
SketchUp Pro 2018


Google SketchUp Cookbook

Trimming an Object

使用 Intersect with Model 裁剪物体。

Cutting All Intersected Objects


Using Groups or Components to Create Cutting Objects


  a) 实体模型

  b) 壳状模型



Intersecting with Groups and Components, Without Exploding

上图是 Building with Glass Windows,Building 处于 Exploded 状态(既不是 Group,也不是 Component),Glass Window 是组件(Component)

在 Building 上生成 Intersection edges:选中 Building 所有几何元素 -> 右键菜单 -> Intersect Faces -> with Model

在 Glass Window 上生成 Intersection edges:选中并编辑 Glass Window 组件 -> 选中 Glass Window 所有几何元素 -> 右键菜单 -> Intersect Faces -> with Model

Intersecting with Both Intact and Exploded Components


同时把手组件上保留有 Intersection edges,最后将把手组件放回抽屉正面。

Intersecting Only Selected Objects

这个容易理解,仅在选中的物体上生成 intersection edges。


  a) 先选择一个面

  b) 右键菜单 -> Select -> All with same Material

Intersecting Within a Group or Component

Intersect Faces -> with Context

当你需要在一个组或组件内部产生 intersection edges ,并且不受模型其余部分的影响时,请使用 Intersect Faces with Context

Using Intersect to Trim Components with Themselves


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