cluster map

  1. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph mon dump
  2. epoch 4
  3. fsid 2ae6d05a-229a-11ec-925e-52540000fa0c
  4. last_changed 2021-10-01T09:33:53.880442+0000
  5. created 2021-10-01T09:30:30.146231+0000
  6. min_mon_release 16 (pacific)
  7. election_strategy: 1
  8. 0: [v2:,v1:]
  9. 1: [v2:,v1:] mon.clienta
  10. 2: [v2:,v1:] mon.serverd
  11. 3: [v2:,v1:] mon.servere
  12. dumped monmap epoch 4 #数字方便同步
  13. [ceph: root@clienta /]#
  14. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph osd dump
  15. epoch 401
  16. fsid 2ae6d05a-229a-11ec-925e-52540000fa0c
  17. created 2021-10-01T09:30:32.028240+0000
  18. modified 2022-08-20T14:56:19.230208+0000
  19. flags sortbitwise,recovery_deletes,purged_snapdirs,pglog_hardlimit
  20. crush_version 77
  21. full_ratio 0.95
  22. backfillfull_ratio 0.9
  23. nearfull_ratio 0.85
  24. require_min_compat_client luminous
  25. min_compat_client jewel
  26. require_osd_release pacific
  27. stretch_mode_enabled false
  28. pool 1 'device_health_metrics' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 1 pgp_num 1 autoscale_mode on last_change 374 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 pg_num_min 1 application mgr_devicehealth
  29. pool 2 '.rgw.root' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 32 pgp_num 32 autoscale_mode on last_change 48 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 application rgw
  30. pool 3 'default.rgw.log' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 32 pgp_num 32 autoscale_mode on last_change 50 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 application rgw
  31. pool 4 'default.rgw.control' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 32 pgp_num 32 autoscale_mode on last_change 52 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 application rgw
  32. pool 5 'default.rgw.meta' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 0 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 8 pgp_num 8 autoscale_mode on last_change 184 lfor 0/184/182 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0 pg_autoscale_bias 4 pg_num_min 8 application rgw
  33. pool 10 'pool1' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 1 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 32 pgp_num 32 autoscale_mode on last_change 266 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0
  34. pool 11 'ssdpool' replicated size 3 min_size 2 crush_rule 2 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 32 pgp_num 32 autoscale_mode on last_change 338 flags hashpspool stripe_width 0
  35. pool 12 'myecpool' erasure profile myprofile1 size 4 min_size 3 crush_rule 3 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 32 pgp_num 32 autoscale_mode on last_change 345 flags hashpspool stripe_width 8192
  36. pool 13 'myecpool2' erasure profile myprofile2 size 4 min_size 3 crush_rule 4 object_hash rjenkins pg_num 32 pgp_num 32 autoscale_mode on last_change 350 flags hashpspool stripe_width 8192
  37. max_osd 9
  38. osd.0 up in weight 1 up_from 360 up_thru 398 down_at 354 last_clean_interval [243,350) [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] exists,up 5be66be9-8262-4c4b-9654-ed549f6280f7
  39. osd.1 up in weight 1 up_from 359 up_thru 397 down_at 354 last_clean_interval [244,350) [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] exists,up 3f751363-a03c-4b76-af92-8114e38bfa09
  40. osd.2 up in weight 1 up_from 363 up_thru 378 down_at 354 last_clean_interval [242,350) [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] exists,up 68d72b66-4c99-4d54-a7e4-f1cb8f8e5054
  41. osd.3 up in weight 1 up_from 363 up_thru 390 down_at 354 last_clean_interval [236,350) [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] exists,up 21a9ebe9-908d-4026-8a57-8fbee935033e
  42. osd.4 up in weight 1 up_from 354 up_thru 400 down_at 353 last_clean_interval [237,350) [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] exists,up 85202210-9298-4443-9140-027792ddc891
  43. osd.5 up in weight 1 up_from 363 up_thru 399 down_at 354 last_clean_interval [235,350) [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] exists,up 252d1668-c4c2-42ca-85fe-87c7419557d6
  44. osd.6 up in weight 1 up_from 353 up_thru 381 down_at 352 last_clean_interval [237,350) [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] exists,up 2d753bfc-32f6-4663-9411-16067f366977
  45. osd.7 up in weight 1 up_from 363 up_thru 378 down_at 354 last_clean_interval [236,350) [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] exists,up fccc62ed-9b04-456a-95c3-5c3cb27e56d4
  46. osd.8 up in weight 1 up_from 357 up_thru 399 down_at 356 last_clean_interval [237,350) [v2:,v1:] [v2:,v1:] exists,up 8b0789f2-f40e-4d63-ac52-343b8e11f24c
  47. blocklist expires 2022-08-21T14:55:16.971863+0000
  48. blocklist expires 2022-08-21T14:55:16.971863+0000
  49. blocklist expires 2022-08-21T14:55:16.971863+0000
  50. blocklist expires 2022-08-21T14:55:16.971863+0000
  51. blocklist expires 2022-08-20T16:19:27.333673+0000
  52. blocklist expires 2022-08-20T16:19:27.333673+0000
  53. blocklist expires 2022-08-20T16:19:27.333673+0000
  54. blocklist expires 2022-08-20T16:19:27.333673+0000
  55. blocklist expires 2022-08-20T16:19:27.333673+0000
  56. blocklist expires 2022-08-21T08:52:54.506446+0000
  57. blocklist expires 2022-08-21T14:55:16.971863+0000
  58. blocklist expires 2022-08-21T08:52:54.506446+0000
  59. blocklist expires 2022-08-21T08:52:54.506446+0000
  60. blocklist expires 2022-08-21T08:52:54.506446+0000
  61. blocklist expires 2022-08-21T08:52:54.506446+0000
  62. [ceph: root@clienta /]#
  63. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph pg dump
  64. #忽略输出,太多了
  65. osd 100-200 最多承载pg,建议值
  66. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph mgr dump | grep "dashboard"
  67. "config_dashboard": {
  68. "name": "config_dashboard",
  69. "default_value": "",
  70. "name": "dashboard",
  71. "default_value": "osd,host,dashboard,pool,block,nfs,ceph,monitors,gateway,logs,crush,maps",
  72. "config_dashboard": {
  73. "name": "config_dashboard",
  74. "default_value": "",
  75. "name": "dashboard",
  76. "default_value": "osd,host,dashboard,pool,block,nfs,ceph,monitors,gateway,logs,crush,maps",
  77. "config_dashboard": {
  78. "name": "config_dashboard",
  79. "default_value": "",
  80. "name": "dashboard",
  81. "default_value": "osd,host,dashboard,pool,block,nfs,ceph,monitors,gateway,logs,crush,maps",
  82. "dashboard",
  83. "config_dashboard": {
  84. "name": "config_dashboard",
  85. "default_value": "",
  86. "name": "dashboard",
  87. "default_value": "osd,host,dashboard,pool,block,nfs,ceph,monitors,gateway,logs,crush,maps",
  88. "dashboard": "",
  89. [ceph: root@clienta /]#
  90. Cluster Map基本查询
  91. ceph mon dump
  92. ceph osd dump
  93. ceph osd crush dump
  94. ceph pg dump all
  95. ceph fs dump
  96. ceph mgr dump
  97. ceph service dump

