ACF ( Access Control Filter

ACF ( Access Control Filter)官网的解释就是一个可以在模型或控制器执行行为过滤器,当有用户请求时,ACF将检查access rules (权限规则),在决定是否让这个用户请求这个行为。


public function behaviors()
return [
'verbs' => [
'class' => VerbFilter::className(),
'actions' => [
'delete' => ['POST'],
'access' => [
'class' => AccessControl::className(),
'rules' => [
//是否云允许 相符合匹配规则 roles 执行这些动作
'allow' => true,
'actions' => ['login', 'index', 'error'],
'roles' => ['?'],
'allow' => true,
                        'actions' => ['logout', 'index','view','update'],
// 已认证用户
'roles' => ['@'],


如果用户是游客,将调用 yii\web\User::loginRequired()跳转到登录页面。



'class' => AccessControl::className(),
'denyCallback' => function ($rule, $action) {
throw new \Exception('You are not allowed to access this page');

同时还支持很多选项,如下列表,也可以扩张 yii\filters\AccessRule来建立自己的自定义权限规则类

allow 指定是否允许或不允许这个规则

actions 动作的匹配规则,值是一个数组,比较是区分大小写。如果这个选项没有设置或为空,那么规则适合所有动作

controllers 指定控制器的匹配规则,值是一个数组

roles 指定匹配的用户角色,有两个角色是公认的,通过yii\web\User::$isGues进行验证。?匹配未授权用户,@匹配授权用户

ips  用户的IP地址

verbs 指定匹配请求方式(get  or post )

matchCallback 指定一个回调判断规则是否匹配

denyCallback  指定一个回调,当规则不匹配时进行调用

use yii\filters\AccessControl;

class SiteController extends Controller
public function behaviors()
return [
'access' => [
'class' => AccessControl::className(),
'only' => ['special-callback'],
'rules' => [
'actions' => ['special-callback'],
'allow' => true,
'matchCallback' => function ($rule, $action) {
return date('d-m') === '31-10';
} // Match callback called! This page can be accessed only each October 31st
public function actionSpecialCallback()
return $this->render('happy-halloween');

Role Based Access Control (RBAC)——基于角色存取控制权


Yii提供两种类型的认证管理,即yii\rbac\PhpManager and yii\rbac\DbManager,前者用PHP脚本文件存储认证数据,后者用数据库存储认证数据。

Using  PhpManager

在应用配置中添加 yii\rbac\PhpManager类

return [
// ...
'components' => [
'authManager' => [
'class' => 'yii\rbac\PhpManager',
// ...

authManager现在能通过 \Yii::$app->authManager进行认证


Using  DbManager

在应用配置中添加 yii\rbac\DbManager类

return [
// ...
'components' => [
'authManager' => [
'class' => 'yii\rbac\DbManager',
// ...


auth_item      权限表

auth_item_child  权限结构表

auth_assignment 权限分配表

auth_rule   权限规则表

使用 如下命令在@yii/rbac/migrations目录生成文件

yii migrate --migrationPath=@yii/rbac/migrations


如果权限结构准备好了,如下,那么就可以创建在控制台执行的命令,执行 yii rbac/init  将生成数据

namespace  console\controllers;
use Yii;
use yii\console\Controller; class RbacController extends Controller
public function actionInit()
$auth = Yii::$app->authManager;
// 添加 "createPost" 权限
$createPost = $auth->createPermission('createPost');
$createPost->description = '新增文章';
$auth->add($createPost); // 添加 "updatePost" 权限
$updatePost = $auth->createPermission('updatePost');
$updatePost->description = '修改文章';
$auth->add($updatePost); // 添加 "deletePost" 权限
$deletePost = $auth->createPermission('deletePost');
$deletePost->description = '删除文章';
$auth->add($deletePost); // 添加 "approveComment" 权限
$approveComment = $auth->createPermission('approveComment');
$approveComment->description = '审核评论';
$auth->add($approveComment); // 添加 "postadmin" 角色并赋予 "updatePost" “deletePost” “createPost”
$postAdmin = $auth->createRole('postAdmin');
$postAdmin->description = '文章管理员';
$auth->addChild($postAdmin, $updatePost);
$auth->addChild($postAdmin, $createPost);
$auth->addChild($postAdmin, $deletePost); // 添加 "postOperator" 角色并赋予 “deletePost”
$postOperator = $auth->createRole('postOperator');
$postOperator->description = '文章操作员';
$auth->addChild($postOperator, $deletePost); // 添加 "commentAuditor" 角色并赋予 “approveComment”
$commentAuditor = $auth->createRole('commentAuditor');
$commentAuditor->description = '评论审核员';
$auth->addChild($commentAuditor, $approveComment); // 添加 "admin" 角色并赋予所有其他角色拥有的权限
$admin = $auth->createRole('admin');
$commentAuditor->description = '系统管理员';
$auth->addChild($admin, $postAdmin);
$auth->addChild($admin, $commentAuditor); // 为用户指派角色。其中 1 和 2 是由 IdentityInterface::getId() 返回的id (译者注:user表的id)
// 通常在你的 User 模型中实现这个函数。
$auth->assign($admin, 1);
$auth->assign($postAdmin, 2);
$auth->assign($postOperator, 3);
$auth->assign($commentAuditor, 4);


if (\Yii::$app->user->can('createPost')) {
// 如果用户用权限 执行 createPost 操作 do something

如果想让所有的注册用户拥有某一个权限,在高级模板中可以修改 frontend\models\SignupForm::signup()中代码,如下

public function signup()
if ($this->validate()) {
$user = new User();
$user->username = $this->username;
$user->email = $this->email;
$user->save(false); // the following three lines were added:
$auth = \Yii::$app->authManager;
$authorRole = $auth->getRole('author');
$auth->assign($authorRole, $user->getId()); return $user;
} return null;

Using  Rules


namespace app\rbac;

use yii\rbac\Rule;

* Checks if authorID matches user passed via params
class AuthorRule extends Rule
public $name = 'isAuthor'; /**
* @param string|int $user the user ID.
* @param Item $item the role or permission that this rule is associated with
* @param array $params parameters passed to ManagerInterface::checkAccess().
* @return bool a value indicating whether the rule permits the role or permission it is associated with.
public function execute($user, $item, $params)
return isset($params['post']) ? $params['post']->createdBy == $user : false;


$auth = Yii::$app->authManager;

// add the rule
$rule = new \app\rbac\AuthorRule;
$auth->add($rule); // add the "updateOwnPost" permission and associate the rule with it.
$updateOwnPost = $auth->createPermission('updateOwnPost');
$updateOwnPost->description = 'Update own post';
$updateOwnPost->ruleName = $rule->name;
$auth->add($updateOwnPost); // "updateOwnPost" will be used from "updatePost"
$auth->addChild($updateOwnPost, $updatePost); // allow "author" to update their own posts
$auth->addChild($author, $updateOwnPost);

Check  Accessing


if (\Yii::$app->user->can('createPost')) {
// create post


public function behaviors()
return [
'access' => [
'class' => AccessControl::className(),
'rules' => [
'allow' => true,
'actions' => ['index'],
'roles' => ['managePost'],
'allow' => true,
'actions' => ['view'],
'roles' => ['viewPost'],
'allow' => true,
'actions' => ['create'],
'roles' => ['createPost'],
'allow' => true,
'actions' => ['update'],
'roles' => ['updatePost'],
'allow' => true,
'actions' => ['delete'],
'roles' => ['deletePost'],


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