Date : 2022/04/24

Intallation Tutorial - Reference : Introduction to rgee (

Prerequisites :

1. A registered GEE acoount

2. A unrestricted-access VPN for google

3. A python package-management software , such as Anaconda

3. R and Rstudio

Process :

1. Install the 'rgee' package

2. Set up the dependent environment

3. Initialization

Step 1 : Install the 'rgee' package

First, start you Rtudio and create a new R file. Before your installation , set up your python interpreter in Rstudio.

! If you met with the following problem , try what the above picture shows.

> library(rgee)
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘rgee’:
调用: py_module_import(module, convert = convert)
错误: ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ee'

Then install the 'rgee' package. Here is where you can install ,check and  update the R packages.

Step 2 : Set up the dependent environment

Now, we load the package, set up the python environment.

#set up the python environment, do follow the prompt, enter [y] to restart R session.
# ! Only need set up one time, if set up successfully, you don't have to write this line code again.
ee_install()# if this doesn't work , try the next line code
ee_install(py_env = "rgee") # if this doesn't work , try the next line code
ee_install_set_pyenv(py_env = "rgee")

After that , we need check out if all done.


Return Success Symbol :
(*) Python version
√ [Ok] D:/Anaconda3/envs/rgee/python.exe v3.8
(*) Python packages:
√ [Ok] numpy
√ [Ok] earthengine-api

! If don't , maybe the rgee and earthengine-api version doesn't match, just update your rgee package in Rstudio.

Step 3 : Initialization

Here is the Big Big Problem . 

ee_Initialize() # You need to do it every time after loading the 'rgee' library.

Normally, you may encounter the following two problems:

√ email: not_defined
√ Initializing Google Earth Engine:

Error in py_call_impl(callable, dots$args, dots$keywords) :

1. TimeoutError: timed out [WinError 10060]

2. URLError: <urlopen error [WinError 10060]

I googled some solutions, but they didn't work, perhaps these attempts will solve your problems

## Solution 1 : clean up the environment then initialize
ee_Initialize() ## Solution 2 : Set the proxy then initialize

Finally , I figured out the solution. It was unwise that I did not set system proxy , I just set up the browser proxy. 

So,  please make sure system proxy set up, then the initialization will succeess.

Step 4 : Enjoy working R with GEE

[ ^_^ ] If you have any problems , please comment on the box below.

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