

You must call GdiplusStartup before you create any GDI+ objects, and you must delete all of your GDI+ objects (or have them go out of scope) before you call GdiplusShutdown.


	Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput;
ULONG_PTR gdiplusToken;
Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL); HDC deskTop = GetDC(NULL);
int nBitPerPixel = GetDeviceCaps(deskTop, BITSPIXEL);
int nWidth = GetDeviceCaps(deskTop, HORZRES);
int nHeight = GetDeviceCaps(deskTop, VERTRES);
//int center
Gdiplus::Graphics graphics(deskTop);
graphics.TranslateTransform(nWidth / 2, nHeight / 2);
Gdiplus::Image *image = new Gdiplus::Image(L"D:\\456.png"); printf("%dx%d BitPerPixel = %d\r\n", nWidth, nHeight, nBitPerPixel);
graphics.DrawImage(image, -256 / 2, -256 / 2, 256, 256); delete image;
image = nullptr;
ReleaseDC(NULL, deskTop); Gdiplus::GdiplusShutdown(gdiplusToken);

使用 {} 大阔号把 gdi+ 的对象作用域分开,当离开作用域时,此时 gdi+ 对象的使用资源会释放掉,然后调用 Gdiplus::GdiplusShutdown(gdiplusToken); 函数就不会抛异常了。you must delete all of your GDI+ objects (or have them go out of scope) before you call GdiplusShutdown.

	Gdiplus::GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput;
ULONG_PTR gdiplusToken;
Gdiplus::GdiplusStartup(&gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
HDC deskTop = GetDC(NULL);
int nBitPerPixel = GetDeviceCaps(deskTop, BITSPIXEL);
int nWidth = GetDeviceCaps(deskTop, HORZRES);
int nHeight = GetDeviceCaps(deskTop, VERTRES);
//int center
Gdiplus::Graphics graphics(deskTop);
graphics.TranslateTransform(nWidth / 2, nHeight / 2);
Gdiplus::Image *image = new Gdiplus::Image(L"D:\\456.png"); printf("%dx%d BitPerPixel = %d\r\n", nWidth, nHeight, nBitPerPixel);
graphics.DrawImage(image, -256 / 2, -256 / 2, 256, 256); delete image;
image = nullptr;
ReleaseDC(NULL, deskTop);

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