You are given a data structure of employee information, which includes the employee's unique id, his importance value and his directsubordinates' id.

For example, employee 1 is the leader of employee 2, and employee 2 is the leader of employee 3. They have importance value 15, 10 and 5, respectively. Then employee 1 has a data structure like [1, 15, [2]], and employee 2 has [2, 10, [3]], and employee 3 has [3, 5, []]. Note that although employee 3 is also a subordinate of employee 1, the relationship is not direct.

Now given the employee information of a company, and an employee id, you need to return the total importance value of this employee and all his subordinates.

Example 1:

Input: [[1, 5, [2, 3]], [2, 3, []], [3, 3, []]], 1
Output: 11
Employee 1 has importance value 5, and he has two direct subordinates: employee 2 and employee 3. They both have importance value 3. So the total importance value of employee 1 is 5 + 3 + 3 = 11.
class Solution {
int getImportance(vector<Employee*> employees, int id) {
unordered_map<int,Employee*> map ;
for (auto e : employees){
map[e->id] = e ;
} return dfs(map , id) ;
} int dfs(unordered_map<int,Employee*> map , int id){
int sum = map[id]->importance ;
for (auto sub_id : map[id]->subordinates){
sum += dfs(map,sub_id) ;
return sum ;

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