They wheeled me away then, to X-ray my head.



I told them there was nothing wrong, and I was right. Not even a concussion.


I asked if I could leave, but the nurse said I had to talk to a doctor first.



So I was trapped in the ER, waiting, harassed by Tyler's constant apologies and promises to make it up to me.



No matter how many times I tried to convince him I was fine, he continued to torment himself.


Finally, I closed my eyes and ignored him. He kept up a remorseful mumbling.


"Is she sleeping?" a musical voice asked. My eyes flew open.



Edward was standing at the foot of my bed, smirking.


I glared at him. It wasn't easy — it would have been more natural to ogle.



"Hey, Edward, I'm really sorry —" Tyler began.


Edward lifted a hand to stop him.


"No blood, no foul," he said, flashing his brilliant teeth.


He moved to sit on the edge of Tyler's bed, facing me. He smirked again.


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