GitHub repository:https://github.com/aperrau/DetectText
function [ swtMap ] = swt( im, searchDirection )
%swt Preforms stoke width transform on input image
% A novel image operator that seeks to find the value of stroke width
% for each image pixel. It's use is meant for the task of text
% detection in natural images.
% im = RGB input image of size m x n x
% searchDirection = gradient direction is either to detect dark text on light
% background or - to detect light text on dark background.
% swtMap = resulting mapping of stroke withs for image pixels % Convert image to gray scale
im = im2double(rgb2gray(im));
%figure, imshow(im), title('Black and White Image'); % Find edges using canny edge dector
edgeMap = edge(im, 'canny');
%figure, imshow(edgeMap), title('Edges Using Canny'); % Get all edge pixel postitions
[edgePointRows, edgePointCols] = find(edgeMap); % Find gradient horizontal and vertical gradient
sobelMask = fspecial('sobel');
dx = imfilter(im,sobelMask);
dy = imfilter(im,sobelMask');
%figure, imshow(dx, []), title('Horizontal Gradient Image');
%figure, imshow(dy, []), title('Vertical Gradient Image'); % Initializing matrix of gradient direction
theta = zeros(size(edgeMap,),size(edgeMap,)); % Calculating theta, gradient direction, for each pixel on the image.
% ***This can be optimized by using edgePointCols and edgePointRows
% instead.***
for i=:size(edgeMap,)
for j=:size(edgeMap,)
if edgeMap(i,j) ==
theta(i,j) = atan2(dy(i,j),dx(i,j));
end % Getting size of the image
[m,n] = size(edgeMap); % Initializing Stoke Width array with infinity
swtMap = zeros(m,n);
for i=:m
for j=:n
swtMap(i,j) = inf;
end % Set the maximum stroke width, this number is variable for now but must be
% made to be more dynamic in the future
maxStrokeWidth = ; % Initialize container for all stoke points found
strokePointsX = zeros(size(edgePointCols));
strokePointsY = zeros(size(strokePointsX));
sizeOfStrokePoints = ; % Iterate through all edge points and compute stoke widths
for i=:size(edgePointRows)
step = ;
initialX = edgePointRows(i);
initialY = edgePointCols(i);
isStroke = ;
initialTheta = theta(initialX,initialY);
sizeOfRay = ;
pointOfRayX = zeros(maxStrokeWidth,);
pointOfRayY = zeros(maxStrokeWidth,); % Record first point of the ray
pointOfRayX(sizeOfRay+) = initialX;
pointOfRayY(sizeOfRay+) = initialY; % Increase the size of the ray
sizeOfRay = sizeOfRay + ; % Follow the ray
while step < maxStrokeWidth
nextX = round(initialX + cos(initialTheta) * searchDirection * step);
nextY = round(initialY + sin(initialTheta) * searchDirection * step); step = step + ; % Break loop if out of bounds. For some reason this is really
% slow.
if nextX < | nextY < | nextX > m | nextY > n
end % Record next point of the ray
pointOfRayX(sizeOfRay+) = nextX;
pointOfRayY(sizeOfRay+) = nextY; % Increase size of the ray
sizeOfRay = sizeOfRay + ; % Another edge pixel has been found
if edgeMap(nextX,nextY) oppositeTheta = theta(nextX,nextY); % Gradient direction roughtly opposite
if abs(abs(initialTheta - oppositeTheta) - pi) < pi/
isStroke = ;
strokePointsX(sizeOfStrokePoints+) = initialX;
strokePointsY(sizeOfStrokePoints+) = initialY;
sizeOfStrokePoints = sizeOfStrokePoints + ;
end break
end % Edge pixel is part of stroke
if isStroke % Calculate stoke width
strokeWidth = sqrt((nextX - initialX)^ + (nextY - initialY)^); % Iterate all ray points and populate with the minimum stroke width
for j=:sizeOfRay
swtMap(pointOfRayX(j),pointOfRayY(j)) = min(swtMap(pointOfRayX(j),pointOfRayY(j)),strokeWidth);
end %figure, imshow(swtMap, []), title('Stroke Width Transform: First Pass'); % Iterate through all stoke points for a refinement pass. Refer to figure
% 4b in the paper. for i=:sizeOfStrokePoints
step = ;
initialX = strokePointsX(i);
initialY = strokePointsY(i);
initialTheta = theta(initialX,initialY);
sizeOfRay = ;
pointOfRayX = zeros(maxStrokeWidth,);
pointOfRayY = zeros(maxStrokeWidth,);
swtValues = zeros(maxStrokeWidth,);
sizeOfSWTValues = ; % Record first point of the ray
pointOfRayX(sizeOfRay+) = initialX;
pointOfRayY(sizeOfRay+) = initialY; % Increase the size of the ray
sizeOfRay = sizeOfRay + ; % Record the swt value of first stoke point
swtValues(sizeOfSWTValues+) = swtMap(initialX,initialY);
sizeOfSWTValues = sizeOfSWTValues + ; % Follow the ray
while step < maxStrokeWidth
nextX = round(initialX + cos(initialTheta) * searchDirection * step);
nextY = round(initialY + sin(initialTheta) * searchDirection * step); step = step + ; % Record next point of the ray
pointOfRayX(sizeOfRay+) = nextX;
pointOfRayY(sizeOfRay+) = nextY; % Increase size of the ray
sizeOfRay = sizeOfRay + ; % Record the swt value of next stoke point
swtValues(sizeOfSWTValues+) = swtMap(nextX,nextY);
sizeOfSWTValues = sizeOfSWTValues + ; % Another edge pixel has been found
if edgeMap(nextX,nextY)
end % Calculate stoke width as the median value of all swtValues seen.
strokeWidth = median(swtValues(:sizeOfSWTValues)); % Iterate all ray points and populate with the minimum stroke width
for j=:sizeOfRay
swtMap(pointOfRayX(j),pointOfRayY(j)) = min(swtMap(pointOfRayX(j),pointOfRayY(j)),strokeWidth);
end end %figure, imshow(swtMap, []), title('Stroke Width Transform: Second Pass'); end
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