Throughput吞吐量[ˈθruˌpʊt]  data movement数据移动 [ˈdetə ˈmuvmənt] 

How to improve the Throughput for data movement using ARCMAIN

an average of平均值[ˈævərɪdʒ] 

One of our customer is trying to move data from a 4n2580 to 6n IFX 2.1. 
The BLC compression is ON both the systems. Using an arcmain & restore scripts , they are only able to get an average of GB/hr throughput.

relatively相当的 [ˈrɛlətɪvlɪ]  

It seems relatively slow. Any ideas how it can be improved.

afford承担得起[əˈfɔ:rd]  a downtime of停工期 [ˈdaʊnˌtaɪm]

They have  TB of data on  and can only afford a downtime of  hours.

Deprecated不赞成 [ˈdɛprɪˌket]

Need to have Teradata 16.20 Deprecated list

forgot to mention that忘记提起了

I forgot to mention that Giuseppe's customer had already 130 on the legacy 6K system, so they started already from 120 upon installation of the IFX 2.1.

purchased购买的['pɜ:tʃəst]  responsibility负责的[rɪˌspɑ:nsəˈbɪləti]  budget预算[ˈbʌdʒɪt]  absorb承担[əbˈsɔ:rb] 

CS cost is 70K. Customer has purchased IFX in December , and it is now TD responsibility to move the data. There is no pre-sales / sales budget to  70K and customer won't pay for it.

Community社区[kəˈmjunɪti]   Basal Metabolic Rate基础代谢率[ˈbesəl, -zəl] [ˌmetə'bɒlɪk]  [ret]


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