mon小集群,三节点部署 存放所有map

  1. [root@serverc 2ae6d05a-229a-11ec-925e-52540000fa0c]# pwd
  2. /var/lib/ceph/2ae6d05a-229a-11ec-925e-52540000fa0c
  3. [root@serverc 2ae6d05a-229a-11ec-925e-52540000fa0c]# ll
  4. total 292
  5. drwx------. 3 root root 149 Oct 1 2021 alertmanager.serverc
  6. -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 295991 Oct 1 2021 cephadm.d7a73386d1e46cffff151775b8e1d098069c88b89aea56cab15b079c1a1f555f
  7. drwx------. 3 167 167 20 Oct 1 2021 crash
  8. drwx------. 2 167 167 167 Oct 1 2021 crash.serverc
  9. drwx------. 4 472 472 161 Oct 1 2021 grafana.serverc
  10. drwx------. 2 167 167 167 Oct 1 2021
  11. drwx------. 3 167 167 224 Oct 1 2021
  12. drwx------. 2 nobody nobody 138 Oct 1 2021 node-exporter.serverc
  13. drwx------. 2 167 167 275 Aug 20 10:54 osd.0
  14. drwx------. 2 167 167 275 Aug 20 10:54 osd.1
  15. drwx------. 2 167 167 275 Aug 20 10:54 osd.2
  16. drwx------. 4 root root 161 Oct 1 2021 prometheus.serverc
  17. drwx------. 2 167 167 167 Oct 29 2021
  18. drwxr-xr-x. 2 root root 6 Oct 1 2021 selinux
  19. [root@serverc 2ae6d05a-229a-11ec-925e-52540000fa0c]#
  20. 角色相关信息




