

变量:LayerParameter param_ :它里面放的是:body传进来的layerparameter的参数;

BlockingQueue<shared_ptr<QueuePair> > new_queue_pairs_:这是一个队列,它里面放的是一个队列对指针,





变量:shared_ptr<QueuePair> queue_pair_:它是一个队列对的指针,并且用 prefetch*batch_size QueuePair 初始化了指向的queuePair 的实例 ,即里面的 free_ 队列的大小;

shared_ptr<Body> body_: 它是一个类body的指针,

map<const string, boost::weak_ptr<DataReader::Body> > bodies_: 它是一个map的容器,


而它对应的值:是一个指 针,指向了


1,把它的队列对指针queue_pair_ ,并且用 prefetch*batch_size QueuePair 初始化了指向的queuePair 的实例;


3. 初始化上面的参数bodies_, 它的键值为相关的网络层的名字+源数据的路径表示,而值为:与body_相对应的弱指针。


1,把body_指向的空间释放掉,2,把 bodies_ 内的键-值 删除掉,因为里面的弱指针已经过期了。


变量: BlockingQueue<Datum*> free_; 它是一个存放 datum指针的阻塞队列;

BlockingQueue<Datum*> full_;它也是一个存放 datum指针的阻塞队列;






#define CAFFE_DATA_READER_HPP_ #include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector> #include "caffe/common.hpp"
#include "caffe/internal_thread.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/blocking_queue.hpp"
#include "caffe/util/db.hpp" namespace caffe { /**
16 * @brief Reads data from a source to queues available to data layers.
17 * A single reading thread is created per source, even if multiple solvers
18 * are running in parallel, e.g. for multi-GPU training. This makes sure
19 * databases are read sequentially, and that each solver accesses a different
20 * subset of the database. Data is distributed to solvers in a round-robin
21 * way to keep parallel training deterministic.
22 */
class DataReader {
explicit DataReader(const LayerParameter& param);
~DataReader(); inline BlockingQueue<Datum*>& free() const { //返回queue_pair_指向的queuepair里的free_阻塞队列;
return queue_pair_->free_;
inline BlockingQueue<Datum*>& full() const { //返回queue_pair_指向的queuepair里的full_阻塞队列;
return queue_pair_->full_;
} protected:
// Queue pairs are shared between a body and its readers
class QueuePair {
explicit QueuePair(int size); //它初始化时,会为free_阻塞队列里push进去size个 Datum*;
~QueuePair(); //做的就是:把free_与full_里的指针指向的空间释放掉; BlockingQueue<Datum*> free_;
BlockingQueue<Datum*> full_; DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(QueuePair);
}; // A single body is created per source
class Body : public InternalThread {
explicit Body(const LayerParameter& param);
virtual ~Body(); protected:
void InternalThreadEntry(); //定义的入口函数,就是说对于body来说 ,这个线程是干什么的; ,它根据Layerparameter里的路径读取读据到new_queue_pairs_里的指针指向的queuepair中;
void read_one(db::Cursor* cursor, QueuePair* qp); const LayerParameter param_;
BlockingQueue<shared_ptr<QueuePair> > new_queue_pairs_; //这个阻塞队列里的不同的元素与solver_count有关系啊? ,初始化时,就把queue_pair_放进去了啊; friend class DataReader; DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(Body);
}; // A source is uniquely identified by its layer name + path, in case
// the same database is read from two different locations in the net.
static inline string source_key(const LayerParameter& param) { //它做的就是形成一个字符串;
return param.name() + ":" + param.data_param().source();
} const shared_ptr<QueuePair> queue_pair_;
shared_ptr<Body> body_; static map<const string, boost::weak_ptr<DataReader::Body> > bodies_; DISABLE_COPY_AND_ASSIGN(DataReader);
}; } // namespace caffe #endif // CAFFE_DATA_READER_HPP_


