FolderSync :The various features and how to use them
If you want to use Samba/Windows shares, FTP, SFTP or WebDAV, you have to set it up on a server or your home PC, or have access to an existing account. Explaining how setup this is not in the scope of this help text, but try using Google.
Create a folderpair
A FolderPair is a definition of a sync that you want this application to perform. A folderpair defines a sync between a local folder on your device and a remote folder for your chosen provider type. A sync can sync files to remote cloud storage, to your local storage or both ways. Select [Folderpairs] from the top drowdown menu.
- General
- Name: Unique name of your choice.
- Account: The account to sync to or from (must be configured first on account page).
- Remote folder: The remote folder to sync to or from. Can be selected after an account has been chosen.
- Local folder: The local folder on the device to sync to or from.
- Sync type: The type of sync - one-way to local or remote or two-way sync. Default: To local folder.
- Scheduling
- Use scheduled sync: Check this if you want to sync on a schedule (and not solely by manual start or Tasker).
- Sync interval: Choose how often you want to sync.
- Sync days: If sync interval is set to advanced, then this option is shown. Choose which days to sync.
- Sync times: If sync interval is set to advanced, then this option is shown. Choose which time of day to sync.
- Sync options
- Instant sync: Select this for instant sync on change. Only detects changes on local device. Use with care!
- Copy files to time-stamped folder: For one-way sync only. If enabled , this creates a time-stamped folder at target location, so all source files are synced every time into a new folder at target location.
- Exclude from force sync: Check this if this sync should be excluded from sync all action on sync status screen.
- Sync sub-folders: Check this if sub-folders are to be synced. Enabled by default.
- Sync hidden files: Check this if hidden files are to be synced. Enabled by default.
- Delete source files after sync: For one-way sync only. After syncing of files, the source files are deleted. Use with care! Disabled by default.
- Sync deletions: Check this if deletions are to be mirrored. Use with care! Disabled by default.
- Overwrite old files: Choose what to do if a file already exist at target. Default setting is to overwrite the old file, so the newest file is used.
- If conflicting modifications: Choose what to do if a conflicting modification is detected. A conflicting modification is one where both the source and target file has been changed since last recorded sync. Default is to skip file, which will result in sync warnings.
- Connection
- Use WiFi: Check this setting, if this Folderpair is allowed to sync on WiFi.
- Turn on WiFi for scheduled syncs: Check this if WiFi can be turned on for this sync.
- Allowed WiFi SSID's: Enter a list of allowed WiFi SSID's to sync on. If empty, all WiFi networks are allowed.
- Disallowed Wifi SSID's: Enter a list of disallowed WiFi SSID's.
- Use Edge/3G/4G: Check this setting, if this FolderPair is allowed to sync on mobile networks.
- Use other connections: Enable this if other connection types should be allowed (Bluetooth, USB, etc.).
- Sync when roaming: Enable this to allow sync while roaming on mobile networks (use with care).
- Notifications
- Show notification when syncing: Show persistent notification while syncing folderpair.
- Show notification on sync success: Show dismiss-able notification on sync success .
- Show notification when changes occur: Show dismiss-able notification if transfers/deletions happened.
- Show notification on sync error: Show dismiss-able notification if syncs fail for any reason.
- Advanced
- Only sync if charging: Check this setting if FolderPair should only sync when charging.
- Rescan media library: Check this if media library should be updated for deleted or added media files.
- Use MD5 checksums: Check this setting if MD5 checksum should be calculated for files. May decrease sync speed and use extra battery, but can also result in less download and upload traffic. Enabled by default.
- Use temp-file scheme: Check this setting, if you want to use temp-file scheme. Temp-file scheme means files are transferred using temporary name, and upon completion of transfer is renamed to the final filename. This may break the functionality of some cloud providers (proper revisions etc.). Enabled by default.
- Disable file-size check: Check this if transferred files should not be validated against source by comparing file-size. Some providers adds bytes to certain files when uploaded, so this setting can help in those cases.
Syncing occurs according to the schedule you have defined for each folderpair. If a schedule is not defined the folderpair will only be synced if you manually initiate it. If no network connection is set to be allowed for a folderpair it will never sync, not even if you manually initiate it. This is to ensure you are not accidentally charged for expensive network traffic. Files are compared using their last modification date and optionally using MD5 hashes (for local files).
Two-way sync
Two-way sync copies files in both directions, overwriting older files if duplicate files are found. It will also detect cases where modifications have happened on both local and cloud storage. If this happens, the latest modified file will be used or the file will be skipped, according to what you specify in for the folderpair.
Mirroring of deletions
If the "Do not sync deletions" option is not enabled, deletions will also be synced, for all types of sync. FolderSync has an internal database of synced files. If a previously synced filed is deleted at either end, the deletion will also happen at the opposite end (if the file at the opposite end has not changed since last sync). Use this option only if you are sure what you are doing, and at your own risk!
Sync status
File manager
The file manager allows you to copy/move files to and from your accounts from the local sdcard, as well as move/copy files in a remote storage space. You can also rename files and folders and create new folders. Copying from one remote account to another is not supported, as this is not possible without using the local sdcard as a temporary storage space.
- Toogle view of hidden files
- Sort (with options to sort files on different criteria)
- Refresh (refreshes the files and folder view)
- Manage transfers (opens a window with transfers)
- Manage favorites
- Delete
- Copy
- Cut
- Rename (single selection only)
- Details
(single selection only) - Add favorite (single selection only)
- Media scan
- Delete
- Copy
- Cut
- Rename (single selection only)
- Details (single selection only)
- Share (single selection only)
- Open with
(single selection only) - Media scan
The settings panel allow you to backup/restore the underlying database. The backup is saved to the default folder /mnt/sdcard/Foldersync/backup/ (or another folder which you can select). You can also disable notifications, if you do not want to be bothered with these when syncs occur.
Amazon endpoint is only used in regards to creating a bucket in this application - all other operations are targeted to a specific bucket you specify, no matter with which endpoint it was created. Using Amazon S3 can incur costs on your part.
Dropbox has a 150 MB upload limitation - files over this size will probably not succeed in uploading.
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