
  ORC File,它的全名是Optimized Row Columnar (ORC) file,其实就是对RCFile做了一些优化。


运用ORC File可以提高Hive的读、写以及处理数据的性能。
和RCFile格式相比,ORC File格式有以下优点:
  (2)、支持各种复杂的数据类型,比如: datetime, decimal, 以及一些复杂类型(struct, list, map, and union);
  (4)、基于数据类型的块模式压缩:a、integer类型的列用行程长度编码(run-length encoding);b、String类型的列用字典编码(dictionary encoding);
  (8)、metadata的存储是用 Protocol Buffers的,所以它支持添加和删除一些列。

二、ORC File文件结构

  ORC File包含一组组的行数据,称为stripes,除此之外,ORC File的file footer还包含一些额外的辅助信息。

在ORC File文件的最后,有一个被称为postscript的区,它主要是用来存储压缩参数及压缩页脚的大小。
  在file footer里面包含了该ORC File文件中stripes的信息,每个stripe中有多少行,以及每列的数据类型。

当然,它里面还包含了列级别的一些聚合的结果,比如:count, min, max, and sum。

下图显示出可ORC File文件结构:


  从上图我们可以看出,每个Stripe都包含index data、row data以及stripe footer。Stripe footer包含流位置的目录;Row data在表扫描的时候会用到。
  Index data包含每列的最大和最小值以及每列所在的行。


在默认情况下,最大可以跳过10000行。拥有通过过滤谓词而跳过大量的行的能力,你可以在表的 secondary keys 进行排序,从而可以大幅减少执行时间。

比如你的表的主分区是交易日期,那么你可以对次分区(state、zip code以及last name)进行排序。


  在建Hive表的时候我们就应该指定文件的存储格式。所以你可以在Hive QL语句里面指定用ORCFile这种文件格式,如下:

  5. SET hive.default.fileformat=Orc

所有关于ORCFile的参数都是在Hive QL语句的TBLPROPERTIES字段里面出现,他们是:

Key Default Notes
orc.compress ZLIB high level compression (one of NONE, ZLIB, SNAPPY)
orc.compress.size 262,144 number of bytes in each compression chunk
orc.stripe.size 268435456 number of bytes in each stripe
orc.row.index.stride 10,000 number of rows between index entries (must be >= 1000)
orc.create.index true whether to create row indexes


  1. create table Addresses (
  2. name string,
  3. street string,
  4. city string,
  5. state string,
  6. zip int
  7. ) stored as orc tblproperties ("orc.compress"="NONE");


Integer Column Serialization
Integer columns are serialized in two streams.
  1、present bit stream: is the value non-null?
  2、data stream: a stream of integers
Integer data is serialized in a way that takes advantage of the common distribution of numbers:
  1、Integers are encoded using a variable-width encoding that has fewer bytes for small integers.
  2、Repeated values are run-length encoded.
  3、Values that differ by a constant in the range (-128 to 127) are run-length encoded.
The variable-width encoding is based on Google's protocol buffers and uses the high bit to represent whether this byte is not the last and the lower 7 bits to encode data. To encode negative numbers, a zigzag encoding is used where 0, -1, 1, -2, and 2 map into 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 respectively.

Each set of numbers is encoded this way:
  1、If the first byte (b0) is negative:
    -b0 variable-length integers follow.
  2、If the first byte (b0) is positive:
    it represents b0 + 3 repeated integers
    the second byte (-128 to +127) is added between each repetition
    1 variable-length integer.
In run-length encoding, the first byte specifies run length and whether the values are literals or duplicates. Duplicates can step by -128 to +128. Run-length encoding uses protobuf style variable-length integers.

String Column Serialization

Serialization of string columns uses a dictionary to form unique column values The dictionary is sorted to speed up predicate filtering and improve compression ratios.

String columns are serialized in four streams.
  1、present bit stream: is the value non-null?
  2、dictionary data: the bytes for the strings
  3、dictionary length: the length of each entry
  4、row data: the row values
Both the dictionary length and the row values are run length encoded streams of integers.

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