

线性回归得到的是一个连续值,有时我们想得到0或者1这样的预测值,这就要用到logistic regression。因为要得到的是概率值,









%This exercise uses a data from the UCI repository:
% Bache, K. & Lichman, M. (2013). UCI Machine Learning Repository
% http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml
% Irvine, CA: University of California, School of Information and Computer Science.
%Data created by:
% Harrison, D. and Rubinfeld, D.L.
% ''Hedonic prices and the demand for clean air''
% J. Environ. Economics & Management, vol.5, 81-102, 1978.
addpath ../common
addpath ../common/minFunc_2012/minFunc
addpath ../common/minFunc_2012/minFunc/compiled % Load housing data from file.
data = load('housing.data');
data=data'; % put examples in columns % Include a row of 1s as an additional intercept feature.
data = [ ones(1,size(data,2)); data ]; % Shuffle examples.
data = data(:, randperm(size(data,2)));%返回data的一列数据 % Split into train and test sets取得训练数据和测试数据,并取得相应的标签
% The last row of 'data' is the median home price.
train.X = data(1:end-1,1:400);
train.y = data(end,1:400); test.X = data(1:end-1,401:end);
test.y = data(end,401:end); m=size(train.X,2);
n=size(train.X,1); % Initialize the coefficient vector theta to random values.
theta = rand(n,1);%产生n行1列的在0到1之间的数字 % Run the minFunc optimizer with linear_regression.m as the objective.
% TODO: Implement the linear regression objective and gradient computations
% in linear_regression.m
% options = struct('MaxIter', 200);
% theta = minFunc(@linear_regression, theta, options, train.X, train.y);
% fprintf('Optimization took %f seconds.\n', toc); grad_check(@linear_regression,theta,200,train.X,train.y)


function average_error = grad_check(fun, theta0, num_checks, varargin)

sum_error=0; fprintf(' Iter i err');
fprintf(' g_est g f\n') for i=1:num_checks
T = theta0;
j = randsample(numel(T),1);%从1~numel(T)中随机返回一个数
T0=T; T0(j) = T0(j)-delta;
T1=T; T1(j) = T1(j)+delta; [f,g] = fun(T, varargin{:});%T为目标函数,varargin为目标函数梯度
f0 = fun(T0, varargin{:});
f1 = fun(T1, varargin{:}); g_est = (f1-f0) / (2*delta);
error = abs(g(j) - g_est); fprintf('% 5d % 6d % 15g % 15f % 15f % 15f\n', ...
i,j,error,g(j),g_est,f); sum_error = sum_error + error;
end average=sum_error/num_checks;

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