Docker 安装 Apache Airflow



  1. Docker Engine
  2. Docker Composite

快速运行 Apache Airflow 2.2.4

在 Docker 使用 CeleryExecutor(一种统计 worker 数量的途径) 快速运行 Apache Airflow

1. 下载 docker-compose.yaml


  1. # 创建一个目录
  2. mkdir -p /home/public/Soft/airflow
  3. cd /home/public/Soft/airflow
  4. # 下载
  5. curl -LfO ''


  • airflow-scheduler - The scheduler monitors all tasks and DAGs, then triggers the task instances once their dependencies are complete.
  • airflow-webserver - The webserver is available at http://localhost:8080.
  • airflow-worker - The worker that executes the tasks given by the scheduler.
  • airflow-init - The initialization service.
  • flower - The flower app for monitoring the environment. It is available at http://localhost:5555.
  • postgres - The database.
  • redis - The redis - broker that forwards messages from scheduler to worker.

docker-compose.yaml 文件内容如下:

  1. # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  2. # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
  3. # distributed with this work for additional information
  4. # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
  5. # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  6. # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  7. # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  8. #
  9. #
  10. #
  11. # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  12. # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  14. # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
  15. # specific language governing permissions and limitations
  16. # under the License.
  17. #
  18. # Basic Airflow cluster configuration for CeleryExecutor with Redis and PostgreSQL.
  19. #
  20. # WARNING: This configuration is for local development. Do not use it in a production deployment.
  21. #
  22. # This configuration supports basic configuration using environment variables or an .env file
  23. # The following variables are supported:
  24. #
  25. # AIRFLOW_IMAGE_NAME - Docker image name used to run Airflow.
  26. # Default: apache/airflow:2.2.4
  27. # AIRFLOW_UID - User ID in Airflow containers
  28. # Default: 50000
  29. # Those configurations are useful mostly in case of standalone testing/running Airflow in test/try-out mode
  30. #
  31. # _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_USERNAME - Username for the administrator account (if requested).
  32. # Default: airflow
  33. # _AIRFLOW_WWW_USER_PASSWORD - Password for the administrator account (if requested).
  34. # Default: airflow
  35. # _PIP_ADDITIONAL_REQUIREMENTS - Additional PIP requirements to add when starting all containers.
  36. # Default: ''
  37. #
  38. # Feel free to modify this file to suit your needs.
  39. ---
  40. version: '3'
  41. x-airflow-common:
  42. &airflow-common
  43. # In order to add custom dependencies or upgrade provider packages you can use your extended image.
  44. # Comment the image line, place your Dockerfile in the directory where you placed the docker-compose.yaml
  45. # and uncomment the "build" line below, Then run `docker-compose build` to build the images.
  46. image: ${AIRFLOW_IMAGE_NAME:-apache/airflow:2.2.4}
  47. # build: .
  48. environment:
  49. &airflow-common-env
  50. AIRFLOW__CORE__EXECUTOR: CeleryExecutor
  51. AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN: postgresql+psycopg2://airflow:airflow@postgres/airflow
  52. AIRFLOW__CELERY__RESULT_BACKEND: db+postgresql://airflow:airflow@postgres/airflow
  53. AIRFLOW__CELERY__BROKER_URL: redis://:@redis:6379/0
  57. AIRFLOW__API__AUTH_BACKEND: 'airflow.api.auth.backend.basic_auth'
  59. volumes:
  60. - ./dags:/opt/airflow/dags
  61. - ./logs:/opt/airflow/logs
  62. - ./plugins:/opt/airflow/plugins
  63. user: "${AIRFLOW_UID:-50000}:0"
  64. depends_on:
  65. &airflow-common-depends-on
  66. redis:
  67. condition: service_healthy
  68. postgres:
  69. condition: service_healthy
  70. services:
  71. postgres:
  72. image: postgres:13
  73. environment:
  74. POSTGRES_USER: airflow
  75. POSTGRES_PASSWORD: airflow
  76. POSTGRES_DB: airflow
  77. volumes:
  78. - postgres-db-volume:/var/lib/postgresql/data
  79. healthcheck:
  80. test: ["CMD", "pg_isready", "-U", "airflow"]
  81. interval: 5s
  82. retries: 5
  83. restart: always
  84. redis:
  85. image: redis:latest
  86. expose:
  87. - 6379
  88. healthcheck:
  89. test: ["CMD", "redis-cli", "ping"]
  90. interval: 5s
  91. timeout: 30s
  92. retries: 50
  93. restart: always
  94. airflow-webserver:
  95. <<: *airflow-common
  96. command: webserver
  97. ports:
  98. - 8080:8080
  99. healthcheck:
  100. test: ["CMD", "curl", "--fail", "http://localhost:8080/health"]
  101. interval: 10s
  102. timeout: 10s
  103. retries: 5
  104. restart: always
  105. depends_on:
  106. <<: *airflow-common-depends-on
  107. airflow-init:
  108. condition: service_completed_successfully
  109. airflow-scheduler:
  110. <<: *airflow-common
  111. command: scheduler