数据回填:当有新的osd加入时 (重平衡)


osd 最大70%左右 再大的话就不好恢复

  1. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph osd set noout
  2. noout is set
  3. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph osd unset noout
  4. noout is unset
  5. [ceph: root@clienta /]#

nearfull_ratio 0.85 提醒集群容量块满了 health warn(扩容)

backfillfull_ratio 0.9 当osd使用比达到90%,数据禁止回填,但是可以恢复,正常对外提供读写

full_ratio 0.95 当osd使用比达到95%,数据禁止写入,可以读,可以恢复

  1. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph osd set-full-ratio 0.95
  2. osd set-full-ratio 0.95
  3. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph osd set-nearfull-ratio 0.85
  4. osd set-nearfull-ratio 0.85
  5. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph osd dump
  6. epoch 426
  7. fsid 2ae6d05a-229a-11ec-925e-52540000fa0c
  8. created 2021-10-01T09:30:32.028240+0000
  9. modified 2022-08-20T17:56:35.571847+0000
  10. flags sortbitwise,recovery_deletes,purged_snapdirs,pglog_hardlimit
  11. crush_version 82
  12. full_ratio 0.95
  13. backfillfull_ratio 0.9
  14. nearfull_ratio 0.85




  1. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph osd primary-affinity osd.0 0
  2. 降低权重
  3. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph pg dump pgs_brief
  5. 4.8 active+clean [4,3,0] 4 [4,3,0] 4
  6. 3.f active+clean [7,4,0] 7 [7,4,0] 7
  7. 2.e active+clean [2,4,3] 2 [2,4,3] 2
  8. 4.b active+clean [7,0,4] 7 [7,0,4] 7
  9. 3.c active+clean [5,0,6] 5 [5,0,6] 5
  10. 2.d active+clean [4,3,2] 4 [4,3,2] 4
  11. 4.a active+clean [5,1,4] 5 [5,1,4] 5
  12. 3.d active+clean [7,6,2] 7 [7,6,2] 7
  13. 2.c active+clean [6,0,5] 6 [6,0,5] 6
  14. 3.a active+clean [3,1,8] 3 [3,1,8] 3


  1. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph pg dump pgs_brief | grep "\[6"
  2. dumped pgs_brief
  3. 2.c active+clean [6,0,5] 6 [6,0,5] 6
  4. 2.a active+clean [6,1,3] 6 [6,1,3] 6
  5. 4.3 active+clean [6,7,1] 6 [6,7,1] 6




ceph 调优


如果你的程序不占用大内存,要求更快的程序运行时间,你应该选择限制值访问本numa node的方式来进行处理




在集群安装后,需要监控集群、排除故障并维护,尽管 Ceph具有自愈功能。如果发生性能问题,首先在磁盘、网络和硬件层面上排查。然后逐步转向RADOS块设备和Ceph对象网关










