









 #python elephant

 #Import Modules
import os, pygame
from pygame.locals import * __author__ = {'name' : 'Hongten',
'mail' : 'hongtenzone@foxmail.com',
'blog' : 'http://www.cnblogs.com/hongten',
'QQ' : '',
'Version' : '1.0'} if not pygame.font: print('Warning, fonts disabled')
if not pygame.mixer: print('Warning, sound disabled') #functions to create our resources
def load_image(name, colorkey=None):
fullname = os.path.join('data', name)
image = pygame.image.load(fullname)
except pygame.error as message:
print('Cannot load image:', fullname)
raise (SystemExit, message)
image = image.convert()
if colorkey is not None:
if colorkey is -1:
colorkey = image.get_at((0,0))
image.set_colorkey(colorkey, RLEACCEL)
return image, image.get_rect() def load_sound(name):
class NoneSound:
def play(self): pass
if not pygame.mixer or not pygame.mixer.get_init():
return NoneSound()
fullname = os.path.join('data', name)
sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(fullname)
except pygame.error as message:
print('Cannot load sound:', fullname)
raise (SystemExit, message)
return sound #classes for our game objects
class Spear(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
"""moves a clenched spear on the screen, following the mouse"""
def __init__(self):
pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) #call Sprite initializer
self.image, self.rect = load_image('spear-w.png', -1)
self.punching = 0 def update(self):
"move the spear based on the mouse position"
pos = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
self.rect.midtop = pos
if self.punching:
self.rect.move_ip(5, 10) def punch(self, target):
"returns true if the spear collides with the target"
if not self.punching:
self.punching = 1
hitbox = self.rect.inflate(-5, -5)
return hitbox.colliderect(target.rect) def unpunch(self):
"called to pull the spear back"
self.punching = 0 class Elephant(pygame.sprite.Sprite):
"""moves a elephant critter across the screen. it can spin the
monkey when it is punched."""
def __init__(self):
pygame.sprite.Sprite.__init__(self) #call Sprite intializer
self.image, self.rect = load_image('elephant-nw.png', -1)
screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
self.area = screen.get_rect()
self.rect.topleft = 10, 10
self.move = 9
self.dizzy = 0 def update(self):
"walk or spin, depending on the monkeys state"
if self.dizzy:
self._walk() def _walk(self):
"move the monkey across the screen, and turn at the ends"
newpos = self.rect.move((self.move, 0))
if self.rect.left < self.area.left or \
self.rect.right > self.area.right:
self.move = -self.move
newpos = self.rect.move((self.move, 0))
self.image = pygame.transform.flip(self.image, 1, 0)
self.rect = newpos def _spin(self):
"spin the monkey image"
center = self.rect.center
self.dizzy = self.dizzy + 12
if self.dizzy >= 360:
self.dizzy = 0
self.image = self.original
rotate = pygame.transform.rotate
self.image = rotate(self.original, self.dizzy)
self.rect = self.image.get_rect(center=center) def punched(self):
"this will cause the monkey to start spinning"
if not self.dizzy:
self.dizzy = 1
self.original = self.image def main():
"""this function is called when the program starts.
it initializes everything it needs, then runs in
a loop until the function returns."""
#Initialize Everything
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((468, 60))
pygame.display.set_caption('Monkey Fever')
pygame.mouse.set_visible(0) #Create The Backgound
background = pygame.Surface(screen.get_size())
background = background.convert()
background.fill((250, 250, 250)) #Put Text On The Background, Centered
if pygame.font:
font = pygame.font.Font(None, 36)
text = font.render("Pummel The Elephant, And Win $$$", 1, (10, 10, 10))
textpos = text.get_rect(centerx=background.get_width()/2)
background.blit(text, textpos) #Display The Background
screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
pygame.display.flip() #Prepare Game Objects
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
whiff_sound = load_sound('elephant-jump.wav')
punch_sound = load_sound('elephant-mmove.wav')
elephant = Elephant()
spear = Spear()
allsprites = pygame.sprite.RenderPlain((spear, elephant)) #Main Loop
while 1:
clock.tick(60) #Handle Input Events
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == QUIT:
elif event.type == KEYDOWN and event.key == K_ESCAPE:
elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
if spear.punch(elephant):
punch_sound.play() #punch
whiff_sound.play() #miss
elif event.type is MOUSEBUTTONUP:
spear.unpunch() allsprites.update() #Draw Everything
screen.blit(background, (0, 0))
pygame.display.flip() #Game Over #this calls the 'main' function when this script is executed
if __name__ == '__main__': main()



More reading,and english is important.

I'm Hongten


E | hongtenzone@foxmail.com  B | http://www.cnblogs.com/hongten



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