 #include <boost/thread.hpp>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector> #include "caffe/common.hpp"
#include "caffe/data_reader.hpp"
#include "caffe/layers/data_layer.hpp"
#include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h" namespace caffe { using boost::weak_ptr; map<const string, weak_ptr<DataReader::Body> > DataReader::bodies_;
static boost::mutex bodies_mutex_; DataReader::DataReader(const LayerParameter& param)
: queue_pair_(new QueuePair( //
param.data_param().prefetch() * param.data_param().batch_size())) {
// Get or create a body
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(bodies_mutex_);
string key = source_key(param);
weak_ptr<Body>& weak = bodies_[key];
//boost::weak_ptr 必定总是通过 boost::shared_ptr 来初始化的。一旦初始化之后,它基本上只提供一个有用的方法: lock()。
//此方法返回的boost::shared_ptr 与用来初始化弱指针的共享指针共享所有权。 如果这个共享指针不含有任何对象,返回的共享指针也将是空的。
body_ = weak.lock();
if (!body_) {
body_.reset(new Body(param));
bodies_[key] = weak_ptr<Body>(body_);
} DataReader::~DataReader() {
string key = source_key(body_->param_);
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(bodies_mutex_);
if (bodies_[key].expired()) {
bodies_.erase(key); //删除一个元素;
} // DataReader::QueuePair::QueuePair(int size) {
// Initialize the free queue with requested number of datums
for (int i = ; i < size; ++i) {
free_.push(new Datum());
} DataReader::QueuePair::~QueuePair() { //释放掉内存;
DataReader::QueuePair::~QueuePair() { //释放掉内存;
Datum* datum;
while (free_.try_pop(&datum)) {
delete datum;
while (full_.try_pop(&datum)) {
delete datum;
} // DataReader::Body::Body(const LayerParameter& param)
: param_(param),
new_queue_pairs_() {
} DataReader::Body::~Body() {
} void DataReader::Body::InternalThreadEntry() {
shared_ptr<db::DB> db(db::GetDB(param_.data_param().backend())); //我真没有看到db::DB的构造函数这样的初始化啊;
db->Open(param_.data_param().source(), db::READ); //创建环境并打开;
shared_ptr<db::Cursor> cursor(db->NewCursor()); //创建了一个cursor用于读取;
vector<shared_ptr<QueuePair> > qps; //从下面的代码可以看出里面装的是阻塞队列 new_queue_pqirs里的指针;
try {
int solver_count = param_.phase() == TRAIN ? Caffe::solver_count() : ; // To ensure deterministic runs, only start running once all solvers
// are ready. But solvers need to peek on one item during initialization,
// so read one item, then wait for the next solver.
for (int i = ; i < solver_count; ++i) { //这个第一个数据是不是特别呢?,还是为了让cursor移动到first position?
shared_ptr<QueuePair> qp(new_queue_pairs_.pop()); //初始化为new_queue_pairs_队列里的第一个元素(里面放的是queuepair的指针;
read_one(cursor.get(), qp.get()); //不同的solver对应的数据在database里是连续存储的??这个solver_count到底是什么东西?
qps.push_back(qp); //在vector的尾部追加一个数据;
// Main loop
while (!must_stop()) { // 有点不明白什么时候退出循环;
for (int i = ; i < solver_count; ++i) {
read_one(cursor.get(), qps[i].get());
// Check no additional readers have been created. This can happen if
// more than one net is trained at a time per process, whether single
// or multi solver. It might also happen if two data layers have same
// name and same source.
CHECK_EQ(new_queue_pairs_.size(), );
} catch (boost::thread_interrupted&) {
// Interrupted exception is expected on shutdown
} // void DataReader::Body::read_one(db::Cursor* cursor, QueuePair* qp) {
Datum* datum = qp->free_.pop(); //可以看出free_与full_共用一组地址;
// TODO deserialize in-place instead of copy?
datum->ParseFromString(cursor->value()); //cursor的value函数返回string形式的data值;
qp->full_.push(datum); // go to the next iter
if (!cursor->valid()) { //意思就是,当valid_值(valid()函数返回的)为false,说明没有找到,从数据开始,重新找)
DLOG(INFO) << "Restarting data prefetching from start.";
cursor->SeekToFirst(); //把curso移动到first位置;
} } // namespace caffe


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