分配16GB内存,外加每个OSD 2G内存












分配16GB内存,外加每个OSD 2G内存


  1. dd
  2.  echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches
  3. dd if=/dev/zero of=/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/test.img bs=4M count=1024 oflag=direct
  4. dd if=/var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0/test.img of=/dev/null bs=4M count=1024 oflag=direct  
  5. fio
  7. [ceph: root@clienta /]# ceph osd pool create pool1
  8. pool 'pool1' created
  9. [ceph: root@clienta /]# rados bench -p pool1 10 write --no-cleanup
  10. hints = 1
  11. Maintaining 16 concurrent writes of 4194304 bytes to objects of size 4194304 for up to 10 seconds or 0 objects
  12. Object prefix: benchmark_data_clienta.lab.example.com_565
  13. sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat(s) avg lat(s)
  14. 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
  15. 1 16 16 0 0 0 - 0
  16. 2 16 17 1 1.99911 2 1.77034 1.77034
  17. 3 16 19 3 3.99849 8 2.89986 2.41562
  18. 4 16 20 4 3.99855 4 3.87552 2.78059
  19. 5 16 26 10 7.99736 24 4.87003 3.66784
  20. 6 16 29 13 8.65267 12 5.8558 3.89705
  21. 7 16 36 20 11.4123 28 2.25577 4.20837
  22. 8 16 39 23 11.4849 12 3.18817 4.17326
  23. 9 16 49 33 14.6481 40 1.93119 3.67961
  24. 10 16 54 38 15.1205 20 4.61332 3.71135
  25. 11 15 54 39 14.1054 4 4.50752 3.73177
  26. 12 14 54 40 13.262 4 3.58412 3.72808
  27. 13 11 54 43 13.1608 12 3.9051 3.71667
  28. Total time run: 13.7161
  29. Total writes made: 54
  30. Write size: 4194304
  31. Object size: 4194304
  32. Bandwidth (MB/sec): 15.7479
  33. Stddev Bandwidth: 11.8495
  34. Max bandwidth (MB/sec): 40
  35. Min bandwidth (MB/sec): 0
  36. Average IOPS: 3
  37. Stddev IOPS: 3.00427
  38. Max IOPS: 10
  39. Min IOPS: 0
  40. Average Latency(s): 3.86659
  41. Stddev Latency(s): 1.48435
  42. Max latency(s): 7.45216
  43. Min latency(s): 1.17718
  44. [ceph: root@clienta /]#
  45. [ceph: root@clienta /]# rados bench -p pool1 10 seq
  46. hints = 1
  47. sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat(s) avg lat(s)
  48. 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
  49. 1 16 24 8 31.8681 32 0.539518 0.460968
  50. 2 16 45 29 57.6669 84 0.657187 0.773738
  51. 3 5 54 49 65.0267 80 0.595555 0.685997
  52. 4 2 54 52 51.6497 12 2.35873 0.808986
  53. Total time run: 4.26827
  54. Total reads made: 54
  55. Read size: 4194304
  56. Object size: 4194304
  57. Bandwidth (MB/sec): 50.606
  58. Average IOPS: 12
  59. Stddev IOPS: 8.90693
  60. Max IOPS: 21
  61. Min IOPS: 3
  62. Average Latency(s): 0.856345
  63. Max latency(s): 3.07995
  64. Min latency(s): 0.0897737
  65. [ceph: root@clienta /]#
  66. [ceph: root@clienta /]# rados bench -p pool1 10 rand
  67. hints = 1
  68. sec Cur ops started finished avg MB/s cur MB/s last lat(s) avg lat(s)
  69. 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
  70. 1 16 26 10 39.8594 40 0.450443 0.523675
  71. 2 16 45 29 57.894 76 1.81343 0.569421
  72. 3 16 54 38 50.5224 36 2.38602 0.792168
  73. 4 16 79 63 62.8348 100 0.0543633 0.813247
  74. 5 16 94 78 62.2342 60 2.35538 0.832442
  75. 6 16 127 111 73.8291 132 0.141455 0.779658
  76. 7 16 158 142 80.881 124 1.5348 0.742651
  77. 8 16 188 172 85.4177 120 0.431023 0.71256
  78. 9 16 208 192 84.786 80 0.657024 0.690867
  79. 10 16 213 197 78.2818 20 0.30201 0.702446
  80. 11 11 213 202 72.9987 20 2.83034 0.737541
  81. Total time run: 11.4804
  82. Total reads made: 213
  83. Read size: 4194304
  84. Object size: 4194304
  85. Bandwidth (MB/sec): 74.2134
  86. Average IOPS: 18
  87. Stddev IOPS: 10.4045
  88. Max IOPS: 33
  89. Min IOPS: 5
  90. Average Latency(s): 0.829176
  91. Max latency(s): 3.0047
  92. Min latency(s): 0.0343662


