The Python Database API is described in PEP 249. MySQL has three prominent drivers that implement this API:

  • MySQLdb is a native driver that has been developed and supported for over a decade by Andy Dustman.
  • mysqlclient is a fork of MySQLdb which notably supports Python 3 and can be used as a drop-in replacement for MySQLdb. At the time of this writing, this is the recommended choice for using MySQL with Django.
  • MySQL Connector/Python is a pure Python driver from Oracle that does not require the MySQL client library or any Python modules outside the standard library.

All these drivers are thread-safe and provide connection pooling. MySQLdb is the only one not supporting Python 3 currently.

In addition to a DB API driver, Django needs an adapter to access the database drivers from its ORM. Django provides an adapter for MySQLdb/mysqlclient while MySQL Connector/Python includes its own.


Django requires mysqlclient 1.3.3 or later. Note that Python 3.2 is not supported. Except for the Python 3.3+ support, mysqlclient should mostly behave the same as MySQLDB.

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