20150506 Created By BaoXinjian

1. messageStyledText 

When you want to display only the text and the user should not be able to edit the text then we use the messageStyledText.

2. messageRadioGroup

This helps to create radio buttons in your page.

3. messageCheckBox 

This helps to create check box in your page.

4. messageTextInput 

As the name implies it helps the users to enter data into this box.

5. messageLovInput 

when you want the uses to select from a list of values and quick select from the values then we use the messageLovInput.

This will open a pop up and you can search for values and select from the results.

6. messageChoice 

When you want to display a list of values in  a drop down fashion then you use the messageChoice.

7. messageDownload 

Used when the user needs to download a file or attachment.

8. messageFileUpload 

Used for displaying  a button with a messageTextInput .

User can browse from the local machine and upload a file using this.

9. button 

It is a general button which has an action associated with it.

You can set the fire action property which will inturn call a method which will perform that action.

10. submitButton

This is the button used when you want to submit data to a OAF page.

11. Link

Used for creating links.There are many types of links that can be created.

12. formValue

This is used to send value to an OAF page but without being displayed in the page.

13. spacer

This is used when you want to add space between your items placed in the page.

14. seperator

This creates a horizontal line in an oaf page.

15. Flex

This is a flexfield.There are 2 types of flexfields. Key and Descriptive flex fields.

16. urlInclude

This helps to include HTML content.

17. tip

Helps to give hint to the user


Thanks and Regards

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