[.net 多线程]Semaphore信号量
System.Threading.Semaphore 类表示一个命名(系统范围内)或本地信号量。它是环绕 Win32 信号量对象的精简包装器。Win32 信号量是计数信号量,该可用于控制对资源池的访问。
SemaphoreSlim 类表示一个轻量、快速的信号量,可在等待时间预计很短的情况下用于在单个进程内等待。 SemaphoreSlim 尽可能多地依赖公共语言运行时 (CLR) 提供的同步基元。但是,它还提供延迟初始化、基于内核的等待句柄,作为在多个信号量上进行等待的必要支持。 SemaphoreSlim 也支持使用取消标记,但不支持命名信号量或使用用于同步的等待句柄。
[TargetedPatchingOptOut("Performance critical to inline this type of method across NGen image boundaries")]
public Semaphore(int initialCount, int maximumCount);
using System;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks; public class Example
private static SemaphoreSlim semaphore;
// A padding interval to make the output more orderly.
private static int padding; public static void Main()
// Create the semaphore.
semaphore = new SemaphoreSlim(, );
Console.WriteLine("{0} tasks can enter the semaphore.",
Task[] tasks = new Task[]; // Create and start five numbered tasks.
for(int i = ; i <= ; i++)
tasks[i] = Task.Run( () => {
// Each task begins by requesting the semaphore.
Console.WriteLine("Task {0} begins and waits for the semaphore.",
semaphore.Wait(); Interlocked.Add(ref padding, ); Console.WriteLine("Task {0} enters the semaphore.", Task.CurrentId); // The task just sleeps for 1+ seconds.
Thread.Sleep( + padding); Console.WriteLine("Task {0} releases the semaphore; previous count: {1}.",
Task.CurrentId, semaphore.Release()); } );
} // Wait for half a second, to allow all the tasks to start and block.
Thread.Sleep(); // Restore the semaphore count to its maximum value.
Console.Write("Main thread calls Release(3) --> ");
Console.WriteLine("{0} tasks can enter the semaphore.",
// Main thread waits for the tasks to complete.
Task.WaitAll(tasks); Console.WriteLine("Main thread exits.");
// The example displays output like the following:
// 0 tasks can enter the semaphore.
// Task 1 begins and waits for the semaphore.
// Task 5 begins and waits for the semaphore.
// Task 2 begins and waits for the semaphore.
// Task 4 begins and waits for the semaphore.
// Task 3 begins and waits for the semaphore.
// Main thread calls Release(3) --> 3 tasks can enter the semaphore.
// Task 4 enters the semaphore.
// Task 1 enters the semaphore.
// Task 3 enters the semaphore.
// Task 4 releases the semaphore; previous count: 0.
// Task 2 enters the semaphore.
// Task 1 releases the semaphore; previous count: 0.
// Task 3 releases the semaphore; previous count: 0.
// Task 5 enters the semaphore.
// Task 2 releases the semaphore; previous count: 1.
// Task 5 releases the semaphore; previous count: 2.
// Main thread exits.
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