained the things I had promised to others and I had expected Iwould have before the deadline.

Some of them are out of my control, I only can make sure what I have done, but I can't guarantee the results.

And I spend too much time in worrying about the results and imagining what my life will be if they are good or if they are bad.

Useless, isn't it?

Maybe it will be better if I can shift those time and energy to what I can create now, for example, I can spend more time on optimizing my code to make the performance of my system better and more reliable.

Ok, I always know what the problems lie, the very thing I need to do is insisting on solving the problems and eradicate the bugs.

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