
Ubuntu 12.04 x86_64

Vivado 2013.4

SDK 2013.4



2.1 CodeSourcery arm-gcc toolchain lite 32-bit compatible

git clone https://github.com/xupsh/CodeSourcery.git

echo “export PATH=~/CodeSourcery/bin:$PATH” >> ~/.bashrc

echo “export CROSS_COMPILE=arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-“ >> ~/.bashrc

arm-xilinx-linux-gnueabi-gcc –v

2.2 fsbl Download


LinaroDemo-> boot_image

2.3 u-boot Download


git clone https://github.com/Xilinx/u-boot-xlnx.git

Click Download ZIP right hand

2.4 devicetree Download


2.5 Kernel Download




2.6Randisk Download

wget http://www.wiki.xilinx.com/file/view/arm_ramdisk.image.gz/419243558/arm_ramdisk.image.gz



Open vivado,Create a new project named zybo_gpio_demo,Click next。

In the device selection pannel,we choose xc7z010clg400-1 destdevice。

Add a new block design,named design_1。

Click Add Ip button in the view window,and add ZYNQ IP Core.

Double Click IP Core to configure it。

Choose Import XPS Settings,Add ZYBO_zynq_def.xml,click OK。

Download Link:


Now ZYNQ has been configured and fit for zybo。

Click OK,go back to block design,click Add Ip button again,Insert GPIO IP core。

Double click GPIO core to config it:

The configuration is as follows:open Dual Channel,Set the bit width of each channel to 4bit。

Click Run Block Automation in the, and Run Connection Automation tips column, and Vivado will auto connection and configure。Click ok in all the pop-up dialogs。

Click refresh button at bottom left,the result is as follows。

In Source window, choose Sources tab,right click design_1, choose Generate Output Products…

Right click zynq_system_1choose Create HDL Wrapper,Keep default,click OK, Vivado will generate a top file for IP subsystem。

Right click Constraints->constrs_1 and choose Add Source。

In the pop-up dialog,choose Create File…,rename it to system.xdc。


reference ZYBO_Master.xdc, add LED and SW constraints altogether 8 lines。

Finally,In Flow Navigator,expand Program and Debug,click Generate Bitstream.

When bitstream generated,Bitstream Generation successful completed dialog will be open, Choose Open Implementation Design,Click OK to finish.

In IP Integrator Item, click Open Block Design,choose zynq_system_1.bd,reopen the Block Design we built.

Choose File > Export > Export Hardware for SDK….,Export Hardware for SDK dialogue will be open,make sure Include bitstream and Launch SDK has been choosed.



4.1Compile u-boot

Enter u-boot source code folder and modify the boot file:

vi ./include/configs/zynq_zed.h

Modify line 39, insert code:

#define CONFIG_ZYNQ_PS_CLK_FREQ 50000000UL

Run the following command in u-boot source code folder.

make zynq_zed config


cp u-boot u-boot.elf


4.2Compile Kernel

Enter kernel source code folder, and run the following command.

cd linux-xlnx-xilinx-v2013.4

make ARCH=arm xilinx_zynq_defconfig

make ARCH=arm UIMAGE_LOADADDR=0x8000 uImage

cp arch/arm/boot/uImage .


4.3 Change Randisk

Run the following command and do the modify:

cp arm_ramdisk.image.gz ramdisk.image.gz

gunzip ramdisk.image.gz

mkdir file_tmp

mount ramdisk.image –o loop ./file_tmp/

Run the following command to repack to uramdisk:

sudo umount file_tmp/

gzip ramdisk.image

sudo apt-get install u-boot-tools

mkimage –A arm –T ramdisk –C gzip –d ramdisk.image.gz uramdisk.image.gz



5.1 My source references


5.2 Zybo Demo


5.3 Zybo Design Engineer Source




6.1 If there are no mmcblk0p2 in the /dev/ folder?

You can connect the sdio(mmc) part to the arm processer in the ZYNQ  IP configuration window

6.2 How to boot arm ubuntu  with auto login?

solution: modify /etc/init/ttyPS0.conf, insert a line in the end,

exec /bin/login -f root < /dev/ttyPS0 > /dev/ttyPS0 2>&1

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