The Foreigner's theme is revenge.The whole story is carried out in two dimensions:political struggle and Jackie Chan's revenge.These two lines are developed and intertwined.
        From the political struggle dimension,when the British government official Liam Hannessy tried to shake the ruling party's regime through small-scale attacks,the development of the situation was gradually getting out of control.Several terrorist attacks in London caused heavy casualties.He could only show his loyalty to London by betrying the partners in the organization. Liam Hannessy grabbed the handle by others,can only be manipulated by others.
        From Mr.Quan's vengeance dimension. Mr.Quan's daughter died in a terrorist attack. Grieved Mr.Quan, embarked on the road to revenge, attempting to get attackers NAME by various means. After asking for help to no avail, Mr.Quan threatened senior official Liam Hannessy to hand out a list of attackers by creating a series of explosions, finally winning the list and killing all the terrorist attackers before the British. In the end, Mr.Quan found that Hannessy was the real behind-the-scenes murderer, ending Hannessy's political career by exposing his scandal.
        The highlight of the film is the high-level political struggle and the vengeance of a small role under the terrorist attacks, and the two lines are intertwined. It reflects the ordinary people's struggle against fate in the international political struggle.

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