Installing Your App on Test Devices Using Xcode

You can install iOS App files on devices using Xcode.

To install an app on a device using Xcode

  1. Connect the device to your Mac.

  2. In Xcode, choose Window > Devices and select the device under Devices.

  3. In the Installed Apps table, click the Add button (+) below the table.

  4. In the dialog that appears, choose the iOS App file and click Open.

For more tasks you can perform in the Devices window, read Managing Apps on Devices.

Installing Your App on Test Devices Using iTunes (iOS, watchOS)----最新版本已经被屏蔽了!!!

Before you distribute your app to testers, follow the same steps that testers use to install and run the app on their devices. Use iTunes to install the app on a nondevelopment device. The operating system extracts the embedded provisioning profile in your app and installs it on the device for you. Then test your app on the device.

To install the app on an iOS device using iTunes

  1. Connect the testing device to a Mac running iTunes.

    If possible, don’t use a Mac that you use for development. For watchOS apps, connect an iPhone paired with an Apple Watch.

  2. Double-click the iOS App file that you created earlier.

  3. In iTunes, click the device in the upper-left corner of the window.

  4. Click the Apps button.

    The app appears in the iTunes Apps list.

  5. Under Apps, choose “Sort by Name” or “Sort by Kind” from the pop-up menu.

    An Install or Remove button appears adjacent to the app.

  6. If an Install button appears, click it.

    The button text changes to Will Install.

  7. Click the Apply button or the Sync button in the lower-right corner to sync the device.

    The app is uploaded to the device so that the user can start testing.

Finally, send the iOS App file to testers, along with the app installation instructions and the crash report instructions, as described in Soliciting Crash Reports from Testers.

Installing Your App on Test Devices Using Apple Configurator 2 (iOS, watchOS, tvOS)

Apple Configurator 2 is a free app from the Mac App Store that makes it easy to install iOS and tvOS apps on connected test devices. For tvOS apps, this is the only way to install an iOS App file on an Apple TV without using Xcode.

To install the app on a device using Apple Configurator 2

  1. Connect the testing device to a Mac running Apple Configurator 2.

    If possible, don’t use a Mac that you use for development. For watchOS apps, connect an iPhone paired with an Apple Watch.

  2. Select the device, click the Add button (+), and select Apps from the pop-up menu.

  3. In the dialog that appears, click “Choose from my Mac”.

  4. Choose the iOS App file that you created earlier and click Add.

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