
Therapy for the eyes

Providing welcome relief from the

effects of daily stresses on the eyes

Today's busy lifestyle can lead to stress.And that includes stress on our eyes.Now more than ever,we put strain on our eyes with close work:excess timein front of a computer screen for work or pleasure,visual entertainment suchas the TV,computer and video games,not to mention the countless hoursstudying to improve ourselves in a culture that encourages lifelong learning.TheOSIM iCare 100 provides the eye care you need in today's progressive,yetdemanding society.

Provides Relief

With the OSIM iCare 100 Eye Massager you receive double the benefits.Notonly does the iCare 100 put you totally at ease,providing welcome relief for tiredeyes at the end of a stressful day,but your eye health will benefit too.With regular use of the OSIM iCare 100,you will experience:

Relief from myopia,hyperopia,astigmatism

Reduction in the appearance of fine lines,dark rings around the eyes

and eye bags

Relief from eye strain and tiredness

·Relief from insomnia and headache

·Improvement in eye blood circulation

Improves Circulation

With special magnetic nodes inserted into the tip of each eye mask rubbercushion,you will feel the difference immediately.These magnetic nodes act toimprove blood circulation around the eyes to maintain health while at the sametime enhancing a soothing massage experience.

Offers Multiple Massage Functions

For your convenience,the OSIM iCare 100 Eye Massager is pre-programmedwith one automatic healthcare program.But for your ultimate eye massageexperience,it also offers a further 8 manual massage modes with a choice of3 massage functions:Vibration,Wave and Pulse.This allows you to choose themassage to suit your mood.

The OSIM iCare 100 is therapy for the eyes and well worth coming home to at the end of a stressful day.


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