
  • 生成或获取现有的短URL,带有顺序关键字或自定义关键字


You need to send parameters to either via GET or POST (remember to URL encode parameters if via GET). These parameters are:

你需要发送参数 通过GET或POST(记住URL编码的参数,如果通过获得)。这些参数是:

  • 一个有效的用户名/密码对,或您的签名(见文章的API请求)

  • A valid username / password pair, or your signature (see Passwordless API requests)
  • The requested action"shorturl" (get short URL for a link), "expand" (get long URL of a shorturl), "url-stats" (get stats about one short URL), "stats" (get stats about your links) or "db-stats" (get global link and click count)
  • With action = "shorturl" :
    • the url to shorten
    • optional keyword and title for custom short URLs
    • output format: either "jsonp""json""xml" or "simple"
  • With action = "expand" :
    • the shorturl to expand (can be either 'abc' or 'http://site/abc')
    • output format: either "jsonp""json""xml" or "simple"
  • With action = "url-stats" :
    • the shorturl for which to get stats (can be either 'abc' or 'http://site/abc')
    • output format: either "jsonp""json" or "xml"
  • With action = "stats" :
    • the filter: either "top""bottom" , "rand" or "last"
    • the limit (maximum number of links to return)
    • output format: either "jsonp""json" or "xml"
  • With action = "db-stats" :
    • output format: either "jsonp""json" or "xml"

Sample requests

Example of a GET request with Javascript (using jQuery) to shorten a URL

  1. var api_url = 'http://sho.rt/yourls-api.php';
  2. var response = $.get( api_url, {
  3. username: "your_username",
  4. password: "your_password",
  5. action: "shorturl",
  6. format: "json",
  7. url: ""
  8. },
  9. // 回调函数,它将处理服务器响应
  10. function( data) {
  11. // 现在用数据做一些事情,例如显示新的短URL
  12. alert(data.shorturl);
  13. }
  14. );

php  POST  请求扩展短URL的示例  Example of a POST request with PHP to expand a short URL

  1. <?php
  2. $username = 'your_username';
  3. $password = 'your_password';
  4. $api_url = 'http://sho.rt/yourls-api.php';
  5. // Init the CURL session
  6. $ch = curl_init();
  7. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $api_url);
  8. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); // No header in the result
  9. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); // Return, do not echo result
  10. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); // This is a POST request
  11. curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, array( // Data to POST
  12. 'shorturl' => 'ozh',
  13. 'format' => 'json',
  14. 'action' => 'expand',
  15. 'username' => $username,
  16. 'password' => $password
  17. ));
  18. // Fetch and return content
  19. $data = curl_exec($ch);
  20. curl_close($ch);
  21. // Do something with the result. Here, we echo the long URL
  22. $data = json_decode( $data );
  23. echo $data->longurl;

Sample returns

Sample return in JSON format for the shorturl action

  1. {
  2. "url": {
  3. "keyword": "ozh",
  4. "url": "http:\/\/",
  5. "title": "Ozh RICHARD \u00ab",
  6. "date": "2014-10-24 16:01:39",
  7. "ip": ""
  8. },
  9. "status": "success",
  10. "message": "http:\/\/ added to database",
  11. "title": "Ozh RICHARD \u00ab",
  12. "shorturl": "http:\/\/sho.rt\/1f",
  13. "statusCode": 200
  14. }

Sample return in XML format for the expand action

  1. <result>
  2. <keyword>ozh</keyword>
  3. <shorturl>http://sho.rt/ozh</shorturl>
  4. <longurl></longurl>
  5. <message>success</message>
  6. <statusCode>200</statusCode>
  7. </result>

Sample file

There's a sample PHP file included that serves as an example on how to play with the API

Expand the API

You can easily implement custom API actions with a plugin. See the plugin list for examples.

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