//  Copyright(C) 2021. Huawei Technologies Co.,Ltd.  All rights reserved.

// Package limiter implement a token bucket limiter
package limiter

import (

const (
kilo = 1000.0

type limitHandler struct {
concurrency chan struct{}
httpHandler http.Handler
log bool

// ServeHTTP implement http.Handler
func (h *limitHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, req *http.Request) {
ctx := context.TODO()
reqID := req.Header.Get(hwlog.ReqID.String())
if reqID != "" {
ctx = context.WithValue(context.Background(), hwlog.ReqID, reqID)
id := req.Header.Get(hwlog.UserID.String())
if id != "" {
ctx = context.WithValue(ctx, hwlog.UserID, id)
path := req.URL.Path
clientIP := utils.ClientIP(req)
clientUserAgent := req.UserAgent()
select {
case _, ok := <-h.concurrency:
if !ok {
start := time.Now()
h.httpHandler.ServeHTTP(w, req)
stop := time.Since(start)
latency := int(math.Ceil(float64(stop.Nanoseconds()) / kilo / kilo))
if h.log {
hwlog.RunLog.InfofWithCtx(ctx, "%s %s: %s <%3d> (%dms) |%15s |%s ", req.Proto, req.Method, path,
http.StatusOK, latency, clientIP, clientUserAgent)
h.concurrency <- struct{}{}
hwlog.RunLog.WarnfWithCtx(ctx, "Reject Request:%s: %s <%3d> |%15s |%s ", req.Method, path,
http.StatusServiceUnavailable, clientIP, clientUserAgent)
http.Error(w, "503 too busy", http.StatusServiceUnavailable)

// NewLimitHandler new a bucket-token limiter
func NewLimitHandler(maxConcur, maxConcurrency int, handler http.Handler, printLog bool) http.Handler {
if maxConcur < 1 || maxConcur > maxConcurrency {
hwlog.RunLog.Fatal("maxConcurrency parameter error")
h := &limitHandler{
concurrency: make(chan struct{}, maxConcur),
httpHandler: handler,
log: printLog,
for i := 0; i < maxConcur; i++ {
h.concurrency <- struct{}{}
return h


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