  1. [ceph: root@clienta /]# rados -p pool1 cleanup
  2. Removed 54 objects
  3. [root@clienta ~]# sysctl vm.drop_caches=3

我这是虚拟机部署,不是物理机,与物理机比性能高下立判。物理机Bandwidth (MB/sec): 1000 虚拟机Bandwidth (MB/sec): 74.2134

  1. [ceph: root@clienta /]# rbd pool init pool1
  2. [ceph: root@clienta /]# rbd create --size 1G pool1/image1
  3. [ceph: root@clienta /]# rbd info pool1/image1
  4. rbd image 'image1':
  5. size 1 GiB in 256 objects
  6. order 22 (4 MiB objects)
  7. snapshot_count: 0
  8. id: 197ad26b4bdeb
  9. block_name_prefix: rbd_data.197ad26b4bdeb
  10. format: 2
  11. features: layering, exclusive-lock, object-map, fast-diff, deep-flatten
  12. op_features:
  13. flags:
  14. create_timestamp: Sun Aug 21 10:29:30 2022
  15. access_timestamp: Sun Aug 21 10:29:30 2022
  16. modify_timestamp: Sun Aug 21 10:29:30 2022
  17. [ceph: root@clienta /]# rbd bench --io-type write image1 --pool=pool1
  18. bench type write io_size 4096 io_threads 16 bytes 1073741824 pattern sequential
  20. 1 6288 6174.26 24 MiB/s
  21. 2 6800 3117.98 12 MiB/s
  22. 3 7232 2402.35 9.4 MiB/s
  23. 4 7856 1891.83 7.4 MiB/s
  24. 5 8336 1666.05 6.5 MiB/s
  25. 6 9040 552.049 2.2 MiB/s
  26. 7 14160 1514.69 5.9 MiB/s
  27. 8 17472 2018.1 7.9 MiB/s
  28. 9 23056 3039.35 12 MiB/s
  29. 10 26000 3539.12 14 MiB/s
  30. 11 28416 3876.7 15 MiB/s

  1. [ceph: root@clienta /]# rbd bench --io-type read image1 --pool=pool1
  2. bench type read io_size 4096 io_threads 16 bytes 1073741824 pattern sequential
  4. 1 400 452.168 1.8 MiB/s
  5. 2 816 430.636 1.7 MiB/s
  6. 3 1248 431.099 1.7 MiB/s
  7. 4 1712 441.599 1.7 MiB/s
  8. 5 2144 438.929 1.7 MiB/s
  9. 6 2560 429.247 1.7 MiB/s
  10. 7 2896 414.255 1.6 MiB/s

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "- ...

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    一. 安装readlineyum install readline* -y 二. 安装rlwrap[root@dbserver ~]# tar -zxvf rlwrap-0.43.tar.gz[roo ...

  6. JDBC:批处理

    1.批处理: 当要执行某条SQL语句很多次时.例如,批量添加数据:使用批处理的效率要高的多. 2.如何实现批处理 实践: package com.dgd.test; import ...

  7. 泛型容器类和ArrayList操作

    泛型 比如ArrayList<E> E就是泛型 在没有泛型之前,从集合读取到的每一个对象都必须进行转换,如果有人不小心插入了类型错误的对象,在运行时的转换处理就会出错 有了泛型之后,可以告 ...

  8. c# 反射专题—————— 介绍一下是什么是反射[ 一]

    前言 为什么有反射这个系列,这个系列后,asp net 将会进入深入篇,如果没有这个反射系列,那么asp net的源码,看了可能会觉得头晕,里面的依赖注入包括框架源码是大量的反射. 正文 下面是官方文 ...

  9. JavaWEB-01-MySQL基础

    JavaWeb内容 数据库 – 数据存储 MySQL JDBC Maven - 项目管理工具 Mybatis 前端 - 为了前端哥们沟通 HTML+CSS JavaScript Ajax + Vue ...

  10. squareline搭档OneOS图形组件之可视化GUI开发

    LVGL+OneOS! LVGL,一款很火的GUI开发库,一个高度可裁剪.低资源占用.界面美观且易用的嵌入式系统图形库.本身并不依赖特定的硬件平台,任何满足LVGL硬件配置要求的微控制器均可运行LVG ...