csu 1965
You are a boss who has N employers. One day, you have a message and you want to tell it to M employers of yours. As you are a funny man, you want to choose some of the M employers and tell them the message, and then let them tell other employers so that all the M know the message (you don't care whether the other N − M employers know the message or not). Employers who know the message can tell it to anyone else. The ith employer telling the jth employer causes a cost of Cij and you want to know what the minimal total cost is.
The input data consists of several cases. The first line contains one integer, T, indicating the number of test cases. For each test case, the first line contains two integers, N (10 ≤ N ≤ 50) and M (5 ≤ M ≤ 10), described above. The employers are numbered from 1. In the next N lines, each line contains N integers. The jth integer in the ith line is Cij (1 ≤ Cij ≤ 1000, Cii = 0, Cij = Cji). In the next line, there are 2 × M integers. The 2 × i − 1th integer is the index of the ith employer who you want to know the message. The 2 × ith is the cost for you to tell him the message. All cost values are between 1 and 1000.
For each test case, print one integer in one line, W, indicating the mininal total cost.
Sample Input
10 5
0 42 468 501 479 706 492 605 719 668
42 0 335 170 359 146 996 903 896 300
468 335 0 725 963 282 943 154 448 36
501 170 725 0 465 828 828 293 727 895
479 359 963 465 0 962 437 383 772 704
706 146 282 828 962 0 392 422 539 812
492 996 943 828 437 392 0 717 870 323
605 903 154 293 383 422 717 0 913 334
719 896 448 727 772 539 870 913 0 674
668 300 36 895 704 812 323 334 674 0
5 142 2 54 9 148 3 158 8 60
Sample Output
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