  112. healthcheck:
  113. test: ["CMD-SHELL", 'airflow jobs check --job-type SchedulerJob --hostname "$${HOSTNAME}"']
  114. interval: 10s
  115. timeout: 10s
  116. retries: 5
  117. restart: always
  118. depends_on:
  119. <<: *airflow-common-depends-on
  120. airflow-init:
  121. condition: service_completed_successfully
  122. airflow-worker:
  123. <<: *airflow-common
  124. command: celery worker
  125. healthcheck:
  126. test:
  127. - "CMD-SHELL"
  128. - 'celery --app inspect ping -d "celery@$${HOSTNAME}"'
  129. interval: 10s
  130. timeout: 10s
  131. retries: 5
  132. environment:
  133. <<: *airflow-common-env
  134. # Required to handle warm shutdown of the celery workers properly
  135. # See
  136. DUMB_INIT_SETSID: "0"
  137. restart: always
  138. depends_on:
  139. <<: *airflow-common-depends-on
  140. airflow-init:
  141. condition: service_completed_successfully
  142. airflow-triggerer:
  143. <<: *airflow-common
  144. command: triggerer
  145. healthcheck:
  146. test: ["CMD-SHELL", 'airflow jobs check --job-type TriggererJob --hostname "$${HOSTNAME}"']
  147. interval: 10s
  148. timeout: 10s
  149. retries: 5
  150. restart: always
  151. depends_on:
  152. <<: *airflow-common-depends-on
  153. airflow-init:
  154. condition: service_completed_successfully
  155. airflow-init:
  156. <<: *airflow-common
  157. entrypoint: /bin/bash
  158. # yamllint disable rule:line-length
  159. command:
  160. - -c
  161. - |
  162. function ver() {
  163. printf "%04d%04d%04d%04d" $${1//./ }
  164. }
  165. airflow_version=$$(gosu airflow airflow version)
  166. airflow_version_comparable=$$(ver $${airflow_version})
  167. min_airflow_version=2.2.0
  168. min_airflow_version_comparable=$$(ver $${min_airflow_version})
  169. if (( airflow_version_comparable < min_airflow_version_comparable )); then
  170. echo
  171. echo -e "\033[1;31mERROR!!!: Too old Airflow version $${airflow_version}!\e[0m"
  172. echo "The minimum Airflow version supported: $${min_airflow_version}. Only use this or higher!"
  173. echo
  174. exit 1
  175. fi
  176. if [[ -z "${AIRFLOW_UID}" ]]; then
  177. echo
  178. echo -e "\033[1;33mWARNING!!!: AIRFLOW_UID not set!\e[0m"
  179. echo "If you are on Linux, you SHOULD follow the instructions below to set "
  180. echo "AIRFLOW_UID environment variable, otherwise files will be owned by root."
  181. echo "For other operating systems you can get rid of the warning with manually created .env file:"
  182. echo " See:"
  183. echo
  184. fi
  185. one_meg=1048576
  186. mem_available=$$(($$(getconf _PHYS_PAGES) * $$(getconf PAGE_SIZE) / one_meg))
  187. cpus_available=$$(grep -cE 'cpu[0-9]+' /proc/stat)
  188. disk_available=$$(df / | tail -1 | awk '{print $$4}')
  189. warning_resources="false"
  190. if (( mem_available < 4000 )) ; then
  191. echo
  192. echo -e "\033[1;33mWARNING!!!: Not enough memory available for Docker.\e[0m"
  193. echo "At least 4GB of memory required. You have $$(numfmt --to iec $$((mem_available * one_meg)))"
  194. echo
  195. warning_resources="true"
  196. fi
  197. if (( cpus_available < 2 )); then
  198. echo
  199. echo -e "\033[1;33mWARNING!!!: Not enough CPUS available for Docker.\e[0m"
  200. echo "At least 2 CPUs recommended. You have $${cpus_available}"
  201. echo
  202. warning_resources="true"
  203. fi
  204. if (( disk_available < one_meg * 10 )); then
  205. echo
  206. echo -e "\033[1;33mWARNING!!!: Not enough Disk space available for Docker.\e[0m"
  207. echo "At least 10 GBs recommended. You have $$(numfmt --to iec $$((disk_available * 1024 )))"
  208. echo
  209. warning_resources="true"
  210. fi
  211. if [[ $${warning_resources} == "true" ]]; then
  212. echo
  213. echo -e "\033[1;33mWARNING!!!: You have not enough resources to run Airflow (see above)!\e[0m"
  214. echo "Please follow the instructions to increase amount of resources available:"
  215. echo ""
  216. echo
  217. fi
  218. mkdir -p /sources/logs /sources/dags /sources/plugins
  219. chown -R "${AIRFLOW_UID}:0" /sources/{logs,dags,plugins}
  220. exec /entrypoint airflow version
  221. # yamllint enable rule:line-length
  222. environment:
  223. <<: *airflow-common-env
  224. _AIRFLOW_DB_UPGRADE: 'true'
  228. user: "0:0"
  229. volumes:
  230. - .:/sources
  231. airflow-cli:
  232. <<: *airflow-common
  233. profiles:
  234. - debug
  235. environment:
  236. <<: *airflow-common-env
  238. # Workaround for entrypoint issue. See:
  239. command:
  240. - bash
  241. - -c
  242. - airflow
  243. flower:
  244. <<: *airflow-common
  245. command: celery flower
  246. ports:
  247. - 5555:5555
  248. healthcheck:
  249. test: ["CMD", "curl", "--fail", "http://localhost:5555/"]
  250. interval: 10s
  251. timeout: 10s
  252. retries: 5
  253. restart: always
  254. depends_on:
  255. <<: *airflow-common-depends-on
  256. airflow-init:
  257. condition: service_completed_successfully
  258. volumes:
  259. postgres-db-volume:

2. 在 docker-compose.yaml 同级目录下创建文件夹

在 docker-compose.yaml 同级目录下,创建 dags logs plugins文件夹

  1. cd /home/public/Soft/airflow
  2. mkdir -p ./dags
  3. mkdir -p ./logs
  4. mkdir -p ./plugins

dags logs plugins文件夹 作用:

  • ./dags - you can put your DAG files here.
  • ./logs - contains logs from task execution and scheduler.
  • ./plugins - you can put your custom plugins here.

3. 初始化环境


3.1 设置正确的用户


  1. cd /home/public/Soft/airflow
  2. echo -e "AIRFLOW_UID=$(id -u)" > .env

其中,AIRFLOW_UID 是 Docker Compose 环境变量,具体请看( )。

生成的 .env 文件内容可能如下:

  1. AIRFLOW_UID=50000

3.2 初始化数据库

  1. cd /home/public/Soft/airflow
  2. docker-compose up airflow-init


  1. airflow-init_1 | Upgrades done
  2. airflow-init_1 | Admin user airflow created
  3. airflow-init_1 | 2.2.4
  4. start_airflow-init_1 exited with code 0

初始化,默认的 Airflow 的登陆用户和密码 : airflow airflow

4. 运行 airflow

  1. cd /home/public/Soft/airflow
  2. docker-compose up

5. 访问环境

有3中方式访问环境:命令行,浏览器访问,REST API。

5.1 命令行


  1. curl -LfO ''
  2. chmod +x 脚本内容如下:

  1. #!/usr/bin/env bash
  2. # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  3. # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
  4. # distributed with this work for additional information
  5. # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
  6. # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  7. # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  8. # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
  9. #
  10. #
  11. #
  12. # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  13. # software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  15. # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
  16. # specific language governing permissions and limitations
  17. # under the License.
  18. #
  19. # Run airflow command in container
  20. #
  21. PROJECT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
  22. set -euo pipefail
  23. export COMPOSE_FILE="${PROJECT_DIR}/docker-compose.yaml"
  24. if [ $# -gt 0 ]; then
  25. exec docker-compose run --rm airflow-cli "${@}"
  26. else
  27. exec docker-compose run --rm airflow-cli
  28. fi

使用 可以快速执行命令,例如:

  1. info

5.2 浏览器访问

浏览器访问 http://localhost:8080
默认登录名和密码: airflow airflow

5.3 给 REST API 发请求

使用 curl 发请求:

  1. ENDPOINT_URL="http://localhost:8080/"
  2. curl -X GET \
  3. --user "airflow:airflow" \
  4. "${ENDPOINT_URL}/api/v1/pools"



  1. docker-compose down --volumes --rmi all



  1. 停止容器
  1. cd /home/public/Soft/airflow
  2. docker-compose down --volumes --remove-orphans
  1. 删除下载目录和 docker-compose.yaml
  1. cd /home/public/Soft/airflow
  2. rm -rf *
  1. 重新下载 docker-compose.yaml
  1. curl -LfO ''
  1. 从开头重新执行指令

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