Remove a Submodule within git
For many git-based projects, submodules are useful in avoiding duplicate work and easing utility library updates. There are times, however, when a submodule needs to be removed from a project. Submodules aren't removed with git rm submoduledir, they must be removed in a more tedious, manual fashion. There are many unclear explanations of how to remove a submodule but I found one on Stack Overflow that's concise, so I thought I'd share it. The steps are as follows:
- Delete the relevant section from the
file. The section would look similar to:[submodule "vendor"]
path = vendor
url = git:// - Stage the
changes via command line using:git add .gitmodules
- Delete the relevant section from
, which will look like:[submodule "vendor"]
url = git:// - Run
git rm --cached path/to/submodule
. Don't include a trailing slash -- that will lead to an error. - Run
rm -rf .git/modules/submodule_name
- Commit the change:
- Delete the now untracked submodule files
rm -rf path/to/submodule
Those steps will get you rid of that unwanted submodule. A lot harder than adding one, eh?
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